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GPT25H (Aldea Escolar)

706 bytes añadidos, 23:03 1 sep 2023
Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns
==Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns==
Trevelin is a large town with all necessary amenities for resupply and rest.La Anonima supermarket is 2KM south of the centre. There are 2 shops with hiking gear. Lodging options are primarily cabañas, but there is one local hospidaje. A bus to Esquel, a slightly larger town with more grocery and lodging options, runs every hour for 42 pesos. It is also worth noting there is a hospital in both towns. Although we spent a fair amount of time in the Esquel hospital, we heard rumours the Trevelin one was way nicer. Who were we to complain though, Argentinean healthcare is free!
In Aldea Escolar itself, there are at least three basic food shops and accommodation at Cabañas Rosa.
==Resupply and Accommodation along the Route==

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