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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

5 bytes añadidos, 11:19 11 dic 2023
Season 2023/24
Water,bridge{01} : look like is broken, wet feet crossing. Strong flow and up to ankle at early morning.
Water?{8.7/1298} : dry at river crossing, but is still flowing at downstream, after you cross the stream, dont climb up immediately, there is a side trail on your right side to downstream, follow it about 1 min, you'll hear water flowing, water spot is on your right side, but is overgrown and muddy, not easy to get close. It has a small pool and like a spigot (2min/L).
Water?{11.8/1648} : excellent spot, water flowing good with clear and coldwater, has a huge shade for lunch or a break, also a sandy spot for 1 tent.

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