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ENG:Monte Aconcagua

12 952 bytes añadidos, 22:16 4 jun 2019
Página creada con «EN:ENG:Monte Aconcagua {{Indexada}} category:KMZconTrack {{RutaForm2 |Actividad=Montaña |País=Argentina |CiudadesArgentina=Mendoza |BellezaEscenica=Impresionante...»
[[EN:ENG:Monte Aconcagua]]
|Atractivos=Vistas panorámicas, Glaciar, Parque Nacional
|Duracion=8 - 10 días
|Dificultad Técnica=Fácil
|RequiereHabilidadTrek=Sí requiere
|Sendero=Siempre Claro
|TipoTrek=Ascensión Cerro
|Primer ascenso=
|Primer ascenso=Matthias Zurbriggen (Suiza) 14 de enero de 1897
|ComparteIdayRetorno=Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta
|Primer Autor=Carlos Sabbione
|Imágen Principal=Monte_Aconcagua.JPG
|ComentariosImagen=Monte Aconcagua
|ComentariosMapa={{colores|red|Horcones - Plaza de Mulas}}
{{colores|yellow|Plaza de Mulas - Nido de Cóndores}}
{{colores|blue|Nido de Cóndores - Camp Berlín}}
{{colores|purple|Campamento Berlín - Cumbre}}
{{Trekking Argentina}}
{{Epoca adecuada Aconcagua}}
== Description of the route ==
[[File: Perfi_CoAconcagua.png | frame | center | Height profile Aconcagua trek]]
=== From Horcones to Plaza de Mulas ===
{{distance and difference in height | 28 km | 2,275 m | 785 m}}
[[File: CaminoPlazadeMulas.jpg | thumb | Arriving at Plaza de Mulas]]
[[File: P1031078.JPG | thumb | View at the exit of Playa Ancha, in the background the Horcones glacier Image: Carlos Sabbione]]
[[File: Plaza de Mulas.jpg | thumb | Camps in Plaza de Mulas. Photography: Carlos Sabbione]]
At the control post of Horcones (2950 masl), you must complete the procedures to enter the park, the place has parking, toilets and drinking water. Once the entrance check-ups are completed, the walk begins along the perfectly marked and signposted path. From the moment you enter the park, you can see the imposing southern face of the Colossus with all its presence. Approximately 15 minutes walk is the Horcones Lagoon (2980 masl), a good place to relax and eat something before continuing on your way. Continue for 45 minutes of walking along the path to the north, until you reach the hanging bridge that crosses the river Horcones (3070 meters above sea level) in front of the Durazno ravine, until here you can reach paying the daily pass to visit. Once crossed the bridge the path continues bordering the river, from here the road begins to have gentle slopes and then steepen more, but without presenting major difficulties. Before arriving at the junction of the Horcones Superior and Inferior rivers, there is the Confluencia camp (3390 masl), which owes its name to the merger of the aforementioned rivers. In this place the first camp is made where you must register at the ranger station, in addition to a free mandatory medical checkup to continue the trekking the next day to Plaza de Mulas. The area has companies that provide accommodation services, kitchen and private bathrooms, you can camp independently and use the public toilets, also has water for consumption, permanent medical assistance and helicopter for evacuations.The next day should start early, it is advisable to leave from 6:00 am, since this will be a very long and exhausting day of hiking between 8 and 11 hours (28 km approx), which requires more physical effort, taking into account that you can begin to feel the symptoms of height. Departing from Confluencia along the marked and signposted trail 10 minutes away is the division of the roads that lead to Plaza Francia and Mulas, the course of both is signposted by what does not confuse what to take. The path goes down to a small plain called Confluencia Inferior (former camping place) where the Horcones River is crossed by a small bridge to go back up the slope bordering the river. Overcoming this slope you enter the so-called Playa Ancha, a wide and picturesque flat creek that has no difficulty but makes you feel its slope at the end of your journey, you can follow several trails that go along the right bank of the Horcones Superior River. Approximately three hours away is Piedra Ibañez (3790 masl), a large rock that serves as a stop where to take the first rest, eat something and hydrate. One hour after the last break, continuing along the path ends Playa Ancha, the Fingers hill marks its end and the terrain changes its appearance, the ravine narrows and the path begins to climb steep slopes that make themselves felt, as a backdrop observe the Cerro Cuerno and the Horcones glacier, at the base of which is Plaza de Mulas. In this part of the route you can touch the base of the Aconcagua with your hands as the west face of the massif accompanies the journey. Continuing about 3 hours and averages approx. we reach an old military refuge (4050 masl) destroyed by an avalanche, the last place to recompose strength and face the end of the route, the so-called Cuesta Brava, which lives up to its name, taking into account the busy hours and the height gained . Once over the slope, the moraines of the Horcones glacier begin, where you have a panoramic view of the glacier and the Aconcagua base camp.

