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GPT28P (Bajo Rio Palena)

80 bytes añadidos, El sábado a las 01:22
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Camped after day 1 here: -43.899418, -72.857532. I downloaded the tides and wanted to start late in the day to use the tide to the full advantage (high tide was 10:32 AM) and I started 10:30 AM. The effect of the tide (2m at RMB) was definitely noticeable. In hindsight I should have started earlier as I was facing havy headwind as the other days but as there was less current progress was slow (day 1: 6.6 km/h day 2: 3.9 km/h).
Arrived at Ferry, Camp {28P} [64.7/5] at 13:30 PM. Went trough the canal which is very calm with very slow current. As low tide was at 16:42 PM I carried the boat 900m over a bank from: -43.803283, -72.917054 to -43.797686, -72.932112 to have sufficient time during low tide. Arrived at RMB at 16:50 PM. Stayed at Camping Chungungo Expediciones Raúl Marín B. which was really nice.
Overall very nice calm and easy river, at this point in time with the given waterlevel and conditions.

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