Laguna Negra (english)
- Trekking: September to April. In September and October may
there is a considerable amount of snow that makes it difficult to walk, and not be possible to access by car to the barrier, but this will rewarded by an even more beautiful landscape in the summer months.
- Randonnée: June to September. In the middle of winter and soon after
Snow is possible that the vehicle is forced to be fairly away from the dam. For that reason, if there is only one day is not good idea from a very short time after a snowfall. From September, may be necessary to remove the skis in the brief stretch that skirts the reservoir after the dam.
Access by car and the road status
From Santiago, you should take Route G-25 at Cajon del Maipo. From the Vizcachas crossing, 47 kilometers are paved in good condition to the control of police of San Gabriel (phone 8611008 and 8612290, if you want to check the status of the road, although the responses tend to be too "conservative"). Then are 1.1 miles of pavement to the confluence of the Maipo Gypsum. Immediately after the bridge starts on gravel, on a slope the river back Gypsum. 1.1 kilometers below (2.2 kms from Carabineros San Gabriel) is Romeral, with some houses and mining facilities. At this point you turn right and continue on the path G-455. There are about 18 kilometers of gravel in regular state to the dam of the reservoir the Yeso which is the maximum you can go by car. This item is a 2520 meters, so that between May and October is usually not possible reach by car.
Access by public transport and hitchhiking
Public busses to Cajón del Maipo
- Public busses (subsidized): El Alfalfal – San José de Maipo; Baños Morales (Lo Valdés) – El Volcán – San José de Maipo and El Volcán–San José de Maipo cost CLP$1200 (US$ 1.2 as of January 2025). It can cost as little as $300 for shorter distances.
- Turmaipo: From October to January first, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Daily in January and February. Departures at 7:30 AM and from Baños Morales at 18:000. It departures from Terminal de Metrobuses Bellavista de la Florida, platform E, or from Las Mercedes (Puente Alto) around 7:50. In San José de Maipo at about 8:35, to finally reach Baños Morales around 10:15. CLP$8000 (US$ 8 as of January 2025) round trip to Baños Morales, cheaper for shorter distances. Phone: +56228424208, +56222830082, +56228611518, cell +56982896718
- Buses TurMarzur: Phone +56993357800
Private vans to Cajón del Maipo
- Turismontaña: +56991219203
- Baños Morales: CLP$10000 (US$ 10 as of January 2025) round trip, per person, $12000 if you return a different day.
- Embalse El Yeso: CLP$10000 (US$ 10 as of January 2025) per person
- Turismo Arpue: CLP$10000 (US$ 10 as of January 2025) per person. Bookings at least 24 hours in advnace +56222117165 - +56226818475 cel: +56999320108
Both companies depart from Baquedano Metro Station (red and green lines), at the side of Telefónica building. The departure is at 7:30, to reach Baños Morales at about 10:00. That is, the foot same dam.
Given that the alternative bus permits only reach Romeral (which lies on the road to Baños Morales), from this point you should try the hitchhiking. The road traffic is low, so it is likely that the expected to be a weekend long, and too long on a weekday.
Route description
Once in the southeast of the dam (along the road vehicle),
it must be crossed and then continue on the road along the reservoir.
After about 900 meters, it will be possible to see that the land that we
Black Lagoon separates more gradual rise. At this point it should
turn west and start climbing. As you get higher,
be possible to appreciate the El Yeso in all its magnitude. Always
to the west, you will need up to nearly 2,800 feet before
northwest. After advancing a few minutes from the highest point, Black Lagoon will be visible. From this point the journey becomes even easier to follow, then simply point to the lake, in a permanent decline. In the vicinity of the lake the decrease becomes more pronounced. The beach, the proposed final destination, appears first time.
Expected Time
From the edge of the dam, the walk should not take more than two hours to the lagoon where the land is clear. Consider a slightly less time back. With snow, however, walk will take quite some. As can also be need to start the walk from behind the dam, it is possible taking the trek runs the entire day.
From the same dam, the land is owned by Aguas Andinas. The step is not is permitted without permission. To obtain the access permit must be send an email to the Operations Manager, Mr. Alejandro Romero (, phone: 2878813) specifying objectives, expedition members (name, ID, occupation or business and years of experience in mountain), head of group, date of activity and approximate time in which transit through the land the company. However, when the road vehicle is cut through the snow is unlikely that such permission is necessary in practice.
Waypoints in Google Earth
- Black Lagoon Waypoints. The point Start the trek according to the onset of snow in September 2007.
To download the file right-click and then select "Save file as" (IE) or "Save link as" (Firefox, Chrome). By trying to open it directly, some browsers will show the raw code with the coordinates.