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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Greater Patagonian Trail track files»

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Línea 25: Línea 25:
*'''Aligator''': GTP 40 to GPT32: Plannning to explore that part of the GPT in February (from 03/02) and March (flexible) with my girlfriend (we both live in Santiago). Thank you for the incredible work you've achieved gathering and updating all those information!
*'''ConnyPflaume''': GTP 14 & 15 or the area between lago Conguillo and Lago Tinquilco. We will start this weekend, 11.1.20 - would be nice we could be supplied with the map so shorthanded.
*'''ConnyPflaume''': GTP 14 & 15 or the area between lago Conguillo and Lago Tinquilco. We will start this weekend, 11.1.20 - would be nice we could be supplied with the map so shorthanded.

Revisión del 12:18 14 ene 2020

The track files of the Greater Patagonian Trail are provided on personal request by the author free of charge but not unconditionally. Read in the Hiker's Manual chapter 1.15 Terms and Conditions for Using the Hiker’s Manual and the Trail Files to review these conditions and to understand why these conditions were put in place.

GPT Hikers's Manual: http://bit.ly/GPTmanual

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To request the files you must first create a Wikiexplora account. It really takes less than a minute. The form is in spanish, but it's very standard and simple:

  1. User name
  2. Password
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  4. Email. Not compulsory but highly recommended to give us the chance to reach you. Wikiexplora has sent one email in ten years.
  5. Real name (optional)
  6. On the final line type wikiexplora, all in lower case

List of requests

Please type your name (or your new Wikiexplora user name or alias) and explain your plan for the GPT that requires the GPT Track Files. Put yourself on top of the list.

Don't forget to send the email after adding yourself to the list as described in the GPT Hikers' Manual (1.15.7 Access to the GPT Track Files).

Use the format:

  • Name or Wikiexplora Username: Planned Travel Period and Description of Travel Plan


  • Aligator: GTP 40 to GPT32: Plannning to explore that part of the GPT in February (from 03/02) and March (flexible) with my girlfriend (we both live in Santiago). Thank you for the incredible work you've achieved gathering and updating all those information!

