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GPT14 (Volcan Sollipulli)

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* '''Start Date to Finish Date (use Format YYYY-MMM-DD) / Duration in Days / Hiking or Packrafting / Travel Direction (SOBO for Southbound or NOBO Northbound) / Chosen Route and/or Option Name (RR for Regular Route) / Names or Alias'''

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Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions

Season 2025/26

Season 2024/25

  • 2025-Feb-05 to 2025-Feb-10 / 4,5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR, 14-01 (Sollipulli Summit), 14-C / Farah & Jan

Combined GPT14 and 15 and took 6,5 hiking days in total including the Sollipulli Summit ascent.

Highlights: Araucaria forests, Piñones Challenges: Overgrown trails

Started in the afternoon at Laguna Chica de Icalma and camped at a small laguna some hundred meters off the RR at (S 38°52.007' W 71°22.804'). The section indicated in the manual as potentially overgrown, was indeed overgrown. Had to fight our way through vegetation and regretted that we didn’t bring a machete.

The creek at camp [22.4/1158] had dried out, so we took the 14-C detour to the lake {14-C} [0.9/1535] to fill our water bladders.

Found an araucaria tree with a low hanging ripe piña that we harvested and later peeled and cooked - sabroso!

Locked gate at S 38°53.3561’ W 71°27.0191’, that we had to climb over.

Camped at S 38°53,4797’ W 71°27.8106’ next to the river.

The next day we climbed another locked gate at S 38°53.6540’ W 71°29.4936’. Hiked only half a day, took the afternoon off and camped at S 38°54.5929’ W 71°29.9113’, at a small camp ground for 10 luca per night for two ppl and one tent.

Ascended to the Nevados de Sollipulli summit the next morning on the CONAF path (14-1), which was easy to walk. A properly maintained hiking path in the beginning and volcanic gravel further up. Then enjoyed another relaxed afternoon at the camp ground.

Next day we continued to the camp at [46.9/1091]. Easy road walking on a private road, between a forest and a beautiful river bed with little traffic (only a few 4WDs).

The next day we bought some food at the Mini Shop at [57.8/856], which had a way better selection than the shops in Reigolil center. Would’ve fully resupplied there, if we had known that already. Continued to the bridge at [59.8/835] and spent some relaxing hours next to and in the river. The fast food restaurant in Reigolil was closed, so no restaurant food for us. Resupplied at the shop at [60.0/838] with a very limited choice of foods and continued onto GPT15.

  • 2025-02-08 to 2025-02-10 / 2.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RH+Var A+RR+OH01 volcano+RR/ Dorota Szparaga

Day 1: At 3 p.m. from Icalma, I took variant OH1 till km.17.9 of RR. It was Saturday and "feria" en ICalma, so there were a lot of cars on OH1. In ICalma, I bought coffee y sopapillas de piñones. There were fodder tracks and many shops there. Without cars, this option is not so bad because you can admire the lake. I joined RR crossing the fence. Then the trail went through a very calm and beautiful forest. Some fences, but easy to cross. Then I took Var C to camp at the lake.

Day 2: a little crazy. I started very early to reach the point of the park ranger before 11 a.m. taking RR. Some fences, sometimes I needed to pass under them. There was nobody in "puestos". Part between km 30.9/29.6 and 31.9/30.9 of 1 km is something like a technical road to the installation managing water from the river. The last part I passed by a big pipe. I was not sure it was safe. I arrived 5 minutes before 11. Guardaparques was very polite and took care of my backpack. After me, two guys passed by the entrance without a problem. But I think that it is better to be there before 11. There is no possibility of camping near the entrance to the trail on Vulcan. Then I took the variant OH1 to Vulcan. The trail was very easy and touristy. The last part from 2000 height there was snow, but the trail is on the left side. The views were amazing. Then I came back the same route. The guardaparques has a camp on var H, point -38.90999,-71.49837 for 10000 clp. It is about 1.5 km before the park and there are good signs to this place. It is a very nice place close to the river: bathrooms, picnic tables, and a place to charge phones. Also, there was a net - Entel.

Day 3: Very easy and climatic trail to Ragolil. The rivers are calm and not deep. There is camping before Ragolil "Rayem mapu" at point -39.08640, -71.46810. Before the village Reigolil I met "micro" . The driver stopped to take me to his house - he has "hospedaje" for 15000 beds plus a little dinner ( Lodging (59.2+0.3/843). Very hot water was really nice. In front of their house was a shop. The other one is near the bus, but there were only sweets things to eat. There was also a bar with papas and completos.

  • 2025-02-02 to 2025-02-05 / 4 days / NOBO / Huerquehue - Sollipulli traverse / Celio, Amalia ​​

We did the huerquehue sollipulli traverse as suggested by Tomas and Natalie report. First of all thanks to them for this option! It's a very beautiful traverse but demanding on the south to north summit traverse of the sollipulli.

Huerquehue : From Pucón there is 3 buses going to the entrance of the park (8:30am 12am and 16:30pm). There is 3 also living the park (around 1h later than the previous). Pucon was crowded and we decided to stay at the beginning of the trail at camping Olga (amazing place, no wifi and electricity btw, 9000$ each). When you get to the park entrance they will ask you your reservation at the camping and then ask you what's your trail plan and check your reservation for the park. There we just said that we planned to do the lagos loop, since the traverse is not authorized anymore. We had reserved the entrance in advance for the next day ( careful on monday the park is closed...). The next day we started early and went by the control "nido de aguila" by 9am and no one was there so we kept going. Once in laguna Huerquehue it's easy to follow the trail going down the other side (blues dots, overgrown a bit). You get to the old camping place reñahue and met with the trail going to termas rio blanco that's well maintained. We stayed at eco termas rio blanco, 15000$ each, amazing therms!

Next day we followed the dirt road (you pass an old lumber exploitation) until 39.105063° S 71.545074° W. There is a sign saying laguna isolde, there start the trail. Note that you will come over several gates on the dirt road but we asked 2 persons and it's supposedly not a problem. At laguna isolde if you want to reach the shore, seek for the middle west shore, there is a trail following a dry rocky river bed that take you to the shore and a fire place. People camp there. After that the trail go down to the gravel road, that you follow 2km on the east until you find the start of the lago cochor trail (there is a sign for it). Going up lago cochor is a very nice trail well maintained and beautiful. Lago cochor is a perfect place to camp and we were not alone! 5 other tent.

Sollipulli traverse : Next day we started the sollipulli traverse. There is a visible trail until you get out of the forest then it's less visible until the summit. At the beginning to avoid the small detour just after lago cochor we shortcut in the forest staying on the ridge (savimg a few meter and elevation) 39.037476° S 71.553153° W.

After the south summit start the Tomás and Natalie suggestion track for the traverse. Careful! It's getting more demanding from this point, more alpine terrain and at the beggining there is a small downclimbimg (going Nobo) to do on a 4m wall. I guess it's was not there when Tomás did it earlier in the season with more snow. It's here 38.999587° S 71.520148° W. This is where we find out to be the easiest. I guess someone can try higher up on the snow but it's quite steep and on the map is shown as a Glaciar, even if I doubt there is still crevasses... After that it's walking mostly on moraine ground and volcanic rocks. I recommend to take the lower option of Tomás and especially here, 38.994149° S 71.499742° W, as the more higher option is exposed on a steep snow slope where a fall could "hurt" you. Also be careful to strictly follow is track here 38.978334° S 71.491617° W, since on the west or east it's a cliff. The way down is steep but on loose rock where you can "ski" down. If you want to avoid it you have to go way more east than the semi transparent blue track of Tomás. Around here I'll say 38.978328° S 71.487167° W. After this it get easier and we camp at the blue lake just down southeast of the north summit. Next day we joined the option 1 and went down the north face to the park ranger then the gravel road and hitchhiked to melipeuco.

This traverse is probably a lot more scenic than the RR but it's demanding and require skills on alpine terrain especially later in the season when there is less snow and with that downclimbimg involved.

  • 2025-01-17 to 2025-01-18 / 2 days / NOBO / RR / Tobias ​​

First night I camped next to Río Machín (-39.03706, -71.46988), 2 km before “Police” {14} [49.3/1000]. There was no police. But at the next Puesto {14} [48.4/1078] the owner wrote down my name. Did not need to pay there. Went up the pass and took option 1 for getting up to Vulcan Sollipulli. Easy trail, amazing place up there!! Then I went down where the conaf trail starts. Rangers did not put any attention on me. I went to hot springs (-38.89384, -71.49345), because I thought about staying there. The owner showed me the place, full of algas and the water is cold, so I continued. Stayed at Camp {14} [22.4/1158] after 38 km of walking. Next day I continued 17 km to laguna chica de Icalma, where I continue packrafting in some days with Mara. For the overgrown part I recommend long trousers. Beautiful section, no bad surprises.

