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Greater Patagonian Trail

1 byte añadido, 13:20 14 jun 2017
Bethany Hughes and Lauren Reed
Bethany and Lauren are on their way to traverse the length of the Americas by non-motorized means to connect stories of the land and its inhabitants. They started in December 2015 in Ushuaia on the southern tip of the continent and were the first to walk the entire length of the GPT. We got in touch before they commenced their endeavor and while they walked northbound I developed the trail southbound. This resulted in a very fertile exchange of ideas and routes. Bethany and Lauren “gound-truthed” and recorded several of the hiking sections of the GPT in central Patagonia based on my drafts. This was a very important support since I traveled with my wife primarily the packraft options in central Patagonia. The following year, around October 2016, they asked me for my advice how to continue their journey north which led me to develop the fife northern section of the GPT extending the trail all the way to Santiago. Independently from Gerald Kramer Klamer they investigated and recorded these fife sections in the Precordillera (GPT01 to GPT05).
[[File:Gerald_Klamer.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT05: Gerald Klamer investigating and recording the route around Laguna del Maule. Image: Gerald Klamer]]
====Gerald Klamer====
Hiked on the GPT: Southbound all sections from GPT01 to GPT11

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