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GPT01 - Cerro Purgatorio

1 byte añadido, 22:51 2 abr 2023
Season Section Log, Recent Alerts and Suggestions
Nice campground with small swimming pool at the back of the small river at Camp 01 [4/29/1415].
Several campsites on the river around El Melocoton.
===Season 2020/21===
Next water source is ~14km after, but with also ~1000m of uphill, so be mindful of the time to get into there. Btw, this water source has a small cascate and pond that is great to jump in and refresh. Just walk ~10m into the upstream.
The Metro line 4 to Puente Alto is currently out of operation due to vandalism during the current protests. Check online for current the status and delete this alert once metro operation to Puente Alto resumes.
===Season 2018/19===

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