  • 2025-JAN-02 > 03 / 1,5 jours / Randonnée / SOBO / 14-A > RR / Pierre-Marie ​​

Etape : GPT14+GPT15+GPT16+GPT17+GPT18+GPT19 | Meteo : soleil | Eau : facile | Neige : non | Intérêt : 2/5 | Difficulté : 0/5 | Danger : aucun

Bus Bio-Bio pour Lonquimay le 01 à 11h30, puis bus le 02 à 14h pour Cruzaco, puis auto-stop jusqu'au point X {14-A} [6.8/1319] (compliqué de sortir du GPT...). La rando est top et la piste en parfait etat. Je voulais relier les pistes 14-01 et 14-01B en traversant le cratère du volcan, mais le gardien du parc m'a dit que c'etait impossible. Je suis donc passé par la vallée. Pas de pont au km 33,5 mais facile a traverser. Après le col au km 42, la rando n'est plus interessante. C'est de la gravel road jusqu'a la fin.

  • 2024-DEC-29 to 2024-DEC-31 / 2 day / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Ivan, Jakub, Daniel

This is a relatively easy stage with one challenging BB section; the rest is mostly along MR.

We departed from Villa Icalma in the afternoon, carrying food supplies for two days. The first night we stayed at a campsite {13} [35.2/1172], where we paid 10,000 CLP for one tent. The locals warned us about the risk of forest fires and asked us not to light any fires.

At coordinates (-38.8421396, -71.3628436), there is a log bridge to cross the stream. The following TL section is heavily overgrown and littered with fallen trees. Progress was slower here, but the path was still navigable. At the end of this overgrown part, we took a detour to a small, picturesque lake (-38.8676092, -71.3797418), where we refilled our water supplies. There were also a few picnic tables.

At coordinates (-38.8892305, -71.4503356), we encountered a locked gate that we had to climb over. At Lodge Nevados de Sollipulli [33.4/1188], basic food supplies are available for purchase. However, the nearby bridge [33.8/1188], marked in the track files, was missing, so we had to ford the river.

The remainder of the stage held no further surprises.

  • December 17–26 2024 / 10 days/  Packrafting / SOBO / New option combining Huella Andina and nearby lakes from Icalma/Villa Pehuenia to Paso Mamuil Mamal (road from  Pucón to Argentina) GPT14 RP?, GPT15-RP???

TL;DR: If you like people suffering, skip to days 7–9. 

(Note: putting everything here, even though this technically spans two sections - there is no possibility to legally cross borders back to GPT15.)

Summary: This is a new and quite scenic and varied mostly-not-on-road route. In our opinion, it is a superior alternative to a lot of roadwalking on the RR GPT14-15 and a possible candidate for extending RP (including a river flowing through Aracaurias, which are to be found along all the trail). The last bushbashing (BB) part, while offering an experience in a pristine and untouched forest, is extremely demanding and not exactly safe due to its remoteness and bone breaking/puncture hazards. The forest was an experience for us like no other so far after six months on the GPT in total. The 5km BB took us 3 days. However, before that final section, this route is suitable for hikers as it follows the Huella Andina ("HA"), with some modifications (and using a packraft). Natalie also found a MR route around the bush bashing and last two lakes (with some ridge options) for hikers. In either case, one can than connect to our traverse od the side of Lanin, which we published last year in GPT16. Had this not been our first section this year and had we not carried 1a packraft and food for ten days, this could have been done much faster. I will refer to the KMZ file downloadable from wikiexplora article about HA. This time of the year, we practically never carried water, it was everywhere. It would be probably different at the end of summer. We never met any park rangers, so we do not know if any permits or payments are needed. In Villa Pehuenia, we were told by the tourist information office that HA is only open from Lago Ñorquinco, and indeed it is only marked from there, but the two previous sections exist as trails or roads and to our knowledge are open for hiking. Probably they are not maintained as they are not in any National Park. Outside of the lakes, we met no other overnight hikers and only one daypacker and one group of MTBikers. 

Day 0 - Crossing from Icalma to Villa Pehuenia - 4 km In Icalma, we asked a local working in a garden whether there was a taxi in Icalma and he offered to drive us to the border for 5 thousand CLP, which we accepted. It was a big help since the border was closing at ~7pm (it may have been 6pm but we only had an hour or so for both crossings). At the border, we were informed that Argentina requires a boat certificate of desinfection by a Chilian officer, but the Argentinians did not ask for it (for details, see this discussion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/222224388283455/posts/1956717948167415/). We didn't get a hitch between the border controls, but soon after in Argentina the first car took us to Villa Pehuenia. Villa Pehuenia is a tourist town, with no exchange office but seemingly every shop was willing to change US dollars for Argentinian pesos, ask around to get a decent rate. Shops were open until 21. Ressuply is well possible, this being Argentina, but food is now probably cheaper (though of course worse) in Chile (the Argentinian border controls did not check our bags stuffed with food at all). There is a dedicated shop for vegetables and fruits here: -38.88139, -71.18762. Paid 10 thousand to sleep at a run-down but functional ‎Complejo Lagrimitas. Phone Claro internet decent.

Day 1 - Villa Pehuenia to Moquehue ‐ 15 km Our first independent packrafting trip meant that we fiddled several hours with packing and loading the boat, so we started at 11 AM. Lake was calm and we reached a beach here: -38.91476, -71.27327 around 14:00. The "puesto" marked in OSM sounds more like a settler, dogs and chickens heard. While we ate, whitecap waves against our direction developed and when paddling, we more or less stood on the ground, so we opted for hiking the rest of the way. The trail to Moquehue is easy but scenic, so we did not regret it. It is a trail, not a road, OSM has it wrong (will be fixed in the summer) until the last 1 km or so. In Moquehue, we managed to buy bread and nuts, ressuply possible, but we had most of our food already. Claro internet (last before end of trip). We followed HA for one km and slept a few hundred metres beyond the town here: -38.95579, -71.32329 (no water). 

Day 2 - Moquehue to ridge above the next valley - 13 km. We followed HA until just before Filo Cerro Plomo. Appart from first 2 km, it is a 4x4 road (sad) through a beautiful forrest (happy). Sidetrip to viewpoint here -38.96209, -71.32286 worth the ten minutes it takes. The ridge above the HA that should be accessible through OSM path starting here -38.95090, -71.31670 (mapped based on Strava, so might be CC) looked like easy and beautiful walking and is probably preferrable in good weather. Paths around -38.97080, -71.32003 are also mapped based on Strava, might be an artifact of a race or one single mad person doing the same round over and over and might be more CC than trails, but should get you to the ridge too. Anyway, on HA, the trackfiles are a bit wrong, around -39.00634, -71.30802, you will see two trail marks, so leave the road and go up. Met some people with bikes here, only people we met for the next two days. Path is not visible, but forrest is open and you go basically straight up. When reaching low lying beech shrubbery, path reappers that leads you up to the saddle. There is a creek shortly after this turn off (just before the trail marks) you can fill up on water. There is also a cairn at this creek and if you wish to walk the creek bed I think it might be possible as well. From the saddle we opted to follow the ridge NE from HA. It is spectacular and while steep, no hands are needed to advance. It is a bit slowgoing though, especially with a packraft and 10 days of food. We slept near a seasonal lake around -39.03013, -71.28361, very beautiful.

Day 3 - Ridge above the next valley to Lago Ñorquinco - 15 km. We followed the ridge for two km and then discovered a recently maintained trail down to the valley here: -39.05003, -71.28180. We took it. It took us down through beech shrubbery to here -39.05142, -71.28621. Then it kind of petered out but the forest was open enough for us to easily reach the HA in the valley. The HA is quite a wide path that must have been made with a digger some time back, but it is not used by cars up to -39.08562, -71.30652. We originally wanted to stay on the ridge longer and go down from here: -39.08760, -71.29079. That is open terrain and looking from below, it looked possible, but not wholly certain. However, we would advise to join the ridge straight from Moquehue as suggested previously and get down by this trail we discovered. We followed the HA to Ruta Provincial 11, but it might be advisable to cut to the NW corner of the lake from here: -39.11217, -71.30914 to avoid roadwalking and a detour: Arroyo Nompehuen must be forded anyway and while cold, does not have too much water (knee deep) and there seems to be a path on satellite in the suitable direction and the landscape is reasonably open. We put our packraft in here -39.12056, -71.31909. It is a campsite where noone was in attendance, otherwise day-access is about 4 thousand pesos per person, so you might want to reach the lake farther, should be possible, use OSM and satellite map. There are showers and toilets and trashbin though. It was a bit windy (from West) and rain was coming, so despite the small size of the lake and low fetch, whitecap waves developed. Their direction was suitable for us and we crossed the lake along the southern shore to find a very wind sheltered camp next to a creek behind a bush here: -39.12056, -71.31909. 

