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[[Category:Parche Cordillera de la Costa]]
[[Archivo:El Roble.JPG|frame|center|Cerro El Roble desde la cumbre del from the summit of[[Cerro La Campana]]. Diciembre de 2016]]
|Primer Autor=[[User:Jupa|Juan Pablo Ortega]]
|Imágen Principal=Roble_cerro.jpg
|ComentariosImagen=Cima de Summit of El Roble inusualmente nevadounusually snowed, August 11 de agosto de , 2007. FotoPhoto: Constanza Miranda
[[File:Mapa ascenso Roble.jpg|thumb|Mapa de la rutaMap of the route]]
== Appropriate time ==
It can be done all year. The ideal time is May, when the oaks are red. The second best time is in the winter months, when the Andean mountain range is snowy and superb, and you have a great view of [[Monte Aconcagua]] and company.
==Photo Gallery==
Aconcagua from the oakdesde el roble.JPG | [[Mount Aconcagua]] from the Cerro El Roble. May 2012
La Campana Roble.JPG | [[Cerro La Campana]] from Cerro El Roble. May 2012
</ gallery>
== Hire Guides and Tourism Agencies ==
[[File: Sin título.jpg | left]] '' '[http://www.facebook.com/ecotrekkingchile Eco Trekking Chile]''': GUIDED TOURS IN CORDILLERA
** '''Contact''': ecotrekkingchile@gmail.com** '''Facebook''': '''[https://www.facebook.com/ecotrekkingchile EcoTrekkingChile FB]'''** '''Instagram''': '''[https://www.instagram.com/ecotrekking.santiago.de.chile Eco Trekking Santiago de Chile]'''** '''Phone' '': +56948469813 (WhatsApp)