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GPT44 (Peninsula de Magellanes)

551 bytes añadidos, 22:09 14 dic 2023
Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues
=Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues=
Frank December 2023 info:
Near the frontier I met an Argentinian guide leading a tour group on horseback. He told me I needed a permit to be there & he would report my presence to the park guards. Anyway I went in & out via farmland & only the last 6KM is in the park. There is a fence running across the valley at the park boundary but no signs to indicate you are in the park. No park guards present so it´s not an issue. However if you come in on the alternative route from Laguna Roca you will need to pay the park fee & may need a permit.
=Links to other Resources=

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