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{{Trekking Chile}}
{{Rutas Patrimoniales english}}<br> Wulaia Heritage Road is a tour by 7000 years of history ofthe beautiful Wulaia bay, the land of the old Yámanas, a nomadalmost extinct canoeist people, and the scenario of meetings anddisputes between Yámanas and Europeans, since late the XIXthcentury: Darwin started here his reflection on the evolution of thespecies. The Yámana culture was developed under this sky. TheYámana Jemmy Button went on board of an English ship in thiscoast. Fitz Roy navigated these channels... Walking by this routemeans getting impregnated with myth and reality of Tierra delFuego and its natural beauty that is unique in the world ==Season==<br>==Access==<br>===By car===<br>===Public transport===<br>==General Description==<br>Wulaia Heritage Road islocated in the north-east sector ofNavarino Island, a few kilometersto the north of Cape Horn. This isthe third Heritage Roadimplemented in Navarino Island,following Dientes de Navarino andLago Windhond Routes, each ofthem as described in theirrespective Topoguides. Thispedestrian route system travels 150Km of paths discovering thedifferent landscapes and vegetationsystems existing in Tierra delFuego's south. This new routemakes a tour through 7000 yearsof history available to trekking fans.Depending on time available,physical condition and enthusiasm,the visitor can modulate his/hertour and customize his/her circuitwith walks lasting from 1 to 6 days.In Yamana language, Wulaiameans beautiful bay and has beenfor thousands of years thehistorical capital of Tierra delFuego. It is easy to see dozens ofold Yamana camp sites thataccount for the beauty of the place.Here, in Wulaia, historical eventstook place, meetings and disputes,between Yamana and Europeancivilizations.Here is where JemmyButton's story took place, theYamana that was taken to andfrom England by Fitz Roy to becivilized, and who played later,in 1939, a significant role in theslaughtering of the 8 Englishmissionaries. Charles Darwinalso started here his thinkingabout evolution of the species.Late XIXth century, Wulaia wasthe place chosen by two Croatiangold hunters to settle a rangededicated to sheep farming,transforming thus theenvironment of the place. Now, amajestic abandoned construction(a radio station built in 1931)talks to us about the efforts madeby the Chilean Republic toexercise sovereignty even in thelast corner of this territory. Buttoday, Wulaia is about to becomea modern Archeological Park.Walking to Wulaia isequivalent to submerge oneself intoTierra del Fuego's myth and reality,into a unique nature in the world,its millenary history and itsuntemporal beauty.Wulaia Heritage Road isdivided into two main circuits:Puerto Navarino-Wulaia and Lum-Wulaia. Both of them connectBeagle Channel's coast to Wulaiaand allow to start walking by anyof them and go back to the north bythe other. These two circuits areadded an extension to King Scottmount, called Wulaia-King Scottmount.The 29 km Puerto Navarino-Wulaia circuit, lasting from 2.5 to3.5 days, follows the coast facingTierra del Fuego's vigor andnatural beauty, both by land andocean, comprising a number ofsites where Yamana indigenouspeople installed their camps.The 18.3 km Lum-Wulaiacircuit, lasting from 1 to 1.5 days,goes through plentiful coast foreststo discover the charm of lowvegetation valleys, where the windfeels free to blow in the apparentlywasted immensity of Cape Horn.The 18.6 km and one dayduration Wulaia King Scottmount extension (from and toWulaia) provides an opportunityto easily reach the lonely peak onthe shores of the sea that iscrowned at 600 meters of altitude.The panoramic view provided overTierra del Fuego archipelago willleave unforgettable memories.We recommend to walk thisroute from December to March,however, it can also be traveledfrom October to November andfrom April to May, noting thatsnowfalls may be encounteredin high sectors.Read this Topoguidecarefully before starting the walk.It is necessary to plan and beinformed on cautions to be taken,taking care of nature and ofarcheological sites to be visited. ==Signaling==<br> The signaling system is madeup by Arabic numbers which havetheir own meaning described inthis Topoguide. The roadcomprises 29 MILESTONES anda number of route and directionindication marks, using rockmonoliths, wooden stakes andtrees. MILESTONES aregeographically referencedaccording to Datum P. South-Am.69. In addition, you will findamong them a number of marksthat help orient visitors.In the first circuit PuertoNavarino-Wulaia, marks consistof a red horizontal line ona white or yellowrectangular background. Inthe second circuit Lum-Wulaia: marks are a doubleyellow horizontal line on ared rectangularbackground. Finally, marksof the extension to King Scottmount are presented as in the firstcircuit Puerto Navarino-Wulaia. ==First