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GPT25P - Lago Amutui Quimei

De Wikiexplora
Revisión del 08:33 28 abr 2019 de Jandudeck (Discusión | contribuciones) (Regular Route)

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Lago Amutui Quimei

This is a simplified track file, not suitable for navigation on terrain. To get the detailed file see the following section on the main Greater Patagonian Trail article

__ Main trail
__ Packrafting

Instructions to follow the track in your smartphone
Mammut mobile.gif Wikiexplora.gif 347X140 wikiexplora.gif OR.gif
Summary (editar)
Activity Trekking
Location Argentina, Esquel
Atractions Vistas panorámicas
Duration días
"Días" no está en la lista de valores posibles (3 horas o menos, 1/2 día, 3/4 día, 1 día, 1 día y medio, 2 días, 3 días, 4 días, 5 días, 3 - 5 días, 6 - 7 días, 8 - 10 días, 11 - 14 días, 15 - 20 días, 20 - 25 días, 26 - 35 días, 36 - 60 días, 61 - 89 días, más de 90 días) para esta propiedad.
Trail Siempre Claro
Signage Inexistente
Infraestructure Inexistente
Topology Cruce
Gain/Loss (meters) +1030, -1203
Distance (k) 47.4
Skills No requiere
Original creator Jan Dudeck
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Section Statistics

Basic statistics

GPT25P: Lago Amutui Quimei
Traversable Nov - Apr (Conditionally: Sep, Oct, May)
Packraft Required (11.8 km | 11.8 % on Water)
Hiking Packrafting
Attraction No Rating 3 / 5
Difficulty No Rating 43591
Distance - 47.4 km | 14 h
Direction None Both ↓↑
Comment Hiking: Packraft required
Packrafting: ↓ Southbound exploration appears preferable
Status Published and Verified, To be Recorded by GPS BY EXPERTS ONLY
Zone E: Zona Rios y Lagos Argentinos
Region Argentina: Chubut
Start Lago Kruger Lodge
Finish Aldea Escolar , (Río Futalaufú)
Previous Section Next Section Alternative Section
GPT24H or GPT24P GPT26 or GPT70P GPT25H

Section Planning Status

Recommended Travel Period

Benefits of Hiking and Packrafting

Recommended Travel Direction

Section Length and Travel Duration

Section Attractiveness

Section Difficulty


Resupply Towns at Start, Finish and off Route

Resupply en Route

Access to Route

Permits, Entry Fees, Right-of-Way Issues

Regular Route

Regular Packrafting Route

Elevation Profile of Regular Packrafting Route

Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)

Comments to Regular Packrafting Route

Summarising route description to be issued.

Route description by Kara Davis after Season 2017/18:

GPT25P begins just after the Lago Krügger take-out and follows alongside Río Frey, a Class III/IV river, which flows into Embalse (Reservoir) Amutui Quimei. It is not recommended to packraft on the reservoir, except for the crossing because of frequent strong winds. As stated in the website below, it is illegal to camp on the shore of Embalse Amutui Quimei so plan accordingly. The Futaleufú Hydroelectric Complex, a dam at the mouth of the famous Río Futaleufú, is located on the southern end of Embalse Amutui Quimei.

Find more information here: https://www.revolvy.com/page/Amutui-Quimey-Reservoir

Comment by Jan Dudeck: GPT25P was traversed twice in recent years and is a and difficult packrafting route. DON’T attempt to paddle to the south-eastern end of the lake but only cross the lake in one of the rare calm moments.

Optional Routes

Investigation and Exploration Tasks


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