Going up the moraine we arrive at Plaza de Mulas (4350 masl), a small town of tents in the middle of the Cordillera, base of the normal Coloso route, fully equipped with housing, gastronomy, communications, health services, medical assistance, bars and even art gallery.

10 minutes from the camping area, is the Plaza de Mulas Hotel (4370 masl), a refuge with all services, next to the hotel there are areas where camping is allowed, paying a small fee you can use the hotel service , as the toilets and the dining room.
The trekking permit gives 7 days of stay in the park, so the stay in Plaza de Mulas can be extended for 3 or 4 days, in addition to enjoying the wonderful scenery and the different "climatic shows" offered by Aconcagua, you can ascend to the first camp of the Colossus called Plaza Canada (5050 masl) and contemplate an imposing view of the Andes as well as the panoramic view of the Horcones Superior and Cerro Cuerno glacier, or climb the Cerro Bonete (5100 masl).

Temperatures in summer are low, reaching -15 º C at night and weather changes are sudden and abrupt, registering snow and storms so you have to bring high mountain clothing and equipment.

When arriving and departing from Mulas, you must complete the check-in and check-out process as well as the obligatory medical check-up.

The return of Mulas to Horcones is done by the same way and it takes between 7 and 9 hours, if you want you can camp in Confluencia and continue the next day or continue until the exit of the park. It is necessary to take the precaution of wearing high mountain clothes along the way since there are storms and snowfalls of varying intensity, just as the temperatures present variations, the climatic changes are surprising.

=== From Plaza de Mulas to Nido de Cóndores ===
[[File: BaseCamp PlazadeMulas.jpg | thumb | Base Camp Plaza de Mulas, Aconcagua National Park. Image: Vojtech Dvorak]]
[[File: Nido_de_Condores_1.jpg | thumb | Camp Nido de Cóndores [http://www.panoramio.com/photo/100853872#comment Image: Carlos Rivera]]]
{{distance and difference in height | 5.3 km | 1.203 | 18 m}}
After acclimatizing and resting at the Plaza de Mulas base camp, you should advance towards the Nido de Cóndores camp located at 5,400 meters above sea level. The journey lasts approximately 6 hours in a zigzag ascent, where the hauling of the terrain and starting to load more heavy backpacks make progress difficult.

The ascent is made by the east side of Plaza de Mulas until leaving on the left the Cerro Manso and thus continue east to Nido de Cóndores.
Due to the extension of the ascent, the route can be divided by camping at Camp Canada (4,900 meters above sea level) or at Camp Alaska (5,250 meters above sea level). However, to consider these options, one must be sure of having a water source.

=== Nest of Condors to High Camp (refuge Berlin) ===
[[File: Aconcagua_ruta_noroeste_normal_esther_carmona.jpg | thumb | Normal route to Mount Aconcagua. Image: Esther Carmona]]
{{distance and slope: 1.8 km | 385 m | 20.2 m}}
[[File: RefugioBerlin-001.jpg | thumb | Refugio Berlin (approx 5900 masl). Image: [http://www.panoramio.com/photo/16752222#comment Daniel Rosales]]]
On Nido de Cóndores is the Berlin camp (5,900 masl), a place that also has a wooden shelter to protect itself when the weather conditions are unfavorable.

On average this stretch lasts between 3 and 4 hours, always depending on the acclimatization to the height that has been reached, because although this is a much shorter section, factors such as altitude hinder breathing, making it go much more time as usual.