  • ConnyPflaume: GTP 14 & 15 or the area between lago Conguillo and Lago Tinquilco. We will start this weekend, 11.1.20 - would be nice we could be supplied with the map so shorthanded.
  • felixrulz: Will be in the Andes for around 4 months. Have already completed 3 sections, but looking to do more. Joined specifically for the Puyehue section (GPT 19)
  • Kelly Swanson: I plan to solo trek starting at GPT06 in January 2020, continuing till mid March.
  • phil ro: i will start in coihayque in mid-january and will head south for more than 4 weeks with a packraft.
  • johannsteffen: Going to make a backpack trip starting in February on Ushuaya and going to Bariloche in June.
  • Claudio Miranda: Starting from Santiago in January 2020 until April, planing to arrive at least to Chile Chico.
  • Trinity: Travelling to SA for 2 years and plan exploring Patagonia.
  • pirre: Starting in January 2020 on GPT32 and planning to hike south for 6-8 weeks. Thanks!
  • Shn0rhelez: Hi,I am Anton from Sofia,Bulgaria...me and my girlfriend are starting from sec6 in the middle of January...we have around four months...thank you for your remarkable work!!!
  • Gatodelmonte: Starting on 2 January from Santiago, planning to hike South for about 45 days & exit near Pucon (sections 1 to 15)
  • Fedepatagon: Like to pack raft on the area between Bariloche-Osorno and P.N Los Alerces
  • Vincent Paquet: My girlfriend and I are planning to spend 3 weeks walking from december 18 2019 to Jan 10 2020. We're still selecting the exact sections. Cheers!!
  • Tmattson425: Plan for this year is to solo trek sections 1 through 19 (southbound) starting in mid-January 2020. I'm an American expat living in Buenos Aires and plan on returning in following seasons to complete the GPT, try packrafting, and explore alternate routes. Extremely excited an grateful that this trek is possible. Thank you!
  • SalomeS: Planning for a 6 month trip with my husband starting in Oct/Nov 2020. Planning to hike all or most of the GPT. We would be incredibly grateful to receive the gps track files. Thank you!
  • Ianhikes* Leaving for Chile in 1 week and looking to spend a month on GPT hiking southbound.
  • zc0rp10: Hi! Planning and preparing for an extended hike together with two friends from November 2020 - Feb 2021.
  • ELLI: together with a friend we plan to hike the sections of the main route but in opposite direction starting in the area around Lago viedma in first days of January 2020, we have approx. 4 month time
  • gorskial: plan to bike/packraft along the carretera austral from Puerto Montt to Villa O'Higgins with hiking side trips. Jan/feb 2020
  • pitney: Solo hiking GPT sections 6-22 Southbound beginning early January, 2020.
  • dirtmonger: GPT sections 1-24; planning underway for an immersion solo hike ‘20 November to ‘21 February.
  • bob451: Planning on solo hiking 2 or 3 sections of the GPT northbound March/April 2019.
  • Mgabenesch : Planning on hiking most parts of the GPT, starting in Ushuaïa then going North. I have on year off. Starting Dec 2019
  • Family Size: Planning on hiking parts of the GPT southbound. Starting end of November 2019.
  • shaunchurch: Hope to solo hike/packraft a few sections southbound. Section 15 or 17 in Dec 2019. Then maybe a couple more from among sections 21-31 in Jan and Feb 2020.
  • iank:2 months jan and feb 2020. Hope to hike isla navarino, cirque of huemuls and then cochrane to chile chico. More northerly secions maybe 2021.
  • dsmit3000: Solo hiker planning on hiking GPT40-31 northbound November-January 2019.
  • 2As: We plan to walk in Chile and Argentina from mid October 2019 to mid march 2020. We don't have precisely planned our trip but the root of our trip is to go by foot through Patagonia and also discover Chile and his people and culture.
  • A pat: We plan to do several sections of the GPT (Need to confirm but we are interesting in sections 08-22 and 35- 40) from January to early March 2020.
  • Aceestrin: We'll be exploring for 4 weeks in Los Lagos region December-January.
  • Andrealopezb: I plan on doing individual sections for the time being, mostly between Santiago-El Maule
  • annbrnn: Heya, a friend and I are planning on hiking several sections of the GPT beginning end of December 2019 and are currently in the process of determining our route.
  • AlexEdge: Hi, i am planning to hike the lower sections of this route with a couple friends, possibly febuary 2020. thank you!
  • Arno507: We plan to do several sections of the GPT starting fom November/December 2019 till early April 2020.
  • Birdy : I plan to mostly walk from Lake Titicaca to Ushuaia starting November 2019.
  • David: Hello!! This is David from Barcelona and I'm planning to walk through the Patagonia for 4 month from January 2020. I would love to do all de GPT, but I'm not sure if it's too ambitious... For sure, I'll try it!! :-) I would really appreciate if you can provide me the gps track files. Many thanks!!
