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ENG:Volcán Tupungato

1 byte eliminado, 22:28 5 jun 2019
Photo Gallery
File: Volcan Tupungato.jpg | [[Tupungato Volcano]] seen from the top of [[Piuquencillo]]. Looking to the Northeast, August 2002
FileArchivo: 7 Volcan Tupungato Volcano face eastcara este.JPG | Tupungato face volcano This photo: Horacio OsorioFileArchivo: 9 View of Vista de cerros Chimbote, Polleritas and Pollera hills from the y Polleras desde el Tupungato.JPG | View of Chimbote, Polleritas and Polleras hills from the Tupungato. Photo: [[User: Jfbustos | Juan Francisco Bustos]]FileArchivo: 3 Tupungato Volcano February Volcan tupungato febrero 2004.JPG | Tupungato Volcano, February 2004. Photo: Alex Volador
1_Tupungato_Tupungatito_y_Maipo_ChileArgentina.JPG | Tupungato Volcano (left) and [[Tupungatito Volcano]] (right)
Volcan Tupungato Volcano face cara Noreste.JPG | The glaciated northeast face of the Tupungato Volcano from the summit of [[Cerro Plata]], in Argentina. November 2011
{{Six thousands of Chile}}

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