Circuit=='''PUERTO NAVARINO-WULAIA''' ===Route description===<br> The Puerto Navarino-Wulaiacircuit is one of the alternativesproposed to connect BeagleChannels shore and NavarinoIsland coast with Wulaia. It is 29km long and requires a 14 hourwalk, that is, three or four days,depending on the rhythm of thewalker.The raid will take you by alandscape surrounded by all-seapanoramic views and will showyou important archeologicalheritage vestiges of NavarinoIsland. This is an impressing tourfor its closeness to the sea andpermanent vision of the horizonfull of peaks and mounts.The circuit has been dividedinto 4 segments, with more touralternatives, depending on yourown rhythm, physical conditionand weather conditions. It takesplace mostly in the coast providingthus the opportunity to observesplendid and diverse vegetationalgroups. A number of archeologicalsites of the 7000 year-old Yamananomad-maritime race enrich thetour and can be seen at a glance.The first Puerto Navarino-Puerto Isorna segment is aninteresting tour that followsMurray channel coast. In sectorslacking of protection, you canfeel the strength of the wind thatmakes you remember that you arein the end of the world. LeavingBeagle Channel coast, followMurray channel coast, thatseparates Navarino Island fromHoste island.The second Puerto Isorna-Puerto Inútil segment takes placein the interior sector of a valleyby a difficult trail that leads toPuerto Inútil.The third Puerto Inútil-Caleta José segment is amagnificent tour by the west coastof Navarino Island surroundedby extremely beautiful andexuberant forests. Caleta Josésbeach is a great place to camp.Finally, the fourth CaletaJosé-Wulaia segment is a walkby a coast trail of an extremebeauty with impressingpanoramic views and lands madeup by pasturelands, forests andpeat mosses. For all public. ====First segment===='''PUERTO NAVARINO-PUERTO ISORNA''' It starts in the sector of PuertoNavarino. Passing behind theHarbor Masters Office, in themiddle of the thickets, you will findthe trail to be followed to the west.Although this point is notrepresented through a mark orMILESTONE, it can be easilydetected because it coincides withHarbor Masters Office and dockfacilities. This point has beenconsidered as kilometer zero.You must always follow thestrip that goes between the coastand the high forest. There are manytrails marked by constant passageof cattle, but the ideal trail isalways within 200 m of the coast.The route recovers an oldhorse trail that resulted from theinstallation, late XIXth century, ofthe first cattle settlements in theisland, in Liwaia and then in PuertoNavarino. It is still possible toobserve remains of old and largefences or yards which are amazingfor the huge work needed for theirconstruction.Clear and clean water supplysources are scarce in this first part.We recommend you to collect waterin the river located 100 m beforethe houses of Puerto Navarino.Leaving Puerto Navarinobehind, walk 40 minutes throughthickets of Mata Negra andCalafates to a wide plain coveredwith grass. Liwaia is located onthe shores of the rivulet, as well asMILESTONE 1, 1,636 m fromPuerto Navarino. A beautifulpeninsula is detached in this sectorover Beagle Channel.Liwaia is a beautiful and cozyplace, but not fit for camping. Therivulet is dry in the summer andthe terrain is not protected fromwinds. Leaving the peninsula, tothe right, and longitudinallycrossing the clear plain, follow tothe second beach located to thewest. Turn here and go up to theleft and enter again to the thicketto follow the coast.It is common to find cow andpork cattle. Although they barelyperceive human presence, youbetter not surprise them and makenoise to announce your presenceand give them time to run away.Females with offspring may beaggressive. In this extreme case,there is only one solution: runningto the closest tree or rock.From MILESTONE 1, keepgoing by the pastureland to thewest until starting a soft decline toa beach. To the left (south), thereis a stake indicating one of themany trails that get into the thicketsector. Follow the trail marked byanimals and do not get away fromthe coast. 40 minutes later, you willfond the remains of an old fencemade of trunks that ends in the sea.60 metros before reaching the sea,you will find MILESTONE 2, astake attached to the fence thatindicates the end of the thicket andthe entry to the forest. From here,follow the stakes that mark a zigzagroute until arriving to a high forest.The trail no longer bordersthe Beagle coast and changes thedirection to follow Murray channelcoast in a north-south axis. As itgets closer to Murray channel, youcan see the highest forest ofCinnamon trees and Coigües. Youcan observe evident impact of windin their growth.After MILESTONE 2, keepgoing by the line of stakes thatzigzags among small forests beforegetting into their luxuriant growth.From the vegetational point of view,this