Day 4 - Lago Ñorquinco - to Arroyo Calfiquiera - 19 km The next day we padled to -39.14420, -71.29466 and joined HA from there. According to OSM, the lake can be hiked around from both directions. West side seems preferable. HA starts to be marked here. It is actually mostly a very old eroded road made with a digger probably decades back. It has overwhelmingly the characteristics of a trail. Cascada Coloco is very pretty. Once you reach the pass, where there is a puesto and cows, the trail turns into a road that is very rarely used, it seemed. Vivac Pampa de Castro would probably give you shelter in rain and is open enough for hanta virus not to be a worry. We reached Arroyo Calfiquiera here: -39.22814, -71.27044 (before that it is a wild stream). However, the creek is overgrown just after that, luckily there were two locals living there who were fishing and helped us carry our fully loaded packraft to -39.22933, -71.26945. There was one more narrow and almost overgrown section shortly after (-39.23189, -71.26735), so you might want to put in just after that (follow the 4x4 tracks visible on satellite). From then on, apart from two low lying bridges, no portages were needed (we shortly walked our boat once or twice through some narrow braided passages). We camped at -39.23857, -71.25184 just before a class 1 rapid (that turned out to be the biggest on the river). Tomáš left his scissors from his Victorinox card there, you might find them at the edge of grass. 

Day 5 - Arroyo Calfiquiera to Vivac Malalco Chico - 18 km In the morning, the rapid turned out to be dangerous only for one's knees. The bridges are here: -39.24453, -71.24944 and -39.24874, -71.21634. There is a creek with fresh water flowing in at -39.24601 -71. 21842. With all the packing and unpacking, it is for sure quicker to walk on HA (which leaves the road for a trail in the valley for at least a part of its length). However, packrafting is recommended as part of the arroyo flows through an aracauria forrest and all along you get nice views of surrounding mountains. It is also good practice for beginners, we thought, being beginners ourselves. Down at the lake, we ferried across an American who said she would climb a mountain north of the lake nearby using a trail disclosed by a local. We did not packraft across the lake and instead got out at the picnic area at the west end of the lake (small stream but walk up a bit bcs there is an outhouse in the stream) and then after lunch made a shortcut to the ridge. After about 500 metres along the lake on the road, we turned right uphill and soon found a trail used by horses recently here: -39.25142, -71.19640. It was easy to follow and joined HA here -39.25310, -71.18395. It would be great if somebody could investigate where in the valley (presumably further up) it originates. There are a few puestos high up on this side so more trails are expected. The HA itself then crosses a very attractive (old volcanic) plateau. It is probably (one of) the nicest part of the HA that we have seen so far (out of a half). We camped at a valley designated by the KMZ files as a bivauc and it is a good camping spot, but do not expect any facilities or people.

Natalie devised an idea where you would CC from here: -39.25687, -71.23304 onto the ridge, traverse Cerro Rucachoroi and join HA here: -39.31090, -71.20943. It all looked like well passable CC, but we never got a good view of the peak itself and are unsure if it can be sidehilled or crossed. Some of the sub-peaks obstructing the view were rather vertical, but ridges that we saw were passable. 

Day 6 - Vivac Malalco Chico to Lago Quillèn  - 21 km Going down is straightforward. However, there are some fallen branches. About 200 metres of altitude above the valley, you hit a creek that you will cross several times downstream. After crossing Arroyo Malalco (which looks great for packrafting, but do your research), a local from Comunidad Laf Lefiman offered us a cabaña with Starlink internet for 60 thousand,but it was too early so we went on. When we reached the lake, we saw a family with a paddleboard and kayaks that we saw the previous day at Lago Rucachoroi. Park rangers were nowhere to be seen. It was quite windy and waves looked big, so we used our packraft to cross the outlet from the lake and walked along the beach to join MR that runs along the southern side of the lake until -39.43088, -71.2848, where we camped. We met a group of people fishing there but they soon left. 

Day 7 - Lago Quillèn to Somewhere in bamboo  - 13 km. We started early (aiming for sunrise, we managed to be in the boat 45 minutes after it) and paddled on lake Quillèn to reach old buildings here: -39.42796, -71.42474. They were a (probably recentishly) abandoned border police station, as far as we could tell. The lake had some waves already in the morning but they were quite managable and it took us about 4 hours to paddle the 13 km or so. Along the way, there would be places to camp, especially on the beach here: -39.42164, -71.36282 where there is fresh water. After the police station, we got onto a beach here: -39.43593, -71.41508. We cleared a place for a tent and entry into the forest, did not check for water but satellite says there is a creek outlet about 50 m NW from there. Then the "fun" part started, at about 15:00. Natalie's many many warnings about the forest looking impenetrable turned out to be true. It is an ancient Chilean beech (Roble/Coigue) forest with a completely native understory of many shrubs but mainly just walls of bamboo. In the grand scheme of things, if we had stuck to the creek bed we would have made the crossing in two (long) days. But because we left the creekbed several times, this 5km crossing took us 3 days.

At the beginning, while we were not yet on a steep slope, we were moving at a healthy speed of maybe 400m an hour. We found a creek here: -39.43977, -71.41793 that allowed us to walk without obstruction for about 15m. It was turning into a canyon, which we did not like, so we continued to the east of it. Little did we know how foolish that was! In the beginning, as it got steeper, we would sometimes find an area full of flat dead woody bambo that would allow us to jump about twenty metres before fighting the green bamboo again. As we progressed (at a speed of maybe 250m per hour), we noticed we were on a side of a steep canyon made by erosion from water running down the slope. Details of the satellite map revealed that we were two such ravines removed from the main creek. We crossed one over a log, that was maybe 10 m long and was maybe 6 m high above the lowest point of the canyon. It was getting dark so we cleared a somewhat even spot for a camp (sorry forest). After six hours and some zigzagging caused by the canyons, we were about 1 km from where we started. Survey without a backpack (which makes moving around about three times easier) suggested we might be able to rejoin the main canyon the next day which was about 100 m far (and thirty metres below). 

Day 8 - Somewhere in bamboo to dried creekbed - 1 km New survey in the morning made us go backdown as the main canyon's wall seemed like a landslide and almost vertical. We started to follow down a ravine between us and the main creek, hoping it would join it. After three hours, 400 m of distance and two failed surveys in the direction of the main canyon, we finally manged to make a crossing. A rule for heavy duty bushbashing seems to be: always follow the water. It is not exactly quicker, but psychologically being able to see more than 5 metres in advance and not having to constantly put branches from one's face is a tremendeous benefit. It also helps with orientation and hopefully provides a possible passage. We of course set a turn-back time by which we would turn back if we did not reach the pass, but (Tomáš not being the responsible one), we failed to heed it after deciding we actually still had food for three more somewhat fasting days. We started to go up the creek at a speed of about 200 metres an hour, so after about 5-6 hours, we managed to get under the place where we slept. We agreed that we could have probably gone down there, saving us 5 hours of a detour, the canyon walls being steep, but in some places having enough bamboo to provide good (but never truly certain) holds. At about -39.44779, -71.41624, there was a confluence of two canyons, and we decided to go through a steep dry vegetation-wise more or less open slope to the right . After about 100m, we traversed back left to the main creek. It was now six in the evening. Still hoping to reach the pass (hey, just 500m of distance!) and facing somewhat overgrown waterfall in the main ravine roughly -39.45067, -71.41624, we again opted to go right, onto an even steeper slope. Somehow with the help of trees growing there, we reached a beech-bush combined with bamboo understory, slowing us down to maybe 50 m an hour. After an hour or so, we found a ravine that we partially followed and traversed back to the creek. It still had some waterfalls that turned out to be scalable and after 100 m (our speed returning to a solid 250 m per hour), it turned dry. It now being 9 PM, we built a camp inside of the creekbed. Looking back, especially the second diversion was a mistake and we should have stayed in the canyon (the waterfall was probably scalable with passing backpacks and such). The variety of plant and insect species that live in and around the creekbed was amazing. Luckily very little tabanos or other obnoxious insects, which was true for all these 5 km. 

Day 9 - Dried creekbed to somewhere in bamboo II - 3 km In the morning, Tomáš went exploring and found the other side of the pass much preferable, so around ten, we set off to continue. After an easy 40-minute 300m traverse to the pass (Lanin looks impressive even through the trees), the character of the valley changed a lot. Almost open beech forrest and relatively regular creekbed (with a creek) enabled us to reach -39.45964, -71.41716 in a superb speed of almost 600m/hour. From there, we followed the river through a dense old and amazing canopy. At about 400 m/ hour, we eventually got to a 20 m cascading (not vertical) waterfall here: -39.47088, -71.41775. To its left, we managed to cut a path with our machete, passing each other our backpacks on the not-entirely vertical somewhat crumbly climb-down. Unfortunately we do not think our holds will last long as we scaled it down in mainly mud and fragile rock (rope or bamboo bushing walkaround should do). Afterwards, our speed again decreased to about 200 m an hour, overcoming many logjams and much smaller waterfalls. We camped around -39.47449, -71.41901. Natalie somehow left her insoles there. All the scrambling we have done both up and down were mangeable (T4 to T5 on SAC scale), though a rope of 10 or 15 m or so would have been at certian moments quite useful. 

