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[[Category:Parche Cordillera de la Costa]]
|Primer Autor=[[Usuario:Joaquin.baranao|Joaquín Barañao]]
|Imágen Principal=Cruce_Ocoa_Caleu.JPG
|ComentariosImagen=Cruce de Crossing from Ocoa a to Caleu. Junio de June 2009
The route starts at the access gate to El Roble, at 1242 masl (although it is possible to continue driving 4.1 kilometers more, up to 1680 masl). The route is very clear until the fork to Ocoa, because it is a vehicular road built for the construction and maintenance of the antennas of the summit. A normal weekend (especially after snowfall), there should be some cars on the road. It should start to walk towards the west. The road climbs without stopping until the fork. The first section is by the edge of this southern foothill of the hill. Then it reaches the edge that divides the valleys of Caleu and Olmué. To the west, there are beautiful views of the palmar of Ocoa and La Campana. Shortly after this first view of the Olmué valley, a pedestrian fork appears for the path that leads to Ocoa (1680 masl and highest point of the route). Turn left, heading west. For the summit of the Oak tree, you must continue along the main vehicular road, along the route described in [[Cerro el Roble (vehicular route)]]. The route is wide and pleasant, in the shadow of the northernmost oaks of the Southern Hemisphere, and it enters with a gentle slope along the southern slope of the edge that separates the two valleys. After 2.3 kilometers, the footprint is passed to the northern slope of this edge, with more sun exposure, and the vegetation will flatten suddenly, disappearing oaks, but getting in return a beautiful view of the palmar of Ocoa at our feet. One more kilometer should be traveled along this wide route until it empties into an old quartz mine (on the southern slope).
En este puntoAt this point, comienza un breve tramo abrupto para los ciclistas a brief abrupt stretch begins for the cyclists (sin problema para los caminantesno problem for the walkers) marcado como marked as "Tramo escarpadoSteep section" en el mapa on the map (si se siguiera avanzando por el filoif you continue advancing on the edge, se recorrería la ruta you will cross the route [[Caleu - Olmué‎Olmué]]). Se deben bajar unos pocos metro hasta el paso que separa los dos vallesYou must go down a few meters to the step that separates the two valleys, donde hay registros de campamentoswhere there are records of camps. A la izquierda se ve un sendero que conduce al valle de On the left you can see a path that leads to the valley of Olmué, pero se debe tomar el sendero poco marcado de la derechabut you must take the little marked path on the right. Éste zigzaguea por la laderaThis zigzags down the slope, entre los arbustos y espinosbetween the bushes and thorns, bajando bruscamente desde descending sharply from 1404 hasta to 1135, punto en que empalma con el sendero point where it joins the path "La Mina" del Parque Nacional of the Palmas de Ocoa y donde la ruta se vuelve National Park and where the route becomes "civilizadacivilized" para los ciclistasfor cyclists. Pocos metros más adelanteA few meters further on, se debe cruzar un puente de madera en muy mal estadoyou must cross a wooden bridge in very bad condition, y luego continuar un agradable descensoand then continue a nice descent. Poco más adelanteA little later, aparecen las primeras palmasthe first palms appear. Tras un tramo largo por la misma laderaAfter a long stretch along the same slope, se llegará you will reach a un cartel que marca sign that says "CascadaWaterfall: 0,.5 km" a mano derechaon the right, marcado como marked as "bifurcación cascada cascade bifurcation 2" porque este sendero es más común recorrerlo en sentido contrariobecause this path is more common to travel in the opposite direction. Es posible visitar la cascada y volver It is possible to visit the waterfall and return (vale la penait's worth it). Luego el sendero cruza un estero con agua todo el año y continúa bajando hasta otra bifurcación Then the trail crosses a la misma cascadastream with water all year and continues down to another fork to the same waterfall, marcado como marked as "bifurcación cascada cascade bifurcation 1". Luego se llega al Then you come to the Casino sector de Casino, con muchas palmaswith many palms, y luego al estacionamiento superior and then to the upper parking lot ("El Peral") para finalmente llegar a la entrada al Parque Nacionalto finally reach the entrance to the National Park, donde hay guardaparqueswhere there are park rangers.===VariantesVariants ===* Si la ruta se realiza en el sentido descrito If the route is made in the direction described (Caleu - Ocoa) es perfectamente posible it is perfectly possible (sobretodo en bicicleta pero también especially on a piebicycle but also on foot) subir a la cumbre del to climb to the summit of El Roble (ver see [[Cerro el Roble (ruta vehicularroute)]], luego bajar y tomar la bifurcación a then go down and take the fork to Olmué.* Cuando se termina el tramo escarpado y se alcanza el sendero When the steep section ends and the "La Mina"trail is reached, se puede doblar a la derecha yyou can turn right and, sólo only 200 metros más adelantemeters further on, llegar you reach the quartz mine and a la mina de cuarzo y a un misterioso mysterious bus abandonado en medio de la quebrada abandoned in the middle of the ravine (¿?).* Desde From "bifurcación cascada cascade bifurcation 2", se puede tomar el desvío a la cascada y luegoyou can take the detour to the waterfall and then, en lugar de volver a la ruta por la que veníamosinstead of going back to the route you came from, continuar por ese sendero hasta empalmar en continue on that path until you join at "bifurcación cascada bifurcation waterfall 1". ===Tiempo esperadoExpected time ===*'''Trekking''':A un ritmo At a normalpace, este this trekking debiera tomar unas should take about 4 a to 5 horas entre el portón de acceso al Roble y hours between the access gate to Oak and CONAF de Ocoa.* '' 'Mountain Bike' '': About two and a half hours to three hours.
It is possible to shorten both times in about 40 minutes if you drive up to the fork to Ocoa.
{{Oak Entrance}}
== Recommendations ==
{{Checklist | Type 1 equipment checklist: low altitude route, without camping, snow or cold}}

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