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GPT37H - Lago O'Higgins

1478 bytes añadidos, 21:38 13 ene 2020
Season Section Log
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
==Season Section Log==
* 2020-Jan-10 / Jan Dudeck / GPT37H Lago O‘Higgins Motor Boat Crossing
Currently 3 companies offer motor boat crossings of Lago O‘Higgins between Villa O‘Higgins and Candelario Mansilla. Prices for a crossing without a visit of Glacier O‘Higgins range from 36‘000 to 45‘000 CLP. These companies are:1. RobinsonCrusoe (biggest and most expensive)2. La Rueda3. ??? Like in past years technical issues with the boats and weather (primarily wind) disrupt schedule departures and limit the capacity. This results in significant waiting times in both directions. Waiting 1 to 4 days is common but some people had to wait up to one week to get a seat in a boat. The biggest boat - La Quetru - is currently out of operation due to a motor damage. Recommendations: Be patient and don’t plan with a tight schedule if intending to cross the border between Villa O’Higgins and El Chalten Southbound travelers can wait in Villa O‘Higgins where food is available and can be paid with credit cards. But enough cash should be carried as the next ATM is in Cochrane, a 6 hour drive north of Villa O’Higgins. Northbound travelers should carry enough food and cash to wait several days in Candelario Mansilla. Only basic food can be purchased in Candelario Mansilla (Cash only). Consider purchasing a ferry ticket in advance in El Chalten. Alternatively TAS offers occasionally flights for 70’000 CLP between an airfield next to the border and Villa O’Higgins. * 2019 Dec 11 Arnaud et Adriane - North to South
Be aware that you will maybe have to wait the ferry in Villa O'Higgins. It is very dependant on the weather conditions. We had to wait 4 days.

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