Day 10 - Somewhere in bamboo II to Paso Mamuil Mamal - 17 km In the morning, we took three hours mostly following the creek or bashing bamboo alongisde it to reach the shore (yay!), where Tomáš somehow left his beloved trusty headphones: -39.48276, -71.42544. Should you find them, give them a decent burial. We inflated our packraft and paddled across Lago Tromen (which offers tremendeous views) in about 2,5 hours to outlet of Rio Malleo, meeting people again after several days. Rio Malleo has probably too much of a drop to be packrafted safely but lookes tempting to Tomáš. After a long lunch, eating the last of our last food, we crossed the river and walked along the OSM trail to the National Park office near the border. Nobody paid attention to us there, so we walked to the Argentinian border control, from which we got a hitch all the way to Pucon, seeing Clara hitchhiking around the end of the Villarica Traverse. Pucon did not have Tomáš's favourite icecream like last year and in general did not feel as good as previous years (cherries were perfect though). We were very glad and maybe somehow euphoric we made it . 

Overall, the forest was incredible. However, if we broke a limb or worse, we doubt help would come, so only do this if you are prepared for self-evacuation or face the consequences. We are however convinced that with good navigation, and staying mainly in the creek, it could take two long days to do the BB traverse, one for going up the pass and one down. The BB has difficulty 7 in GPT terms.

  • 17Dec2024 - 20dec2024 / hiking SOBO / RR from ~km30 - OH1 A/R (cumbre sollipulli) - RR - GPT15 OH1 / 4 days / Clara

Hitchhike from Icalma to Tracura and then Huechelepun (took me half day with multiple cars and still few km of road walking, not much cars)

OH1 (cumbre sollipulli by north side) : no one of conaf at park 31. It's written that they don't allow people to go up after 11am so may be a problem if they're here (maybe more during full turism season). Very easy trail for 7km and 1000d+, steep and snow at the top but easy going slow. Really nice full snow cratere on the top !! Descent by same path cause low clouds comming (except took 1a short cut that is good).

Ruta de Baquedanos (RR) is easy dirt road walking. Camp spots with water almost everywhere (maybe less between 40 and 46). Not many nice views all along.

Then RR until GPT15 opt1 (a bit after settlment 51.7). Sleep in hospedaje Veronica that is lower on 15-OH-1a. (15k for bed + private bathroom with cold water + breakfast). She and her husband are really nice. She used to have a cafeteria and sell honey, charcuterias and other products that she did. For now she has family issues so she only keep the hospedaje but she told me that she's thinking to reopen it in january or february.

  • 2024-dec-05 to 2024-dec-08 / 3.5 Days (1 day rest due to bad weather) / Hiking / SOBO / RR - D / Karin

I took the RR through the overgrown part. It was managable, but for some parts I had to look closly on the GPS not to loose track. There were lots of fallen trees/branches blocking the way. With the vegetation growing, I think it will become more difficult to get through.

Camp spot at km17.9 was very wet and swompy, due to the rain. But, I guess that it would be good on nice days.

On that kind of plateau (alt. 1500m) was still a bit of snow, but nothing to worry about.

Camp on km22.4 looked nice (lots of curious cows). After this camp, about 1km, was a locked gate, which was not so easy to climb.

As it was raining heavily (stronger than perdicted), I took var D in order to find a refuge. After a few km, I found cabañas (Santa Victoria) where I could stay for two nights ever that it is still off season. Very nice people working there.

At the park ranger km31.8, as I didn't see anybody so I just walked through.

The bridge at the Laguna (km33.5) was not there, but the river was easy to ford, so as well for the fords all the way up to the pass km41.5. The water was never higher than mid-calf/knee.

I camped at camp km46.9. Very nice and large spot.

The Ruta del Baqueano seems to be a high used biking or off road driving track. I meet a lot of cars and bikes.

As I did GPT 13-15 in one, I did not stop neither in Icalma nor in Reigolil, so I cannot say if there is enough for resupply.

  • 2024 nov 13 / 1 Day/ Hiking / SOBO/ hitchhiked to huechelepun + RR till reigolil/ Allie

I camped in camping Carilafquen in Huechelepun. I left early in the morning as it was 32km to get to Reigolil. I stopped by the lodge nevados for a coffee and stayed a bit, the place was so lovely. On the highest parts of the regular route there are some patches of snow to cross but nothing sketchy. Watch out for snow bridges though. The river fords are doable as well.

  • 5.-8.11.2024 / 4 hiking days / Daina and Arno

We did a combination of GPT 14 and 15, although we didn't have the files at this time.

We took a bus from Pucón to Flor del Valle and arrived later than expected at 1:30 pm. First we hiked into section 14 on the minor road with very few traffic. At -39.01943, -71.458341 we needed to cross a creek, that is not visible in our map. There are huge treetrunks like a natural bridge. Later at -39.014836, -71.456205 there was another wide stream of water at the road, but very easy to ford. Later we dicided to turn around and hiked to the Laguna Huesquefilo instead, to find a nice campspot. The trail to the Laguna was very smooth, the Laguna itself was beautiful. Next day we continued to GPT 15.

Season 2023/24

  • 2024 Mar 24th to Mar 31st / 6 hiking days and 2 rest days / SOBO / Hiking / RR, Var C, E, H, G, Opt 1 and 1A, Opt 2 and 2A / Michael and Kasia

We did sections 14 and 15 together.

TL:DR: a nice section; the summit of Sollipulli is not to be missed!

Day 1 March 24th

We left Icalma at 08:30. It was a foggy morning and the air was still, very nice hiking weather and beautiful light. It had rained the day before so the road walk was thankfully not dusty. It was a Sunday morning and very few cars passed.

We left the highway to keep on RR. It is a dirt road for quite some time. We found a lot of piñones just lying on the ground. There was an unmarked ford at (-38.84187, -71.36345). After that the overgrown section began. It was somewhat challenging for us, not bush bashing per se, but definitely bush pushing. A lot of it was waist high and really slowed us down. Our plan had been to get to the laguna on Var C, but it became obvious that even if we did make it, it would be dark before we got there. Looking at the GPS I noticed what looked like a small laguna at (-38.86766, -71.38010). There was no OSM track for it, but when we got closer, we found a dirt road going to it. There was no sign and no fences. It was a lovely spot. There were a few araucarias dropping piñones, and the laguna was clear and glassy smooth. It was, however, definitely someone's campground. There are flat spots for tents, picnic tables, a shipping container turned into a bathroom (padlocked shut when we were there), and there were signs of more development planned. Point being, if you plan to camp here in future seasons, be aware that, at least during “la temporada”, there may be other people there, and it probably costs money.

Day 2 March 25th

We made it a short day. Our packs were extra heavy due to all the piñones we were harvesting. We kept trying to stop, but there is just something about their color and shape that makes them irresistible to pick up. The path from the campground to the laguna on 14-C is a dirt road the whole way. We had to check the GPS a few times as there are a few other roads that break off of it, but the route is easy walking. The laguna is very pretty and the campsite there is nice. It's fairly flat with plenty of space for multiple tents, under some trees, so mixed shade and sun, and easy water access. There was also a fire ring there. We had our first fire of the season and cooked a few batches of piñones. Some people on horseback came by looking for their cows. They said they are beginning the process of collecting the animals and moving them down to the invernadas for the winter. They mentioned that the laguna on 14-C is called Laguna Santa Olga.

Day 3 March 26th

Stayed at Laguna Santa Olga for a rest day.

Day 4 March 27th

We walked by (Camp 14 [17.9/1538]) on the way back to the road. We could hear a stream trickling in the opposite side of the road from it.

The forest along the way was beautiful. It was a great time of year to be there as well, sunny but not hot and the light was always nice. We collected another 2 kg of piñones. There were so many everywhere, we definitely could have bought less food and been okay.

We took Var E to bypass the road construction even though there was no one there by the time we arrived. It was mostly because we were looking for camping and knew there wouldn't be any good spots there. But if someone arrived there after work hours, the gate going SOBO was just closed with wire, and on the other end it was possible to just walk around the fence.

We then followed Var H on to Var G towards Var F. We camped at Camping Carilafquen (-38.91004, -71.49813) along Var F. We paid 10.000 for the tent space. There was no one else there. The campground was pleasant. It had plenty of space on the grass for tents, picnic tables, and bathrooms with showers, cold water only, no electricity. It was a good option for us because it was only 1.6 km from the CONAF office. If wanting to camp there, just up the road from the property there is a house. A couple who manages the campground lives there. They were very nice, they even gave us sopaipillas.

