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GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena

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{{Table all GPTs}}
==Section Statistics==
==Basic statistics==
{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"
|+'''GPT28P: Bajo Río Palena'''
|colspan="2"|Nov - May (Conditionally: Sep, Oct)
|colspan="2"|Required (77.5 km | 77.5 % on Water)
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|No Rating
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 5 / 5
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|No Rating
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 3 / 5
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|83.0 km | 18 h
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|Only ↓
|colspan="2"|Hiking: Packraft required
|colspan="2"|Published and Verified
|colspan="2"|F: Zona Palena
|colspan="2"|Chile: Aysén (XI)
|colspan="2"|Río Palena, La Junta
|colspan="2"|Puerto Chacabuco , (Puerto Cisnes)
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|Previous Section
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|Next Section
|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|Alternative Section
|[[GPT27P]] or [[GPT30P]]
|[[GPT31P]] or [[GPT29P]] or [[GPT30P]]
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
==Season Section Log==
==Summary Table==
==Satellite Image Map==
==Elevation Profile==
====Elevation Profile of Regular Packrafting Route====
[[File:profile GPT28-p.PNG|frame|center|Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)]]
==Section Planning Status==
==Recommended Travel Period==
==Recommended Travel Direction==
==Section Length and Travel Duration==
==Suitable Section Combinations==
==Section Attractiveness==
==Section Difficulty==
===Resupply Towns at Start, Finish Town=======Shopping: Food========Shopping: Fuel========Shopping: Equipment========Services: Restaurants========Services: Laundry========Services: ATM and off RouteMoney Exchange========Accommodation: Hostals and Hotels========Accommodation: Cabañas========Accommodation: Camping========Transport: Ground Transport========Transport: Ferries========Transport: Shipping Services=======Resupply en Routeon the Trail=======Location, Names, Available Items and Services======Access to Routeand Return=====Access to Start======Return from Finish======Escape Options=====Permits, Entry Fees, and Right-of-Way Issues==
==Regular Route==
===Regular Hiking Route===
===Regular Packrafting Route===
====Elevation Profile of Regular Packrafting Route====[[File:profile GPT28-p.PNG|frame|center|Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)]]====Comments to Regular Packrafting Route===='''Summarising route description to be issued.'''  *Route description by Kara Davis after Season 2017/18:
Río Palena continues to steadily grow as it makes its way towards the ocean. This section has noticeably fewer rapids, and mostly consists of calm, slow moving water. Camping is abundant and easy to find. There are many rocky beaches that lead to flat grassy or sandy land. Within 20 km or so from the ocean, tidal effects on the river current are noticeable. Check a tidal timetable before embarking to get an idea of good times to paddle. If the wind or tides makes paddling impracticable, it is possible to reach Ruta X-12, a dirt road which follows the river and leads to Puerto Raúl Marín Balmaceda.
==Optional Routes==
==Investigation Investigations and Exploration TasksExplorations====ImagesLinks to other Resources====Related Routes on WikiexploraAlerts and Logs of Past Seasons====Related Blogs and Online Publications==
[[category:Greater Patagonian Trail]]

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