is a very attractive segmentfor its individuals of Notros, Lengas,Cinnamon trees, a shrub-likestratum of high development withrepresentation of Calafates,Sarsaparillas, Michay and Speciesof Myrtle.Openings and forests go oneafter the other until a brief descentto a beach covered by pasturelandsand shelly deposits, at the heightof a tiny woody that protrudes toMurray channel. Follow thepastureland to the south and aftera brief passage by the forest, to aplace known as Puerto de Hambre:MILESTONE 3. This is a gorgeousplace to camp, although water isscarce in the summer.Few meters away from theremains of a yard, there is a smallwater jet. Be patient to fill up acontainer. There is a lagoon 100m inland, in a clear plain in themiddle of the forest, but water isstagnant and turbid in the summer.Therefore, it has to be boiled beforeconsumption. The closest andsafest place to obtain water isPuerto Isorna, after a 50 minutewalk.From MILESTONE 3, go to amark located in the other end ofthe small pastureland to get in theforest. After several ups and downs,alternating forests and beaches,even a stony sector where attentionmust be paid so as not to fall down,you will arrive to a huge plain ofgrass on the shores of the sea. Thisis Puerto Isorna. The start isMILESTONE 4, a beautiful beachand a great place to camp,although it lacks of trees protectingfrom the rain. We recommend youto install the camp near theMILESTONE, on the brink of theforest, in the sector of the bonfire.The river that flows into the sea,to the south of the MILESTONE,will provide abundant water. Toenjoy charms of Murray channelcoast, when you walk by thesurroundings, you will seespectacular views of the channel.A splendid mirador is located atone hour from Puerto Isorna in thefollowing position of coordinatesUTM 542962 E and 3908925 N. ===Second segment==='''PUERTO ISORNA - PUERTO INÚTIL''' Description of the Section:After MILESTONE 4, crossthe entire extension of thepastureland and wade through theriver near its outlet into the sea.When you find the lowest waterdepth (in case of high tide,surround the hill to the inland andcross the river in the forest). At theopposite shore, climb some metersstraight before turning to the left(east), turning your back to thesea.After a short climbing, youwill find a woody plain obstructedby the works made by the beavers.Turn to the left (north) and crossthe river again in the oppositedirection than in the previouscrossing. After 60 m, turn to theright (east) and cross this semi-swampy plain always looking atthe marks located in the oppositeshore that indicate the arrival.Turn to the left (north) and followthe marks that indicate a newchange of direction to the right(east), attacking the high gradient.The path is characterized bya steep gradient in a quite denseforest. Pay attention to the marksso as not to miss the path. In spiteof the zigzag-shaped nature ofthis long climbing, generaldirection is to the east. You mayget out sometimes to reach a peakand enjoy magnificent panoramicviews of the Murray channel,Sampaio mounts, and part of theBeagle Channel.After two hours of anexhausting climbing, you willbe happy to arrive to a forestfree plain: here, you will findMILESTONE 5, hanging from atree, near a clearing, indicatingproximity to a great campingsite, in the shores of Represalagoon.To get there, you have to climbby a small woody hill to the right(south), and from its opposite hillside,you will see an important beaver'sdam indicating the end of Represalagoon. The camping site is locatedat the entry of the forest, few metersto the right (south) of the dam. Toget there, border the plain that isopened at the other side of the hillor walk by the dam (depending onriver conditions) to the forest .Abonfire will confirm you that youhave arrived to the camp.After MILESTONE 5, the routestill has a zigzag shape through adense forest. Therefore, pay attentionto the continuity of the intensemarking characterizing the sector.You will finally arrive to the lastsegment of a long climbing and youwill start going down to Laguna delMedio, that have to be surroundedby the right side (south), withoutgetting close to the shore. Beforereaching its south-east end, you willencounter MILESTONE 6.This MILESTONE, painted ona tree, is located few meters fromLaguna del Medio shore. It is theonly place where the circuitreaches the bank of the lagoon andis also an alternative to camp,although the land is often wet.After MILESTONE 6, keepgoing by the south hillside of thevalley that goes down to PuertoInútil. Pay attention so as not tomiss the track. South-east directionbefore changing again the courseto the east during the last 30 minutesof walk. After having walked for2:30 hours, you will get to the shoreof a river, 50 m away from its outletinto the sea. MILESTONE 7 is on ahighlighted tree, indicating arrivalto the coast by a deep sea arm calledPuerto Inútil. This