Day 5 March 28th

We arrived at the CONAF office around 09:00. There was no ranger on the office. We started moving things into a small backpack anticipating leaving our bags. By the time we were ready to hike, still no one had shown up. Fortunately a small tour group arrived and parked right next to the CONAF office. They said we could put out bags in their vehicle and they would leave them for us if they got back first.

The walk up through the forest was beautiful and peaceful. There were a lot of huge, old trees that were very impressive. The trail was well maintained and easy to follow. Higher up it switched to a more lunar landscape with multiple volcanoes and cordilleras of mountains appearing the higher up we got. Towards the top it got a little steep which was slower going. It took us 5 hours to the summit with photo breaks and a snack break. We spent about an hour at the summit with no one else there. The weather was impeccable, full sun and hardly a breeze. The only sound was the river below. It took us about 3 hours to get back to the bottom. We ended up camping across the path from the CONAF office next to the picnic tables. There was a facet outside the office and bathrooms.

Day 6 March 29

When the CONAF guard arrived in the morning, he came over to talk with us. He said it was fine that we camped for the night, but just asked us to take the tent down, and then we could take as much time as we needed. It seems that camping there is unofficially acceptable as long as you're there after closing and wrapped up before people start to show up in the morning.

We started to walk along RR. We had been walking less than 30 minutes when a truck stopped and offered us a ride. They were going to Paso Llaima and to collect piñones. We rode in the back with their two dogs getting to watch the beautiful misty forest go by around us.

From Paso Llaima we continued on RR, then took Opt 2 to Laguna Huequefilo. The trail up is easy to follow and well maintained. The sign at the front says no camping and no fires, but there was no CONAF office and no guardadaparques. When we got to the lake there were several groups camping and having fires. There are a huge number of araucarias there and it is a very popular spot with locals to go to collect them.

Going down Opt 2A to the SE end of the lake, there is a fairly large sand beach and a creek feeding into the lake that was a good place to get water from. A local family from Ragolil that was camping there suggested a good spot around (-39.05250, -71.43000) that was fairly wind protected but still close to the beach. But if it's not windy, that end of the lake has plenty of space for camping. The lake and the setting is beautiful and for us it was well worth the detour.

Day 7 March 30th

We stayed at Laguna Huequefilo for a rest day.

Day 8 March 31st

We left Laguna Huequefilo and headed back to finish 14 and start 15. We gathered more piñones along the way. At (-39.05455, -71.46918), around km 52.26 there was a sign for a minimarket. The woman who runs is, Viviana, is very nice. She and her family moved there a couple of years ago from Santiago. We suggested she carry gas for camping and she said she would try to get some to sell in the future. She had canned fish, pasta, rice, 200 g tomato sauce packets, bullion cubes, mermeladas, butter and margarine, and a variety of cookies and candy. Prices were reasonable. We bought some things and got back to the road. We almost immediately caught a hitch to the beginning of GPT15 Opt 1.

  • 2024-Mar-18 to 2024-Mar-19 / 1 day / SOBO / RR 01 01a/ Matthias de Austria

No snowfields, no Tabanos, no Mosquitos. Plenty of water except for the Sollipulli peak area.

Came from Lonquimay by bus at 12:00 to Icalma, arrival around 14:00. There is a minibus directly going a bit west, but only to the intersection at the end of the lake, so maybe like 3km for 500 peso. Very little traffic, but luckily got 4 rides until the ranger at 31.8 in just 3 hours. I am a bit in a hurry as I want to hike Sollipulli but the weather turns bad next day evening. There is a minibus coming from Melipeuco to intersection end of Variant I. It turns to the bridge 30.6.

I did not visit the rangers, as I don't want to go back the same way. Looking for a hidden spot ro camp and early start to the peak the next day.

Don't camp at Hannes suggestion, every Hilux driver coming downhill will spot you easily. I am sure the actuall place he meant is -38.923355,-71.489118. Well hidden and flat, but the water on the other side of road dried up. There is water on your side too, but don't just follow your ears, you won't reach the water. Instead walk where it is relatively easy in south to south east, you may or may not see path like structure, but ca. in 200m you will reach a good path, just follow it uphill directly to the water at -38.924705,-71.489552. It is a 5 to 10min walk from camp. If you follow this path further it leads you to the OSM dirtroad, which is an offical marked hiking path of the park.

I am alone all the way, later I heard that the rangers closed the path due the upcoming bad weather. Very strong and cold winds at the peak, a few hours later it will be snowing, I would love to try the traverse, but it is too risky with that forecast. Nice CC back down to the pass 41.5.

First running water coming from the peak: -38.966463,-71.472000

Possible camp with water at 01: -38.971581,-71.465207

Only car on the road picks me up, a tourist couple from Santiago who stayed at the luxury lodge, and we drive to Pucón, while the rain starts.

Without summiting Sollipulli this would be a drive by section, but Sollipulli makes this section absolutely amazing and I strongly recommend the easy climb up just for those mind blowing views.

  • From 2024-03-10 to 2023-03-11 // 2 day // Hiking // NOBO // RR + OPT1 (Summit) // Quentin Clavel

What a section !

After a very cold start, early in the morning at the bottom of the vallee of reigolil, you just go slowly but surely in the Villarica reserve.

The gravel road is transforming into a smaller 4WD track, and the path is lovely, going up gradually, passing threw a nice forest, with many amazing aucaria trees.

Lucky enough to arrive in this region at the time where piniones are still possible to pick. Didn't had to make a lot of effort, just harvesting the ground was enough to give me way more than what I needed !

I took the junction to reach the summit. At the very beginning I struggle a bit, when you reach a puesto, there's few possibility of track, I took the wrong one that result on a little fight with the bush, then I managed to come back on track, which is pretty clear until the volcanic plateau.

No trouble at all with water, as you'll have some along the path, from th beginning to the end.

Arriving to the plateau, then stick to the track, it will guide you to the summit and the outstanding view on the massive nevados de sollipulli ! That was sick, even with a looooooot of wind. I still stayed there for more than an hour, protected from the wind thanks to some bog rocks, contemplating this amazing landscape, some condors dancing around and the views over lanin and Llaima volcanoes.

It was finally time to leave this kind of parrallele world. The way down was very easy as the track is marqued. Some crazy views again with Llaima volcán + the aucaria trees around, then I reached the conaf desk. I arrived there late and no-one was still there.

(Didn't mentionned that going NOBO you don't have to respect a precise timing to go up, there's no conaf desk on that way).

Then continuing on the way to icalma, passing threw a private pipeline working area. But as it was late on the day, I haven't got any troubles (still easy to avoid, by taking the variant E).

After passing the Hot Spring {13} [#1/945] (PK28), you'll have to jump a gate, then few gates/fences, and continuing in the forest on a very well marked 4WD track, until the overgrown part, which is not difficult to pass.

It's overgrown, but nothing to be scared about ! The track is still visible, it's just that the nature want to give you some hugs, very nice and kind, I could even say cute. It's nothing like a fight with the bush !

Then you continue till reaching the gravel road until Icalma. There it's possible to resupply Ith multiple minimercado, you have some possibilities to sleep too, bit it's still a tiny city, don't expect a lot.

  • 2024-Feb-16 to 2024-Feb 18 / 3 days / Hiking / NOBO / RR /czimahi

from Reigolil - no good resupply, no pan- following RR, night camp 46,9; then no prob (cross rio Carilafquen just first bridge after camping, think it is 14E) till point S38°51.753` W71°23.062` where I follow wrong way- for sure this would lead to 14a and to the main road. I decided go back to RR and be hours in bush. At the end I missed the route once more but I found water which I needed (aprox S38°50.483` W71°21.907`) and then meet 14B and back to RR to the camp $ 13, and next day to Icalma pueblo.

