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ENG:Glaciar San Francisco / Monumento Natural el Morado

35 bytes eliminados, 18:14 11 ene 2010
By car
===By car ===
[[Image: Mapa_monumento_morado.jpg|thumb|200px|right| Map trekking the Glacier access to San Francisco. The start of the trek is marked with a red star (bottom right). Map. Image: [http://www.vialidad.cl Department of Roads]]]
{{Access Baños Morales}} On the road from San Jose de Maipo take Take a right where the road forks. The road then crosses the river and climbs a bumpy but short road to the village. On approaching the village take the left fork which crosses back acroos the river and up to a car park surrounded by stalls offering various products and services for tourists.  
=== Public transport and hitchhiking ===
[[Image: Perfil_trekking_glaciar_San_Francisco.png|thumb|200px|left|Profile altitude trekking. The vertical scale is increased]]

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