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Greater Patagonian Trail

1221 bytes añadidos, 22:25 23 may 2017
The Art of Walking on the Greater Patagonian Trail
In the following section I try to rectify potentially incorrect assumptions and outline the essentials for hiking on this trail.
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==Update in Progress==
I have written most of this trail description in 2015. Since then we returned twice to Patagonia to hike and paddle the southern extension all the way to the Southern Patagonian Icefield and we investigated various alternative routes in the northern and central area of this trail. Other hikers have walked the northern extension to Santiago and contributed with GPS records to refine the regular route and numerous optional side tracks. With this the GPT has doubled in length to approximately 3000 km and the number and length of all the additional options has growing exponentially.
More people have attempted to hike major parts of the trails. The majority
and there are several lessons learned.
I'm now updating the entire trail documentation to incorporate all these extensions, trail corrections and additional options. Due to the northern extension the section numbering is changing completely and I'm also improving the track nomenclature to facilitate a better understanding and documentation of the countless options. This ongoing update currently results in inconsistencies of this trail documentation. Please have this in mind when reading this article and downloading files.
==The Art of Walking on the Greater Patagonian Trail==

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