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GPT28H (La Tapera)

658 bytes añadidos, 01:58 6 sep 2023
Season 2022/23
Contact: @martin_hanzelka @helenneka
*2023 Feb-1 NOBO 2 days Frank
Rio Cisnes was easily fordable in early February, less than knee deep. I was surprised how much it had dropped - in November it was head height. All fords less than knee deep when I went through. Early on day 2 I reached a settlement at ford 39.4. Don't ford the river here but go right just before the ford on a small road which leads to another, easier ford & bypasses the settlement. You rejoin the RR after the easier ford. When you are nearing Lago Verde it's quicker to go left on the optional route which leads straight to Lago Verde without going through Argentina. You go through a puesto but there was no one there.
==Season 2021/22==

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