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GPT Gear Lists/Tobias

200 bytes añadidos, 25 mayo
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'''Soto Windmaster Stove.'''
We bought this stove because we were concerned about cooking in windy conditions; in reality, we almost always had pretty sheltered campsites. So, I'd say that any normal camping stove works. Camping gas was usually not too hard to find. We tried out the gas canister refilling once (described in the manual), and it mostly worked, but it is a bit of a finicky process, and we decided it was not worth the minor cost savings for us.See these articles on refilling: https://adventuresinstoving.blogspot.com/2012/01/gas-canister-refilling.html https://adventuresinstoving.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-g-works-r1-gas-saver-refilling.html
=== Backpack ===

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