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Plantilla:Acces to Banos Morales by car

De Wikiexplora
Revisión del 12:25 5 oct 2016 de Joaquin.baranao (Discusión | contribuciones)

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Saltar a: navegación, buscar

From Santiago you must take the G-25 to “Cajón del Maipo.” From the intersection at “Vizcachas” (0 km), its 47 kilometers of pavemented road until you reach the police control in “San Gabriel” (phones +56228611008 y +56228612290, in case you want to confirm the conditions of the road farther ahead, although the answers tend to be excessively “conservative”

The detour at “Baños Morales” the mountain village located at the north side of the “Volcán” river is found at the 65.1km mark (the pavement ends at 66.3 kilometers just before the plaster mine of “Lo Valdés.” between june and september this route may not be in the right conditions in there has been recent snow. If this is the case you must take the road to the left, cross the river and ascend a rough but brief uphill road to the village. Once there, you must park (the bus parking lot is a recommended place) and walk to CONAF, located west of the village crossing the creek.