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GPT48 (Seno Otway)

1 byte añadido, 16:00 16 dic 2023
Season 2023/24
1. I got the bus to Rio Verde (see Transport section) and walked back 27KM on the road to the point where the RR leaves the road & runs down to the beach. There is a hut there but it´s locked. From outside the hut I hitched back to Punta Arenas. About 11KM from Rio Verde there is a minefield on LHS of road but it´s clearly marked & fenced off.
2. On my day off I got the Pampa Redonda bus & walked back about 7KM to Punta Arenas Plaza de Armas. The last few KM out of town are not pleasant & there are a lot of loose dogs. Bring a stick & don´t walk this section at night. Just above the last bus stop is a house with a lot of dogs, mostly behind a fence but two were loose & agressiveaggressive. I showed them I had a stick & they backed off. The owner, instead of controlling his dogs, started threatening me. This part is on a public road so you don´t need to tolerate that.
3. I again got the Rio Verde bus, got off at the hut & walked to the beach. There is a jeep track running by the beach for about 8KM. There are a few basic huts along the first 4KM of shore. At a gate I stayed outside the fence near the beach & when the jeep track ran out I walked on the beach at low tide. Easy walking with the wind at my back. I had read Quentin´s report (thanks Quentin) so when I reached the road at the end of the beach I immediately left it & went cross country for several KM towards the military base. You will spot the base from a long way off as there are lots of aerials & a big yellow building. Easy CC walking, there is scrub but I got through it on small cow trails. I stayed back about 800M from the base on sheep tracks and just before the last aerial I rejoined the RR. That way I met no one until I got to Punta Arenas. Before the Estancia marked Museum of Antique Cars on Openstreetmap was a high fence, a bit awkward to get over. Lots of bulls in the fenced field, best to stay about 20 metres away from them. They looked a bit angry when I got closer but didn´t do anything. After the next Estancia you are in forest, some water there & after a few KM there is an Into the Wild bus, not luxury but it has two beds. Better to camp outside it.

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