  • 2024 Jan 30 to 2024 Feb 01 / 3 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR + OH14-C + OH14-E + OH14-01 / Hannes

Hitchhiked to km 5,2. Then I went on RR, found last water at -38.841797 -71.363423, soon after the as overgrown marked trail starts. Trail actually not to bad overgrown, most of the time clearly visible, sometimes I had to stick to GPS, especially at the beginning, there are a few trails there… Till the Laguna {14C} I did not see water anymore, except close to Camp at km 17,9, around 50m down towards the puesto was running a little streamlet, maybe drying out? Laguna on OH 14-C is very nice! Good camping spot, but I headed on, still to early. Camped then at km 28,6. I loved this place! An open air cinema with all the green and birds flying and singing around. At -38.889097 -71.450367 you’ll find a locked? gate, barbed wire fence around. Check if it is really locked, I did not look accurately! I say this, because the next one I encountered outside this valley was just pseudolocked. Anyway, I passed the fence at around -38.889820 -71.449927, around 100ms to the left from gate beneath. Seemed to me the best option, but check out for yourself…Walked on. You’ll find another unlocked gate at -38.901269 -71.504529, private property with a sign that just authorised persons can pass, some company I suppose. I took a detour over OH14 E, but having seen the exit of this company road close to km 30, shortly before the bridge, I would have taken it. There a gate as well, but not locked and either entrance or exit nobody around. Went on to Conaf to take some water. Read about their rules and so I decided to take the unofficial trail up to the volcano shown on the OSMmap at 38.9238605S, 71.4873252W as some others already spotted. My plan was to do the Sollipulli-Traverse over the rim. The thing is: Where this trail (actually more an MR) starts, there is a nearly 100m long fence, hindering you to drop in directly, furthermore at the end of this fence there is an other cabaña, looks like an outpost of CONAF checking who is taking this trail. I do not know who sits in this shack, did not want to know either, did not want to explain my plans. So I went back were the fence starts. This is at -38.92315, -71.48867, there is a signboard with „Sollipulli Lodge, 500ms". There I dropped into the bushes. There would be actually a pretty nice camp spot for one to two tents at around -38.922156 -71.489928, around 30ms from the MR, but nobody sees you and water nearby at the other side of the road. From there I walked up (little CC) keeping in mind where the OSM trail goes, found a path and somewhere I got on this OSM trail. Went up to the summit. Looked over the rim, realized I had to descent for the next summit towards the south, impossible there to cross over the rim. Went down southeast of the summit to this two beautiful lakes, some bigger snowfields there, but could be done with afternoon sun. Camped at -38.971172 -71.489823, an amazing campsite! But realized there that without micro spikes or crampons I would have to detour some extended snowfields in the morning and loose a lot of time, not knowing what expects me after the next summit. So I skipped my plan for the traverse and went down over OH 14-01. Then all the way out to Reigolil. Difficult for me to hitch a car…

  • 2024-Jan-13 to 2024-Jan-15 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR - {14-A} - RR - {14-E} - RR - {14-01} - RR / Lilian

DON'T SKIP GPT14, the views on Nevados de Sollipulli is one of the most STUNNING views in my life!


Here is the waypoint description:

RR road walking.

Km1.0 : a small shop.

Km1.1 : tiny shop, look like only have drinks and ice cream. It is closed when i was there at weekend.

Km5.2 : junction of RR and {14-A}, i go for {14-A} because i want to arrive ranger station RR[31.8/1141] before 11am, {14-A} is a dirt road, the time can be controlled and stable.

{14-A} km6.3 : ranger station, crowned when i pass here.

Lot of possible camping spot beside the dirt road of {14-A}, i think it is easy to find a spot here.

{14-A} km10.9 : water flowing, but it need some BB, about 10m for get close to stream.

Km11.4 : locked gate, go around itbon right side.

Km12.5 : huge blowdown, no more cars going up by this road.

Km13.0 : side trail on valley side, 30m for collecting water, flowing low.

Km13.3 : {14-A} end, connect with RR km15.7.

I find one more water spot nearby, at RR km15.6, also a side trail at valley side, a little overgrown about 10m to stream, better water at downstream 10m, you can cross 2 logs there, then you will find a very tiny waterfall, easy to collect.

Camp RR[17.9/1538] : tiny grassland, some muddy nearby. Water flowing at downstream of the muddy, but in steep valley look like very difficult to collect.

Camp[22.4/2158] : very beautiful grassland camping spot until km22.95.

Km23.45 : locked gate with barbed wire fence. Better climb at left side, just the top one is barbed wire, all the wire of right side is barbed.

Km24.6 : another beautiful grassland camping spot. I heard water flowing good at valley side, but I'm not sure can collect water or not. I think this is the last camping spot before you met settlement and climbing Sollipulli.

Km25.85 : crossing Estero Huechelepun on bridge, water flowing good under the bridge, it is a steep valley, I don't think it is possible to collect water here.

Km29.5 : junction of RR, {14-I} and {14-E}. RR is blocked by barbed wire fence. So i go for {14-E} then met RR.

Honestly, i don't think {14-F}, {14-G} and {14-H} is still usable now. At {14-E} km0.4, {14-F} is blocked by a barbed wire fence(no gate) that taller than human, only this spot the fence is such high, i think it means the owner not welcome other people to go in at here. Also bridge[31.0+0.2/1020] and ford[31.0/1034] is all blocked by gate or barbed wire fence. Even you can climb all over them, {14-F} is going just beside settlement, it will annoys the people there.

Lastly, ranger station is not at park ranger[31.8/1141], it is at (-38.91796, -71.49481), even you can sneak by {14-F}, rangers are still in front of you. There are no way to go around them, and their windows are towards the road, they see you before you get close (the only method is earlier or later than them at there).

So, i go for a round trip for Sollipulli, and put my backpack in ranger station.

For Sollipulli {14-01}:

Km0 : ranger station, car parking lot, some picnic table, food truck(not open on Sunday when i was there) and toilet. Also you can collect water by Río Carilafquén if need.

Km1.25 : official viewpoint, but surrounded by some trees taller than the viewpoint 5-20m, i saw nothing here. Some benches here too.

Km2.1 : junction of {14-01} and {14-01A} (CC route). For GPT hiker, both are in good condition, easy to follow and walk, but of course {14-01} is a little better condition, because of official route.

Km3.8 : sharp turning, a helipad nearby.

Km4.73 : official viewpoint.

Km5.3-km6.1 : snow valley, covered by snow now. Not too steep, no difficult climb up and go down, also there are some day hikers, mostly you can follow their steps or go by yourself.

Summit [6.3/2145] to km7.05, covered by snow ridge now, very easy to walk on. Km7.1 is a better point for rest, mort quite, more peaceful. Most of the day hikers would not come to here. km7.05, enjoy your moments here.

For my observation from high, km7.1 to km7.9 are all covered by snow, but easy to walk on. I didn't see any footprints or trace on the snow, so I don't know descent is still work or not. I need to get back my backpack at ranger station, so i didn't go down at here.

I take a long nap and some relax with amazing views at km7.05, such a good time.

I took 3 hours for climb up and 1.5 hour to go down.

Continues on RR :

Km32.2 : viewpoint of waterfall.

Bridge[33.5/1188] : no bridge here, wet feet crossing. From here to ford[37.0/1228] you need to cross the same river 6 times, all wet feet crossing but just above ankle, easy.

Km37.95: flat grassland beside a pond. I saw some people camping here, look nice.

Camp[39.3/1294] : grassland camping spot with 2 fire ring beside the river.

Km40.6 : an old dirt road leads you to a grassland beside the river.

Km43.0 : junction of RR and {14-01}, {14-01} at here is a clear road to west, also one more road is going west after here 80m.

Lot of small stream if flowing good with clear water across the road after the pass.

Km44.5 : road junction, a sign "Reigolil Paso Mallin Chileno" here. Nice seat with good view of Sollipulli too.

Km49 : wet feet or an exciting log crossing.

Shop[57.8/856] : it is a ferretería, with drinks and ice cream, friendly.

At last, I didn't cross bridge[59.8/835] to Reigolil and keep going south because i have enough food for GPT15.

  • 2023 28 - 31 dec / 3 days / NOBO/ Option 01B / Natalie & Tomáš

Last year we wondered if one can avoid roadwalking on GPT 14 and GPT15 by traversing Sollipulli (not the glacier) and it turns out it can be done and is quite a spectacular option (probably a lot more attractive then RR and when done right, not with too many people). The idea is, SOBO, to follow the rim of Sollipulli for about 4 km, then go to Laguna Cochor (14-01B), then to Laguna Isolda, Termas Rio Blanco and NP Huerquehue (15-01) and then Villarica Traverse (16-04). If you hitch (should be easy) or take a bus between the end of 15-01 and beginning of 16-04 through Pucon, you will get quite a nice trail without much roadwalking. See our notes to GPT15 and GPT16 for the rest of this option, here follows the Solipulli bit [November 2024: it is in our suggestions in the Track files].

Note: to do a one way traverse of Sollipulli, either walk through the CONAF station before about 8 AM or after about 7 PM when the guards should no longer be there or walk past it for about 1 km on the road and take a right at 38.9238605S, 71.4873252W where there is an OSM trail based on Strava heatmap; however that trail needs to be confirmed, but it is almost for certain there.

Since we climbed Sollipulli last year from the north, this year we opted to do a day trip from Laguna Cochor to the north summit via south summit of Sollipulli, thus proving the traverse is doable and not too hard. The following paragraph (Tl;DR: do not expect to get a ride easily on this road) is about access, so if you are coming from the north, skip it.