However, as it progresses, the complexities are offset by the beautiful landscape that with each step that takes place, becomes more impressive.

After continuing the road for a while, you reach the diagonal that leads to the refuge Berlin (5,900 masl), which represents the end of this stretch.

=== Camp Alto (refuge Berlin) - Summit ===
{{distance and difference in height | 3.3 km | 1,344 m | 385 m}}

Leaving behind the Berlin shelter, the last section that ends at the summit of Aconcagua begins.

In general, the road is clear and of low difficulty, although it is necessary to continue taking into consideration the acclimatization to the altitude as an important factor to calculate the duration of the section.

As you follow the ascending path, you will arrive at El Gran Acarreo, a more complex point due to its steeper slopes and rocks that sometimes have to climb due to its large size.

Having overcome the above, reaching the summit of Aconcagua is a matter of a few minutes.
[[File: ValledeHorcones.jpg | thumb | Horcones Valley. Image: Carmel]]
=== Expected time ===
The duration of the walk from Horcones to Confluencia is 3 to 4 hours and from 8 to 11 hours from Confluencia to Plaza de Mulas.
[[File: PlazaCanada.jpg | thumb | Camp Plaza Canada. Image: [http://www.panoramio.com/photo/43920610#comment Bagee.]]]
[[File: CampColera.jpg | thumb | Camp Cholera. Image: Edoardo Martelli]]
[[File: VistaPlazaMulas.jpg | thumb | View to Plaza de Mulas. Image: [http://www.panoramio.com/photo/68293300#comment Matthias Guenther]]]
[[File: DesdeCimaAcon.jpg | thumb | View from the top looking north. Image: [http://www.panoramio.com/photo/86322633#comment Pedro]]]
{{Aconcagua Permits}}

== Recommendations ==
{{checklist | Type 6 equipment checklist: high mountain, non-technical route and no ice walk}}
* Do not forget to register in Guardaparques both at the entrance and exit, since the permits have a few days of validity, to forget the '' check out '' would incur that expired the term the rescue patrol would initiate the search of the person, besides charging a fine.
* In Confluencia and Plaza de Mulas you have to register with Park Rangers and have a medical check-up (the medical service is free and is included in the entry ticket fee as well as the evacuation by helicopter in case of emergency).
* To load water in Horcones since it is not counted on during the journey Horcones- Confluence since the Horcones River is not very accessible and its waters are turbid and muddy. From Confluencia to Plaza de Mulas there is water to supply, but it is recommended to load in the camp before leaving.
* Upon entry, Park Ranger grants numbered bags for garbage that are returned to the exit of the park, in case of losing it or find someone throwing it in places not allowed will proceed to a penalty that reaches USD $ 100.
* Remember that it is a park and a preserved area so any infraction will be sanctioned, inform yourself of the regulations before entering.
* Being a place of high mountain to verify the climatic forecast previously, the climatic changes are sudden and abrupt especially in the path Confluence - Plaza de Mulas.
* If you wish you can hire mules for the transfer of loads, there are companies that provide the service in Puente del Inca.
* You can communicate with the rescue patrol and park rangers within the Park 24 hours. through the emergency frequency 142.800 Mhz in VHF.
{{recommendations for height}}
== Photo Gallery ==
CimaCoAconcagua-001.jpg | Top Aconcagua mountain looking to the SW with [[Tupungato Volcano]] and [[Juncal Hill]]. Image: Pedro
Aconcagua from the oak.JPG | Mount Aconcagua from the [[Cerro El Roble]]
Paul_Gussfeldt.jpg | First attempt of ascent to Mount Aconcagua, by Paul Güssfeldt in 1883. Image: Courtesy DAV
Aconcagua summit lead.jpg | Mount Aconcagua from the summit of [[Cerro El Plomo]]
Cerro_Plata_ (92) .JPG | Mount Aconcagua from the [[Cerro Plata]], November 2011
Altos_de_Chicauma_ (2) .JPG | Mount Aconcagua from [[Altos de Chicauma]], July 2017
</ gallery>
{{Trekkings Argentina}}

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