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ENG:Altos de Lircay

10 bytes eliminados, 04:35 13 nov 2016
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== Season ==
November to April but beware as snow can linger on the path down to the Laguna till December so it may be advisable to come prepared for snow if done in early November or late April.
== Access ==
The banks of the lakes are a perfect spot for a quick break before ascending back up the way you came to the top of the crater. From the signpost at the top take the branching path to the right and not back the way you came. The path is obvious all the way as it makes it's away across the plateau, occasionally marked with cairns and parallel lines of rocks. After about a km the path joins with the fork we ignored earlier and makes it's way along the lower left side of the plateau through interesting volcanic rock formations. After 3 km the path reaches to Enladrillado, a flat rock plain which can be seen clearly from a distance away. Much is made of the apparently strange UFO launch-pad nature of this rock platform but what really impresses is the stunning views of Descabezado Grande (the Decapitated volcano) and Cerro Azul straight ahead, the beautiful forests and valley surrounding them and the endless views of the high snow-capped volcanoes that stretch down the backbone of Chile.
Once you've spent a sufficient amount of time soaking in the views take the clearly marked path to the right down off the plateau that you passed just before reaching Enladrillado. From here it's about 3km and 400m of decent down to the second of the campamento's at the base of the plateau. It's then another fairly flat time consuming 4km back to the first campamento and then out the way you came in. [[File:RIMG0034_(Medium).jpg|thumb|Enladrillado with the view of Descabezado Grande and Cerro Azul behind]]
'''Estimated time'''

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