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Greater Patagonian Trail

613 bytes añadidos, 13:05 25 jul 2015
The Greater Patagonian trail is not an official trail that was planned and set up by a government agency. It’s better: it’s a compilation of the most beautiful and diverse trails, minor roads and cross country sections through the Patagonian Andes selected by a passionate hiker.
Without any doubt substantially longer more challenging hikes have been done in this region and on this continent. See “…” that lists some remarkable adventures and epic hikes in this area.
The objective of this trail is not to top any of these adventures but to provide a well-documented and well-hikeable trail for experienced and passionate hikers. To the knowledge of the author the Greater Patagonian Trail is the first and currently only long distance hiking trail in South America that is continuous, documented in detail, exceeds the 500 mile or 800 km distance mark and largely avoids roads.

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