is the onlycamping site in the sector. Do notcross the river in MILESTONE 7,turn to the right, getting close to thebeach, where you will quickly arriveto a sector covered with grass thatcontrasts to the forest. At the upperpart of the pastureland, in the middleof shelly deposits, there are a numberof sites where you can install yourtent. There are small sites near theforest, but the land is usuallysaturated with water. ====Third segment===='''PUERTO INÚTIL-CALETA JOSÉ''' After MILESTONE 7, turn to theright and cross the river. This is thetoughest section of the segment. Keepwalking by the coast of Puerto Inútilto Caleta José (MILESTONE 8). Theroute becomes rough with steepslopes and a lot of turns intended toavoid the most difficult parts formedby streams flowing into the sea. Payattention to marks so as not to missthe trail. Warning: slippery floorwhen too humid or wet. Once youget closer to Caleta José(MILESTONE 8), terrain becomeseasier, a more open forest and abetter trail. This MILESTONE islocated at the beginning of the clearplain and indicated the beach ofCaleta José.The last groups of guanacos maybe found in these segments. You mayobserve them, if you are lucky. Thereare beavers across the island, as wellas typical avifauna from Tierra delFuego ====Fourth segment===='''CALETA JOSÉ-WULAIA''' This south direction segmentstarts in MILESTONE 8 andsurrounds a magnificent coast mostof the time. After leaving the camp,climb the hill to the right and followthe marks and stakes that will guideyou through a small thicket of matanegra. A trail may be observed inthe floor, which has to be followedto Wulaia, always bordering thecoast. One hour away from CaletaJosé - MILESTONE 8 - you willfind Micalvi river, as well asMILESTONE 9, in its north shore,which has to be crossed carefully.If the river is too swift, and crossingbecomes extremely difficult, werecommend you the foot or peak ofthe stream following animal trailsthat mark a safer ford. From thesea, you can admire the beautifulcascade that rises a few metersdown the circuit.Following the coast to thesouth, the trail keeps going througha mixed forest of Lengas andCoigües, passing from time to timeby beaches full of shelly deposits.Once you are getting closer toWulaia, the forest changes topatches planted with new shootswith areas of pastureland or thicket.This is the clearing work trail thatmade the first settlers who stayedat Wulaia, late the XIXth century,and who fired the forests to allowthe growth of shepherding prairies.MILESTONE 10, on a rock,will indicate that you have arrivedto Wulaia. After MILESTONE 10,cross Matanza river, at the outletto the sea, and you will find thusthe great plain of Wulaia, with amajestic view to the building of theold navy radio station.This is the most emblematicsite in relation to old and recenthistory of Tierra del Fuego. Madeof bricks, until a few years ago, itwas the only construction built insolid material to the south of theBeagle Channel. Following itsabandonment, all what wascontained inside was disassembledand robbed. It is today a huge andpitiful empty skeleton that fightsagainst weather inclemency.Heritage value of this building isincalculable and the tremendouseffort implied by its constructionhas not been the object of muchresearch or documentation.The big grassy plain is perfectfor camping everywhere. The onlyprotection from wind is providedby the house. We recommend youto camp next to the house, but it ispossible to stay at the grandioseabandoned building of the formernaval radio station. South side dooris opened. Go to the next door usingnorth side stairs, and the first roomto the left may receive travelerswith some comfort: a table, chairs,and a metallic drum which may beused as a stove-heater. The buildingdoes not have rest rooms and watermust be taken from the river. Beforeyou leave, provide some firewoodfor the next visitors. ==Second Circuit=='''PUERTO LUM-WULAIA''' ===Route description===<br>This circuit connects theshore of Beagle Channel and thenorth coast of Navarino Island,with Wulaia. It is 18.3 km longand requires 8 hr of continuouswalk. It corresponds to the oldtrail to get to Wulaia and its reliefis a long 6 hour rise from Lum toMladineo passage (650 masl),and then, a 2 hour way down toWulaia. Taking land configurationinto consideration, the few goodcamping sites and walk times, werecommend you to travel thiscircuit in one day and a half. Thiscircuit has two segments.The first segment lastsapproximately 2 hours and 30 mand goes through large extensionsof thickets and beautiful forests,where you will often find beaver'sdams. You may enjoy gorgeousviews of the Beagle Channel andUshuaia.After an invigorating nightunder the shelter of the upperlimit of the forest, starts the 5:15hour long second segment. Highvegetation suddenly disappearsmaking way for high humid steppealmost free of trees. Soil iscovered with