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GPT16 (Volcan Quetrupillan)

763 bytes añadidos, 21:50 2 abr 2024
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*2024-Mar-24 to 2024-Mar- / 4.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / 04 02 RR B / Matthias de Austria
No snowfields, Tabanos, Mosquitos and only very easy fords. Clean water is limited. Laguna Azul nice for a swim.
Started in Pucon, going for 04 Villarrica Traverese, the one Uber on Sunday forenoon does not want the job up to the ski center, and hitchhiking is harder then expected on this sunny, blue sky sunday. So first lots of road hiking, got 3 short rides later on.
Entry fee is 8k, friendly ranger, you get a map, not that useful though. The ranger paints the possible campsites on it. First camp at xxx, very brown, sandy, fast stream closeby.
Second camp at ranger camp xxx (noone around there).
Ridge before X 44.5km partly overgrown and lots of fallen trees. Camp nearby close to the waterfalls, some stonewalls for tents but no larger vegetation.
Work in progress

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