We took a bus from Temuco to Cunco, they go every half an hour and cost a few thousand pesos. There are many terminals, the company you look for is Nar Bus, find its terminal in google maps to save yourself 1 km of going to the rural bus terminal and back. The ride takes cca 80 minutes. From Cunco, there is a daily bus to Laguna Caburga that leaves everyday at 17:00. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it should go all the way to Termas Rio Blanco (it probably goes back in the morning, do not remember time schedule but we just saw a bus in the morning in the direction of Cunco). In Cunco we missed that bus and had to hitch. It was very easy at the beginning to get to Lago Colico but after that it became extremely difficult all the way to the start of the hike. We had to sleep in the forest by the road that night because no cars were stopping. In the morning, we got a hitch of 3 km and then we walked a few more to the western end of Laguna Caburga. We bought some bread and chips there, waited for four hours for a hitch and killed about twenty horseflies. None of the 15 cars that passed took us. We then walked to the other end of the lake, where we got a hitch to the junction with access to Thermas Rio Blanco. From there, we walked to the start/end of GPT14 option 1B. It took us about 26 hours from Cunco.

At the entrance to the trail (it is open but seems to lead through private land), there is a sign saying it is not allowed to camp at Laguna Cochor (which is clearly being violated, on our second night there, there was a Chilean tent). Secondly, it says there is no estabilished access to Sollipulli, which is not true, the path leads well above the tree line. The trail is an old road for ~1 km and the rest is very clear, easy and pretty through sometimes dark forrest. At the laguna, there is a beach where one can camp, as we did. There is no good source of water on the way to the laguna or at the laguna (but some streams could be heard in the undergrowth), definitely treat the water in the laguna.

The next day, we hid our tent and set off to reach the south summit of Sollipulli and then to the northern summit via the ridge (or below the ridge). It was an extremely long day trip (~16hrs out and back) but it should not be a problem if doing a proper traverse, many camping options. If one does not want to camp at Laguna Cochor, first good place is right above the treeline where the TR section ends and CC section begins. A nicer place would be cca 1 km further on, where you traverse to a nice valley. The first cca 2 km of CC are actually more TR&CC, the trail comes and goes and follows the contour line, which is to be recommended. In the valley, there was a stream that can still be jumped in one place or could be easily forded. With less snow, it would probably be jumpable almost everywhere. The way to the summit is uneventful and a bit of a slog. No scrambling is needed (there is just one small rock obstacle, but one can walk through). Above around 1900 m., there was a lot of snow. If going early in the season, check the map where glaciers are and do not walk on them - you do not need to, they are fairly small. From the summit, we looked for several ways to go down and then retraced a bit and actually crossed what on a map is marked as a glacier here: 38.9963315S, 71.5233126W. Judging from satellite photos and our own survey, we think the western part of the glacier has melted and we walked over a snowfield to a soft ridge with a small tarn at the end of it. Getting down from this ridge sharply down left towards a plateau-like valley may or may not be difficult if there is "no" snow. We found a good way down on moderate snow slopes but considering the snow there is still very deep we do not know what the rock would be like, most likely it should be fine without snow. Here Natalie went back as it was already 1500, but Tomáš pressed on. He went across the valley and up the side of the next ridge at roughly 2000 m (there are two places that are not rocky, this one was the lower one, it was steep but fairly easy walking through loose stones and scree), then he went roughly half the way up the ridge, traversed above the two lakes on the way, then got to the rim and walked the ridge, then he got down to the other two lakes on the map and walked up to the summit.

It was six, so he ate and then spent 6 hours walking back, this time not going to the rim at all and staying under the two more southern lakes and then retracing his steps - this was a faster but less spectacular variant. There seemed to be many possible variants how to cross this six km between two endpoints of GPT, the best variant will depend on your mood, skill level, weather and snowncover. It is however possible to do the traverse without climbing or exposed scrambling (though to make sure, somebody should do this in February when there is no snow), Tomáš practically never used his hands. On the way back, he met a Chilean tent above the treeline.

Next day, we walked down to the road, walked about six km, got a hitch of 3 km to Reigolil, after 15 min there got a hitch of 5 km, waited for an hour and then got a hitch all the way to Pucón (about 75 min of driving).

  • 2023 23 - 25 dec / 3 days / SOBO / RR + D + Sollipulli summit / Frans

Trail is mildly overgrown going up to the first campsite but not as bad as expected. Usually until your knees but the trail is still visible, it just slows you down. Keep an eye on your GPS if you think you lost it, it's spot on with the GPX files. Camp 14 [22.4] is such a nice spot! Be aware that if you want to do the Sollipulli summit you have to there before 1100 (according to the sign) or the rangers won't let you up. Still a 2hr walk, but not difficult.

GPT14-I point there is a gate and private property sign if you want to continue RR. They are doing road construction, and there is a guard house at the end. I didn't see anyone there, but it was weekend. Just keep in mind you might need to do the detour which takes a bit longer to get to the ranger station.

At the park rangers place you can drop your backpack. I was not allowed to do a one-way trip. Needed to come back. It's definitely worth it! Amazing crater and nice views! Took me 2hrs to get up, 1.5 to get down.

I walked to Camp 14 [39.3] to spend the night. Also a nice spot. The rest of the trail is not super exiciting but 80% slowly downhill which is nice to speed up this part. I spend the night a few km's into GPT 15 next to the river. There are a few decent spots after about 4km.

Season 2022/23

  • 2023-Jan-31 to 2023-Feb-02/ 3 days / Hiking / SOBO / including the Sollipulli volcano / Johana & Matouš

One of the best sections so far for us thanks to the Sollipulli volcano. We started at the Icalma lake (the San Alfonso camp was great, 10 000 per two people, hot water (yes!) and access to the beach). There are some restaurants and minishops as well, enough to resupply I believe. The overgrown section had been cleared half a bamboo-metre ago, so sometimes it was tough and felt like the forest wants to suck you in. Nothing impassable, but the two kilometres took us two hours. Another thing - the river where the ascent starts in the forest is for long the only water source there if the weather is dry. There was a gate (S 38° 53.3570' W 071° 27.0191'); there's a hole in the fence on the left that we went under. We camped at a good spot on the right side of the road (S 38°53.4903' W 071° 27.8162'). The next day, we rushed to the CONAF station - we got there a little past 11 AM, but the ranger let us do the ascent anyway, we even had lunch before we went up (not from the stand, sadly, still operates only at the weekends). You can leave your backpacks with the ranger, which was great! We didn't pay anything to enter the park. It took us 5 hours there and back with a longer break at the top. The view from the top is indescribable plus the path leading up to it is also very nice with some snowpatches next to it that you can slide down as you please. After that we continued further down the road. We tried to outsmart the three fords but ended up fording the river three times anyway since the number of the fences and gates had increased I guess and we got stuck on a private property with nowhere to go. The best option might be to just follow the regular route. There's a beautiful camping spot that we highly recommend and had been told about by the ranger - a lot of free space, a laguna/pond, nice (not dense!) forest and several safe fireplaces. (S 38°56.3141' W 071°27.6738) From there on it was easy walking until Reigolil. The shop before the bridge has not many things to resupply but is good to refresh. The shop near the bus stop tuna, rice, pasta, biscuits, chips, beverages, some vegetables as well, enough to resupply. Its owners were so nice that they took us to their lot near the river where they let us pitch our tent. It seems that you can freely camp by the river but there was some Mapuche festival going on at that time. The bus schedule: 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. from the bus stop by the shop to Pucon.

  • 2023-Feb-18 to 2023-Feb-20 / 3 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR starting in Tracura (road to Sollipulli) / Natalie & Tomáš

We used Icalma as a resupply which worked well enough; many "mini- supermercados" and cheap accomodation (we had a cabana for 20mil/10mil each) but as a warning internet is awful! There is a nice pehuenche restaurant at the southern end of town on the main road and a little further than this on the main road you can get the best cell signal. Supposedly a bus goes to Lonquimay Mon-Wed-Fri but I forget the times, I think it was at 6am and 3pm.

We headed towards parque Sollipulli but hitching out of Icalma was slow, ~2hours combined waiting. We got off at Tracura and walked most of the way to CONAF (minus 4km hitch). Hitching was difficult even though it was a Saturday and there were cars, just no takers. No clean water sources until conaf but you could ask one of the cabana rentals along the way if needed. No entrance fee at CONAF and although camping is not allowed the "senior" ranger told us we could camp behind the office (I may have persuaded him with piñones). The only thing is we had to wait until everyone was gone (~7-730pm) and then leave early the next day (~7-730am). He didn't want people to know so don't spread the word... There are water, toilets, cold showers and the next morning we were able to keep our things in the other building as we went up Sollipulli. Finally there was a food truck there with sopapillas and juice (it was a Saturday).

