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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

4 bytes eliminados, 18:02 7 abr 2023
Season 2021/22
The camp (02-D)(1,3/2800) at S33°57.791', W070°25.710' were full of snow at this time of year.
===Season 2021/22===
* 2021 Nov-20 / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Kris&Stiina
First gate from El Melocoton was closed, but you can just go around to the left and jump the fence. As mentioned by Anthony, there is no water at the marked water point -33 43.298' -070 20.705', but there is water at -33 44.474' -070 21.204'. Nice camp spot a few 100m ahead [S33.73625 W070.35510]. Sufficient water available up to pass (water from melting snowfields).
Way from about 2800 a.s.l. was partly covered by snowfields which could be crossed without problem. After pass sufficient water until "Important Sobo: last water 50km" available. After that only a small trickle at: "Important Sobo: last water 25km???". (Should be filtered). We used Emergency Exit 1 because our water filter and tent was broken. The worker at the gate was surprised but very friendly. The internal Securitas checked our passports and then drove us to Rancagua. All employees were very friendly and helpful.  
==Season 2020/21==

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