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Greater Patagonian Trail

8 bytes eliminados, 08:07 26 oct 2017
Hiker's Manual for the GPT
==Hiker's Manual for the GPT==
After reading the quite detailed introcution "The Art of Walking on the GPT" you should have a better understanding of the Greater Patagonian Trail and in particular that the GPT is not a "normal trail". It should be clear by now why I write about "walking ''''ON'''' the GPT" and not "walking ''''THE'''' GPT" and that the colloquial frase "''make the GPT''" is completely inappropriate. In the introduction I aim to outline all relevant reasons why '''NOT''' to hike on the GPT and I hope that a good part of the readers came to the conclusion: "That's not the right trail for me!" or at least think: "Not now!". My intention is not to advertise the GPT but provide a candid description.

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