As for Sollipulli it has been the easiest summit so far, there is superb trail and it took ~2hrs up más o menos. There is one intersection where the trail tells you to go right but the climbers trail goes straight and is quicker (staying left is more quick: -38.93399, -71.49659). The glacier is amazing, 4km in diameter and supposedly 200m deep. I would come back here with glacier gear to cross it and go down the south summit. However Tomáš has his eyes on a way to go around the crater without glacier gear, so it would be a mixture of walking the rim and traversing above treeline towards the south summit where there should be another trail. That would save one cca 20 km of road walking [Nov 2024: this has been proven, see above].

We wanted to go up the main route and down option 01 but CONAF still requests you come down the same way and since they helped us with camping I wanted to respect their wishes. If you wanted to avoid the rangers we both think you could easily go up before or after they arrive, we saw a few other parties doing this [they live somewhere else, this is just a day station]. Note that there is no water after CONAF, if you were doing the traverse, there are some lakes down to the east from the North summit. We think the traverse looks easy until the treeline. From the other end we later passed the trail going up which is in fact a road - not sure how far it goes as a road.

The summit was quick, so afterwards we started walking the road that skirts Sollipulli on its east. It was a peaceful road and I have no complaints until it became not fun anymore after the camping at ~46.9. There were two vehicles that passed (no room) but I have no idea how they drove past some of the downed trees, would be a dodgy ride. The forests here are finally becoming alive! We saw tarantulas and a giant moth carcass and mushrooms finally! There are many fords at the beginning after the lodge so keep sandals on if you have them. It would be worth looking at Google Earth for an alternative trail because we met a guided horse group on GPt15 that told us they went from the south summit of Sollipulli to the lodge without going on the road. It is possible they meant "no road" as in "no asphalt road" but who knows. We headed to routa S-965 to hitch to GPT15 PN Huerquehue (no cars passed until S-965).

  • 2023-Jan-23 to 2023-Jan-25 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Martin & Helena

This section took us 2 days. Unfortunately we didn’t go to the summit, because we needed to go quickly down to Curarrehue, but otherwise we wouldn’t skip it, just a few kms more and it looks incredible. About the trail, the beginning is a dirt road around the lakes and it continues until the start of overgrown section. That is a little more than 4kms, but from the start its a relatively normal trail, easy to follow. The overgrown part is mainly between km 2-3.5, but not so terrible overall following the gps. We camped at the end of this part that took us around 2 hrs, maybe less. After that you walk on a minor road all the time, in a really nice forrest. All the puestos were empty. Hot Spring waypoint is somewhere around houses so we didn’t even go there. To cross the river before CONAF station we used GPT14-E and the bridge. At the station was one guard, food truck closed, water available. The lodging after 1km is nice but it comes with higher prices, we stopped there to have some drink and beer + cola (cans) cost us 6k CLP. We spent the night in the forrest after the pass, but camp at km 46.9 looked great. The rest of the trail is still the same gravel road. Minishop at 57.8 has only basic food, but also some things for repairs etc. In Reigolil was only one shop on the main road open with very limited supplies, but we got from the lady pastel de choclo and some homemade bread, all delicious! Later we continued to GPT15.

Contact: @martin_hanzelka @helenneka

Season 2021/22

Season 2020/21

Season 2019/20

  • 2020-Feb / Hiking / NOBO /

From Reigolil to Solipulli it is a very easy forest road inside the reserva nacional. Carabineros asked some questions and said we could camp where we wanted. Arriving at the CONAF site at Solipulli, there is a small campground, free if you pay the entrance for the volcanoe (4000pp). There is a food truck with sopaipillas and jugos. We hiked the Solipulli and it is a must see. It is incredible and there are not that many people doing it. The CONAF ranger is very friendly. We did not hike from there to Icalma to avoid bushbashing and we wanted to see the big fiesta planned in Melipeuco (every year in late feb). It was worth it as we got to see a celebration of baqueanos. Melipeuco is not this nice but there are several supermarkets and restaurants to resupply. Easy hitch to Icalma (or there are 2 buses / day). We then hitched to Liucura to start section 12.

  • 2020-Jan-30 / 2.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Martina & Ivo

Nothing to add to the previous comments. We arrived at the pipeline construction site during working hours and just followed the indications of the workers, no detour, just some optional route. We spent the night at the CONAF campground and had one of the best breakfasts in Chile at the Sollipulli Lodge (13'000 p.P.). As the rain hasn't stopped by lunchtime we had lunch there too, it was excellent :-D We actually quite liked this section with all the trees. We directly added section 15 after this one. There are several busses per day from Reigolil to Curarrehue but we don't know the schedule.

  • 15-Jan-2020 / 4 days (GPT 14 + GPT 15) / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Matus & Anna

We combined sections 14 and 15. It took us 3 days and nero. GPT14 - there are signs that someone tried to clear overgrown part of the trail on the begining and end but middle is still nicely overgrown. Though we didn't have problem to follow. Part of minor road on regular trail is under construction. They are putting a huge pipe under it. It was evening and workers were not there se we managed to sneak through but I don't think they will let you pass during working hours. It's just before descending to the river before National reserve Villarrica. In the Conaf campsite was food truck (it was weekend) with churasco, sopapillas, drinks... pure heaven. We paid 4000 per person at conaf. They are building a dorm at Lodge. It will be ready for next years hikers ;) Resuply in Reigolil - mini shop on trail seemed abandoned. We found best supplies in shop-4. There is one other shop directly after bridge. GPT15 - road and trail in good condition. On the climb to the lake bit before last settler there are some wild cherry trees on the left. We stuffed ourselves and left for others too. Enjoy. Multiple shops, accomodation options and restaurants in Curarrehue.

  • 2020-Jan-18 / 1.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR + optional summit up Volcán Sollipulli / Tom & Maddie

Overgrown trail towards the start is relatively easy to follow. Mostly overgrown around the middle but the tracks towards either end are in decent condition. The rest of the section is easy walking. I would strongly recommend taking a small detour to summit Volcán Sollipulli in the CONAF National park (~30km into the section). When we arrived at the park we had to pay a CLP 4000 fee per person. When speaking to the ranger about where we intended to walk, he advised that the optional route down from the Volcán we planned to take is in very poor condition and would not let us take it. We had to do an out and back. It took us around 3.5-4h to summit and return. The trail is in excellent condition (trail markers are present) and the view is spectacular!! Possibly the best thing I’ve seen on the GPT. We camped in the park for no charge and bought some hot food from the food truck in the evening on the weekend. No issues with the rest of the section.

  • 2020-Feb-02 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR including Sollipulli climb / Frank

2 long days including Sollipulli climb They are building the pipeline under the dirt road, when they are finished they will bury the pipe & road should reopen. No issues going through there but it was Sunday & no one was around. You walk on a narrow track above ditch, when you reach a point where two big boulders block the path you need to go down into the ditch to go around them. Climbing Sollipulli is highly recommended to see the huge summit crater filled with ice & snow. Easy & well marked ascent. You are not allowed to do the ascent after about 11AM. The food truck 'Sabores de Sollipulli' at the Conaf campsite only operates on weekends, it was closed on Sunday. I believe there is another Conaf site a little off route at Laguna Huaquifilo where you can camp. Nowhere good to camp after that. It was raining so I continued to Reigolil. Just after you cross the bridge there is a shop, they have rooms & provide very basic food. Not recommended but will do if you are stuck.

A few minor corrections: There is no bridge @ Bridge 46, just ford the river easily. Gate @ far side of ford is marked no entry but walking through appears to be OK. There is a gravel track that stays on the right side of the river & goes past Ford 133 & Ford 134 so you don't need to cross either of them. It leads to Ford 135 which you do cross.

Resupply and Accommodation

Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns

Resupply and Accommodation along the Route

Transport to and from Route

Timetable January 2020

Bus goes from Reigolil to Curacautin & Pucon. When I was there it left Reigolil at 7 & 7:50 AM (different to timetable) Confirm times at the shop by the bridge in Reigolil. Frank

South Summit: Temuco-->Cunco-->Lago Caburga-->Hitch/Walk. Or ask/phone the business at Termas Rio Blanco & Termas San Sebastián about their own chartered buses, from a brief conversation with an employee there sounded to be a bus every few days.What's app +56946809918, +56992318329

Temuco's Terminal de Buses Rurales (Balmaceda 1475) can be complicated since most buses have their own shop elsewhere. For Cunco go to office "IGI LLAIMA/ Nar Bus"; Balmaceda 997. The bus leaves every 30min.

From Cunco check with locals about bus to Lago Caburga. Supposedly a bus leaves everyday at 4 or 5pm from Balmaceda corner La Concepción. It will pass by the nice supermarket;Supermercado Hesis on "Colico Sur" aka the S-75. Confirm schedule in the municipality of Cunco before traveling at +56 45 2200147.

Hitchhiking is easy up until Lago Collico, after that there are cars but not many stop.

Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues

Links to other Resources

Retired Section Article GPT14 - Volcán Sollipulli


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