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(Section Difficulty)
(Section Planning Status)
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==Section Planning Status==
==Section Planning Status==
The Regular Route of GPT33H was completely redrawn in 2020 to incorporate the Torres de Avellano into the GPT. Most of the new Regular Route was hiked by the founders of the GPT in February 2020 and the remaining unverified gravel roads of the Regular Route are clearly visible on satellite images. Therefore, the '''Regular Route''' can be considered '''verified'''.
==Recommended Travel Period==
==Recommended Travel Period==

Revisión del 21:28 15 mar 2020

This article is just a draft. You can help by expanding and improving its content


This is a simplified track file, not suitable for navigation on terrain. To get the detailed file see the following section on the main Greater Patagonian Trail article

__ Main trail
__ Packrafting

Instructions to follow the track in your smartphone
Mammut mobile.gif Wikiexplora.gif 347X140 wikiexplora.gif OR.gif
Summary (editar)
Activity Trekking
Location Chile, Coyhaique
Atractions Vistas panorámicas
Duration días
"Días" no está en la lista de valores posibles (3 horas o menos, 1/2 día, 3/4 día, 1 día, 1 día y medio, 2 días, 3 días, 4 días, 5 días, 3 - 5 días, 6 - 7 días, 8 - 10 días, 11 - 14 días, 15 - 20 días, 20 - 25 días, 26 - 35 días, 36 - 60 días, 61 - 89 días, más de 90 días) para esta propiedad.
Trail Siempre Claro
Signage Inexistente
Infraestructure Inexistente
Topology Cruce
Gain/Loss (meters) +1071, -1198
Distance (k) 40.6
Skills No requiere
Original creator Jan Dudeck
Download KMZ/GPX Debes registrarte para descargar. Formulario es BREVISIMO
Para ver estos botones debes registrarte. Toma 30 segundos: es un formulario minusculo, de solo 3 campos obligatorios.

Recent Alerts and Suggestions

Season Section Log

  • 10 Mar 2020 / RH SOBO / Ty / 1 day

Super easy in general. I was able to get a hitch for like the last 10 kilometers. There’s a lot of different trail you can wander off on at the start of the sendero de Chile, so just be aware of your navigation at the start. The only good easily accessible water I found was between the two lakes before the intersection where you start walking the road. The ferry to Chile Chico leaves around 8 and takes a couple hours. Otherwise the next ferry leaves at 11 am....but make sure to confirm these times yourself. When arriving in Chile Chico, I climbed up to the viewpoint/mirador close to the ferry landing and found a place protected on the wind and slept on the ground. There is also an abandoned house marked in I-overlander that has an area in a room big enough for a 2 person tent. It’s on your right just before the climb up to the mirador.

  • Jan 2020 / RH Northbound / Matthieu / 2 days

No technical difficulties on this part. However, I was stopped, when the GPT leave the road to go between the two lakes, by a sign : área protegida, ingreso no permitido. For me, it was cristal clear, so I just continued the road, disappointed. I spoke to one of the settler not far, who told me that it was only for cars and it s ok for walkers, and that it is part of the "Sendero de Chile". So the way seems open finally. Anyway, there is another little path just before the lago Ardillas that goes north, and join the GPS tracks above the Valley Ibanez. Well maintained, in the hills, lots of cows, good experience.

  • 2019 Jan/ Olrik / Northbound

From Ibanez you walk on a dirt road to the entrance of a Reserva Natural. You are on the Sendero de Chile so it is well marked. In the reserva the trail is easy to follow and there was no one. You end up in Cerro Castillo. We did it in 2.5 days but could be done in 1 day if beginning early.

  • 2019-Nov-28/ Lea Geibel/ 1 day / Northbound / Regular Hiking Route (Puerto Ibañez to Villa Cerro Castillo)/

After arriving with the ferry at 10.30 a.m., the section can be hiked in one day (around 8 hours of walking). Most of the section is on a dirt road with very little traffic. The part that is following a trail is marked with posts with red / white rings on them. Occasionally the trail is not very visible but numerous animals tracks are usually heading in the right direction before eventually meeting up with a trail marker again.

Summary Table

GPT33H: Torres de Avellano Hiking Packrafting
Group H: Aysen Sur Total 157.0 km 49 h 147.6 km 44 h
Region Chile: Aysén (XI) Trails (TL) 45.6 km 29.10% 25.9 km 17.60%
Start Villa Cerro Castillo Minor Roads (MR) 93.0 km 59.20% 73.3 km 49.70%
Finish Puerto Ingeniero Ibañez (Puerto) Primary Roads (PR) 3.7 km 2.30% 2.3 km 1.60%
Status Published & Verified Cross-Country (CC) 14.3 km 9.10% 15.1 km 10.20%
Traversable Dec - Mar (Maybe: Nov, Apr) Bush-Bashing (BB) 0.4 km 0.20% 0.4 km 0.30%
Packraft Deployable Ferry (FY) - - - -
Connects to GPT32, GPT33P, GPT34H, GPT34P Investigation (I) (5.2 km) (3.3%) - -
Options 382 km (9 Options & Variants) Exploration (EXP) - - - -
Hiking Packrafting Total on Water 30.5 km 20.7%
Attraction 5 (of 5) 5 (of 5) River (RI) 1.7 km 1.2%
Difficulty 5 (of 5) 5 (of 5) Lake (LK) 28.8 km 19.5%
Direction Both ↓↑ Both ↓↑ Fjord (FJ) - -
Comment -
Character Semi-Desert, Forest, Alpine Terrain, Glaciers, Mountain Pastures, Farmland, Settlers, River Packrafting, Lake Packrafting, Road Walking
Challenges Demanding River Fords, Exposure to Elements, Clambering, Bush Bashing, Demanding Navigation, Resupply Distance, Possibly Impassable