  • Dubrovskiy: 2 people, January 2020, Foot hiking southern parts, likely around GPT40-33.
  • Edwinb: I will be arriving in Chile in Nov and plan to cherry pick parts of the GPT and mix it with other trekking, basically like I did last year. Always interested in a bit of exploring, providing it doesn't get to extreme!
  • Hendrik Niehaus: We arrive in Chile early Oktober 2019. From November until January we plan to be on the GPT. Due to the recommendations of the hikers manual we are mainly interested in section 5-16. However, plans might still change and are not too fixed yet. Thank you in advance!
  • Herman van Horssen: We plan to do section 47 to 69 of the GPT in 2020.
  • johansonst333: Hi! I am planning the sections 30 - 40 during this hiking season, would be incredibly grateful to have the GPS files for further research and planning. Thank you in advance!
  • Jose Barros Hello !Im jose from Santiago de Chile, i will do the sections from Conquillio national park to Puyehue national park, its aprox. 15 days in January, i think it will be great ! If you can provide the track files i will be very thankfull.
  • Jose Roman: Hi, my plan is to several sections by bike or hiking staring September 2019 until Abril 2020.
  • JUNHUI SON: Hi, I'm from South Korea, I plan to do section 1 to 40 of the GPT in September 2019 till November.
  • Kendon: I cycled Patagonia many year ago and have always wanted to return for an extended walk through this wonderful area. I am in preliminary stages of my planning and thank you for your efforts in providing such a great resource. I am looking at the 2020 summer.
  • Martín H.I.: Hello, I´m planning to make an attempt to hike from sections GPT01 to GPT22 this summer from December 2019 to February 2020, still deciding on the exact sections, but southbound is my direction. I´m a chilean 25 year old architect who will humbly try to hike this unique trail. Thank you Jan for the amazing creation.
  • Martin Lizondo: I will be hiking southbound from Anticura (GPT20) to El Chaltén (GPT39), between December 2019 and February 2020. It's my second season in the GPT, after hiking from Santiago (GPT01) to Anticura (GPT19) in 2018-2019.
  • martinahaller: We will be arriving in Chile in Nov and plan to hike parts of the GPT during the next 6 Month, starting in Santiago.
  • Maturin: Hi, I am currently figuring out the details to hike GPT06 to GPT08 from the 27th of December 2019 until mid January. I will be doing the Horseriding tour before. I speak fluent spanish and the idea is to go southbound. Thank you!
  • Matúš Lašan: We plan to do as much as possible from December 2019 till March 2020.
  • msantelli: Hi, Melissa, plan to trek sections 05-22 taking a chance to start mid-late Nov. of ‘19 may need to backtrack and cut a few sections out, if rivers can’t be ford/crossed-flexible schedule
  • Meylin Ubilla and Jan Dudeck: We plan to investigate new packrafting and hiking routes in more remote areas between Puerto Montt and El Chalten without making a single long traverse (GPT21 to GPT40, GPT90P to GPT 92P). We will depart in November 2019 and plan to finish in February 2020. Experienced packrafts may join us for these investigations.
  • Lauric Olrik: We plan to do several sections of the GPT starting from November 2019, we have a whole year off.
  • Lea Geibel: Hi, my plan is to do several sections of the GPT starting fom October/November 2019 until beginning of January 2020 and need to figure out which ones are suitable for such an early start.
  • Linda: Hi, I am planning to hike alone southbound the GPT from beginning of December 2019 to mid-February 2020, probably from GPT06 to GPT22, but I am still studying the routes and the sections. I spoke quite good spanish, at least, it will come back there, practicing ! Thank you !
  • Oreste Marquis: Hello, i'm planning to hike sections 06-22 and 32-40 if time allows it. My trip will be from January to Abril 2020.
  • Sanita Heinz: We plan to do section 1 to 40 of the GPT in December 2019 till March 2020.
  • Selma: We are planning to packraft some sections of the GPT during our stay in Nov/Dez '19
  • Staci Garcia: Hello, I am planning on doing several sections of the GPT in 2020. I am still in research on what sections.
  • TrashPanda: Hi, we plan to do several sections from the end of November 2019 till February 2020.
  • tom347: Hola, I plan to do part of parts 1 to 40 with a friend, starting mid october. We will be hitchhiking the parts that are not recomended in particular months. We will be travelling for aproximately 2 months. Gracias.
  • Tombartlett: Hello I am planning on hiking many sections over a three month period from November 2019 to February 2020.
  • Wanderwood18 : We plan to make it to El Chalten/Fitz Roy in one season from Santiago. This means I’ll probably skip recommended sections to skip/do what I need to do to make it. I’m flexible, we will see how it goes. My girlfriend, America, and I are planning on starting around Nov. 10th….