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Glaciar La Paloma (english)

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==Route description ==
[[Image:Trekking glaciar la paloma.jpg|thumb|170px|left|trekking map]]
[[Image: Perfil_Glaciar_La_Paloma.png|thumb|200px|right|Glacier Trekking Profile La Paloma. The vertical scale is increased.]]
At the end of the picnic area of Villa Paulina, where the road vehicle, about 1900 m, there is a sign:'' 'The Glacier'''. You should follow a well marked trail that runs along the eastern shore of Yerba Loca, rising progressively. The route is always the bottom of the valley, making it impossible to lose. At first, the trail goes along with small trees and shrubs, which gradually disappear as you get higher. Some watersheds cross the path. After about 3 hours has been reached mid-mountain landscape of bare rock. In about four hours, is '''The Tin''', where there is a sort of an ancient building foundations. From this point is already visible in the distance above the falls to climb before Piedra Carvajal. This cascade, less than an hour from La Lata, is a good place to rest and water supply. Then the path is facing a steeper section, a sort of step at which the valley rises sharply. The trail zigzags to trace it. It is the toughest stretch of the walk. Once this point, there is a vast plain of grass and meadows populated mountain range. At the beginning of this plain in the west bank of the river, is '''Piedra Carvajal''' (3280m), a makeshift shelter among the rocks. May have traces of ancient travelers, including leftovers. Then they must cross the plain, also
[[Image: Piedra_carvajal.jpg|thumb|170px|right|Glacier La Paloma from Piedra Carvajal]]
known as'' 'field of Mars''', provided by the west bank of the estuary. Finished this point, the path loss between the carries of the moraine of the glacier. It should then go up the loose soil by the same bank for which we have been walking. The terrain is difficult and we must be careful not to fall, but after half an hour of effort in this area you reach a balcony with a beautiful view of the glacier La Paloma. <br> <br> <br> [[Image:Mirador glaciar la paloma.jpg|thumb|200px|left| Mirador del Glaciar La Paloma. Image: [http://www.innovacionsocial.cl Constanza Miranda]]]
===Expected Time===

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