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Wikiexplora on Google Earth

De Wikiexplora
Revisión del 14:40 11 nov 2016 de Joaquin.baranao (Discusión | contribuciones) (Texto reemplazado: « » por « »)

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There are two simple simple ways of getting al the Wikiexploa routes in your Google Earth. Any of those need to be done just once.

  • Download and save this file. Right-click and then select "Save file as" (IE) or "Save link as" (Firefox, Chrome). Once the file is in your computer, open it with Google Earth. And that's all!. To see the content select the main folder and all the submenus will appear. Remember to move the folder from "Temporary places" to "My places" the first time you open it.
  • You can also do it manually. Launch Google Earth, select the "Add" tab and click on "Network lonk". Choose whatever name you want and then copy this address on "Link": http://www.wikiexplora.com/gearth/wikiexplora.kmz, luego haz click en "Aceptar".

Now you will have a Wikiexplora folder that will show you all the routes of the site, permanently updated because they are hosted in the Wikiexplora server and not in your hard drive. It will show you the new routes as they are added to the site.