Satellite Image Map

Elevation Profile

Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route

Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)

Elevation Profile of Regular Packrafting Route

[[File:|frame|center|Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)]]


The Torres de Avellano are an assembly of granite towers that rise 1000 m into the sky. Glaciers are nested on the flanks of these mountains and glacier lakes compose the base of this panorama. The Torres de Avellano display an epic beauty coequal to the world-famous Torres del Paine but the wild beauty of the Torres de Avellano comes without the hype and the large hordes of visitors. Therefore, hikers can enjoy this hidden treasure undisturbed and without the restrictions of an overrun and heavily regulated national park.

This highlight is embedded in a diverse route that traverses the semi-desert of the Patagonian Pampa, sneaks along the shore of the largest lake of Chile and provides a taster of the settler’s culture.

Section Attractiveness

The in 2020 published Regular Route of GPT33H combines an exceptional diversity of landscapes:

  • The tree-less semi-desert of the Patagonian Pampa
  • Lush green forests
  • Wide open pastures above the tree-line
  • Tall mountains and granite towers
  • Glaciers that grind on these mountains and carved several glacier lakes
  • Swamps and crystal-clear rivers
  • Idyllic farmland with settlers that move on horseback
  • A huge wind-battered lake that feels like open sea

Despite these attractions the number of visitors remains low and the few hikers normally walk a fraction of this route only.

This diversity makes section GPT33H a highlight of the GPT with an Attractiveness Rating 5 of 5.

Some hikers might find the long gravel roads on both ends of the regular route annoying even if the traffic is insignificant. Hikers with a strong aversion to road walking should consider taking a motorized transport. Trying to hitchhike is also an option but chances to catch a ride are relatively low. Therefore, keep walking while signaling your interest to hitchhike to the occasionally passing vehicles.

Section Difficulty

The regular route incorporates 2 km of cross country walking through steep piles of boulders [RR-CC-A@33H-62.1+1.9] and around 0.4 km of bush bashing [RR-BB-A@33H-64.0+0.4]. Another 4 km [RR-CC&BB-A@33H-64.4+4.2] require a mix of cross country walking and bush bashing partly through swamps. Therefore, hikers that feel uncomfortable clambering over rocks and smashing through vegetation may opt to walk only to the pass [Pass 1310m @33H-62.2], enjoy the view of the Torres de Avellano, backtrack on the same route to diversion [Div @33H-54.6] and then follow GPT33H Option 2 which is a less demanding trail in the valley along Rio Avellano [OH-TL-V@33H-02-#001].

The regular route also climbs to 1300 m altitude where weather can become hostile even in summer. Therefore, the elevated and exposed part of the Regular Route should only be hiked in decent weather. GPT33H Option 2 is a lower, less exposed trail that provides a bypass around the Torres de Avellano in case of poor climatic conditions [OH-TL-V@33H-02-#001].

Some trails are rarely used, poorly maintained and therefore difficult to follow. In particular trail [RR-TL-V@33H-54.6+2.5] and [RR-TL-V@33H-68.6+1.4] are partly vaguely visible. Here hikers should frequently consult their GPS to not lose these trails.

Rio Avellano must be crossed at least once [Ford (Rio Avellano) @33H-81.4]. These fords of Rio Avellano might be difficult or unsafe at times. Therefore, good judgement and a careful selection of river crossing locations is essential. The flow rate of this glacier feed river is normally lower in the morning and on colder cloudy days. If a river crossing on foot appears unsafe i.e. after heavy rain or on hot sunny days (accelerated melting of glaciers) you may ask the settlers for help. The settlers normally ford this river on horseback.

The trail along the shore of Lago General Carrera is partly on the edge of steep cliffs. Hikers with vertigo (acrophobia / fear of height) will find these trail segments scary and tripping in these parts can be fatal.

The length of this section requires a good amount of food that makes the backpack heavy at the beginning.

Due to the above listed challenges the Difficulty Rating is 5 of 5.

Section Planning Status

The Regular Route of GPT33H was completely redrawn in 2020 to incorporate the Torres de Avellano into the GPT. Most of the new Regular Route was hiked by the founders of the GPT in February 2020 and the remaining unverified gravel roads of the Regular Route are clearly visible on satellite images. Therefore, the Regular Route can be considered verified.

Recommended Travel Period

Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues

Section Length and Travel Duration

Recommended Travel Direction

Benefits of Hiking and Packrafting

Suitable Section Combinations

Combining GPT35 with GPT33H

Combining GPT33H with GPT32


Resupply in Villa Cerro Castillo

Resupply on the Trail

Access to Route and Return

Escape Options

Regular Hiking Route

Regular Packrafting Route

Optional Routes

GPT33H Option 1 Valle Ibañez

GPT33H Option 2 Torres de Avellano Bypass

GPT33H Option 3 Carretera Austral

GPT33H Option 4 Puerto Cristal

GPT33H Option 5 Valle Miller

GPT33H Option 6 Altiplano Este

GPT33H Option 7 Ruta Alto Norte

GPT33H Option 8 Valle Resbalín

GPT33H Option 9 Laguna Verde

GPT33H Option 10 Río Murta

GPT33H Option 11 Lago General Carrera Oeste

Investigations and Explorations

Links to other Resources

Route Development and Contributors

Alerts and Logs of Past Seasons