GPT71 (Espolon)
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* '''Start Date to Finish Date (use Format YYYY-MMM-DD) / Duration in Days / Hiking or Packrafting / Travel Direction (SOBO for Southbound or NOBO Northbound) / Chosen Route and/or Option Name (RR for Regular Route) / Names or Alias'''
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* <span style="background-color:aqua;">'''YYYY-MMM-DD / X days / Packrafting / SOBO / RP / Your name'''</span>.
Include remarks about your route useful for other hikers and packrafters, alerts, suggestions and personal perception of attractiveness and difficulties. Try to be specific. Do not be shy to fix obvious mistakes.
Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions
Season 2025/26
Season 2024/25
- 2025-02-08/ 4 hours / Packrafting/ SOBO/ New option - Rio Espolón / Tomáš&Thijmen
We hitched to the beginning of Rio Espolón, here: -43.21010, -71.92778. There was a sign indicating the path after the bridge is private. We walked along the shore to here: -43.21366, -71.93230, where we put in. Met some cyclists who went to see the rapids upstream. (Class VI, big waterfall and tunnel in there. The only person who tried it died, we were told.) So the private access is probably not a big deal. The river to the bridge at Futaleufu here: -43.18768, -71.87304 is at this time and water level rather class I+, the only class II rapid is here: -43.18506, -71.87652 (very walkable). You could easily take out just before, there is a road. Prepare for ground contact if you miss the best line. There were some sticks that could be easily avoided. The river is flowing but not super fast. Some "improvements" to riverbanks and people bathing. At the bridge, we met an English speaking guy who had been coming to town for the water for thirty years before moving here. He lent us helmets and took us to the lower part of the river. It is still creek-like, meaning it does not have so much water, but there are more rapids (up to class II+ maybe, with more water class III, it is said) and it is quite fun. Take out here: -43.19950, -71.87043. We went right. Because the guy's family was picking him up, but look at Strava – there is a much shorter bath back to town on the left bank. Especially the lower part is a fun running water, but a bit above the difficulty that you would normally expect on the GPT.
- 9Jan2025 - 12jan2025 / hiking eastbound / RR + OH1 (Lago Espolon) / 4 days / Allie and Clara
From Chaiten hitchhike to El Amarillo (much cars, also a bus at 12am).
After El amarillo, long MR with almost no cars and many tabaños. Termas El amarillo (hotsprings 88.0) are closed with workers on it, seems they are constructing camping/ cabañas. We were lucky that some workers of one of the last puesto on the road proposed us a ride until the bridge at 70.3.
Then it's an ascent on MR more like a trail with really nice views on the valley and glaciar of volcan michinmahuida until puesto 67.0. Really nice settlers all along. They told us we could camp before Rio Michinmahuida and that the fords are easy for now.
We camped at -42,88746, -72,33896 just before the river. Very nice spot.
Ford Rio Michinmahuida 66.6 : large river but easy, up to knee even in afternoon.
Then good trail, well maintained and easy to follow until the puesto of Don Jaime at 58.0. He told us that he didn't see any hikers since 2020 but that people of the valley used to go through the pass by horse regularly.
Ford 58.7 is not ford of Rio mallines but one of his affluent that is not on OSM. not more than mid calf, flowing slow.
After puesto of Don Jaime : navigation becomes more demanding ! There are multiple tracks and lots of cow paths going anywhere. Again trail sometimes going away from the gps tracks and going back on it. Slows us a lot. Some small parts overgrown but there is always a good trail under it with recent horse steps. Also marsh parts (even after dry weather).
Around this point -42,92803, -72,23085, the trail joined back the same river that is not on OSM. Then it crosses the river several times (around knee). It seems to have trails on the 2 sides of the river.
We camped in a really nice spot with views on montains around, just before the last ford of this river at -42,92678, -72,22347.
After, it's the ascent to the pass. Mostly trail easy to follow. Tracks are sometimes very precise, sometimes not. Better to follow fresh horse steps. Few short parts overgrown or with sleepery steep mud but mostly good.
Going down to the pass, less steep but marsh and several easy fords around mid calf. Need GPS as there are cow paths and lots of parallel trails and better to stay on the "principal one".
Around here -42,94528, -72,17471 there is a puesto, not written in gps, and then trail becomes easier to follow.
2 fords not written in the tracks (of the big river going to lago Espolon) -42,95105, -72,15224 and -42,96028, -72,15236. First one was fast flowing begining of afternoon, until mid thighs (I'm 1.57m). Second easy. After the second one it's easy dirt road. More and more settler along it until you arrive to a bus stop (-43,01878, -72,07040) in front of Milio house.
We met Milio that proposed us to camp on his lands. Had a lot of delicious frambuesas. We cooked and ate with him. He played guitar and sang for us.
At this last bus stop you can take a bus to Lago Espolon and then directly take the ferry. There are few cars of the settlers passing also. After ferry, again a bus waiting to go to futaleufu. Each bus is 800 CLP pp and ferry 500 CLP pp.
Water : good streams crossing almost all along. Even when going up to the pass there is a river but maybe will be dry later in summer.
Season 2023/24
Season 2018/19
- 2019-Jan-01 to 2019-Jan-05 / 5 days / Hiking / SoBo / Martin Lizondo
Long and beautifull route, if well demanding.
The Río Turbio crossing isn’t a problem anymore as it has a bridge now at 42°52'51"S 72°22'13"W. There are two very difficult river crossings in this section. One is Río Michimahuida at 42°53'15"S 72°20'19"W. It’s possible to cross with water up to the hips. There live some settlers who can help you cross with horses. The next river is Río de los Mallines, which is 42°55'19"S 72°16'57"W. Much more strong and difficult, you may require help with horses too. The last settler of that valley is called “Chayo” Pezo and he lives with his son Jaime at 42°55'27"S 72°16'32"W. Very gentle, they offer bed, mate and bread.
Near to the mountain pass the trail is confusing and becomes lost in some mallines, so fresh steps and wood cuts are the best signaling. Signs of old cattle use are visible everwhere if well the route was practically abandoned since the last volcano’s eruption. The valley of Espolon isn’t hard, is mostly well marked and there are many well built bridges. Remeber to say hello and spend some time chating with settlers. The don’t require money for their help.
The Lagos de las Rosas trail is perfectly marked and daily used.
Resupply and Accommodation
Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns
Resupply and Accommodation along the Route
- 2019 / Martin Lizondo
The last settler of that valley is called “Chayo” Pezo and he lives with his son Jaime at 42°55'27"S 72°16'32"W. Very gentle, they offer bed, mate and bread.
Transport to and from Route
Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues
Links to other Resources
Retired Section Article GPT71 - Espolón