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GPT30P (Canal Puyuhuapi)

580 bytes añadidos, 15:13 2 dic 2023
==Season 2021/22==
* GPT30P Puerto Cisnes - Puyuhuapi - La Junta/ Packrafting Route / NoBo/ 2022 Jan-7 / 6 days / Tobias Schorcht
No surprises in Canal Puyuhuapi except Dophins, Sea Lions and Penguins :). Recomment to packraft Lago Risopatrón NoBo because of the predominant wind direction. Made a sail out of my tent which worked out very well. Kayaking Río Risopatrón is beatiful, even though there are many trees in the River. But I just had to bypass 4 times, so it it’s not a big deal. Enjoyed that Part a lot :).
==Season 2020/21==
==Season 2019/20==
==Season 2018/19==
=Resupplyand Accommodation=
==Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns==
==Resupply on and Accommodation along the TrailRoute==
 =Access Transport to and from Route=
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