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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

1437 bytes añadidos, 17:04 12 dic 2024
Season 2024/25: Added information from our trip
==Season 2024/25==
* ''' 2024-DEC-05 to 2024-DEC-10 / 5.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR & OH var. D,K,N / Tamar & Nimrod '''
1: (33.417580, -70.207266) nice spot without water.
2. Near ford 02 [21.6/2033] there was a small strait patch of sand on the river bank.
3. (-33.524196,-7024.5732) Water from a lot of snow melting around.
4. Camp 02 [49.2/2800]
5. SOBO last water 25 km? - a few meters before the water point there is a nice spot above the road.
Water? {02} [8.7/1298]- no water.
Water? {02} [11.8/1648] - weak flow on 06.12.24.
Last water for the last 25 km SOBO - weak flow, a lot of algae. Had some taste after filtering (09.12.24).
Besides all water points were OK.
While climbing to pass 02 we saw a very big grey bird, which we think was an andes condor. It came very close to us, flew very low, and looked at us. We understood it wanted to attack us. We got close together and tried to look big with our hands and poles stretched to the sides. The bird made a few circles above us and finally decided to leave. We don't know if it could have tried to attack us, but it was pretty scary.
At the end of the section we took the last escape route (N variant) and took a ride with workers from the mine, who were very friendly but did not seem to understand why we were in a restricted place. No problem getting out though.
Great section! We lost a green phone near the pass- if anyone ever finds it we would love to know 😉
* ''' 2024-NOV-28 > 30 / 2,5 jours / Randonnée / SOBO / RR / Pierre-Marie ​​'''

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