different varietiesof peat mosses blended to rushor gramineous species, or anumber of outcrops of rocks, water,rivers or lagoons.Those who know how toobserve and decipher nature willbe amazed by the vigor of animaland vegetable life of the sector.In the highest part of the lastsegment, Mladineo passagecrossing is incorrectly calledAndean desert, where mineralis omnipresent. However, thereare some discrete and fascinatingmanifestations of vegetation. From here, you will observemajestic views of the south-westof Navarino Island, Ponsonbygulf and mysterious Hoste island.In the last hour of walk, ahigh and very dense forestappears again as suddenly as ithad disappeared at the beginningof the segment. When the routegets closer to the sea level,pasturelands and younger trees(patches planted with new shots)appear more frequently, remainsof intentional burning at the endof the XIXth century, when sheepbreeding was implemented inWulaia to prepare prairies.Finally, Wulaia, the beautifulbay of the Yamanas, a place fullof history and connected with thepaths to the peak of King Scottmount or to Puerto Navarinothrough the enchanted shores ofthe west, both described in thistopoguide.The level of general difficultyof this circuit is qualified asmoderately difficult. Difficultiescome from adverse weatherconditions, the poor visibility ofthe second segment or itsextension where there is nonatural sheltered place.It is important to state thatbetween MILESTONES 6 and 14,the land is apt for camping, therest is saturated with water andthere is no shelter against windor rain. In consequence, the onlyappropriate site for camping isat MILESTONE 6.Finally, walkers who wantto run this circuit in the oppositeway of the description fromWulaia to Lum should considerthat the relief configurationfavors it: the climb from Wulaiato the Mladineo path has aduration of 2.30 hours and thedescent to Lum will only take4.30 hours. The total walking is7 hours allowing to execute theroad in only one day. Otherwise,count 4.45 hours from Wulaia tothe MILESTONE 6 (a site tocamp in the forest) and 2.15hours to Lum ===First Segment==='''PUENTE LUM-CAMPAMENTO''' The bridge over Lum river andthe neighboring homonymic estancialocate at 35,5 Km at the west fromPuerto Williams, which could bereached through the road towardsPuerto Navarino with any type ofvehicle in less than one hour.MILESTONE 1 locates at theside of the bridge. A stairs allowsto pass above the enclosure. Followthe river edge and do not worry forthe dogs which only mark your way.After 150 meters there is a highforest where marks show the startof a well-marked track on the floor.20 minutes after a rivulet affluentof Lum river crosses the road.MILESTONE 2 locates at the otherside.This rivulet of crystallinewater is the last of this type untilMILESTONE 6 (2 hours more). Inthe rest of the section there are lotsof rivers or rivulets, but with veryturbid water (as a consequence ofbeavers and the peat). AfterMILESTONE 2 take a look at themarks that zigzag in the forest untilseeing MILESTONE 3 on a treemarking the provisional finish ofthe forest and the entrance to alarge underbush of Mata Negraand Calafate of one-meter heightby reaching the next MILESTONE.A very well-marked trackfollows the course of the Lum river,which runs to the right (west). Alarge isolated forest area showsthe angle formed by the river tothe right. Follow this direction tothe posts signaling MILESTONE4.MILESTONE 4 shows adrastic change of direction and theabandonment of the track. In spitethe fact the track goes straight, itis necessary to turn to the left(south), following the prominentposts from the underbush. Spinesof Calafate and the absence of amarked track difficult the path, butit is a short section.Soon a small rocky hillock isvisible, surrounde it by the rightand follow the little valley beforetake direction to the right, so as toreach a large high forest area thatis distinguished by its trees withblack dead truncks conforming thetiny lagoon of beavers that youwill find soon and which shouldbe surrounded by the left followingthe marks.After this large forest area yougo through a short clear sectionbefore penetrating a large forest.MILESTONE 5 locates at theentrance on a tree. 20 minutes haveelapsed from the previousMILESTONE.Between MILESTONE 5 and6, pay special attention to marks.The road zigzags through the forestwith no marked track on the floorwith general direction to the southand mostly in ascention. After onehour of walking, numerous rivuletsand beavers habitat sectors arecrossed to finally find MILESTONE6 on a tree.MILESTONE 6 states the onlysite apt for camping at about onehundred meter from the final exitof the forest. It is important toconsider that from MILESTONE 6to Wulaia (at 11.5 Km or 5.30 hrs.after walking) the land is notapprpopriate for camping due tothe absence of forest or naturalshelter against wind or rain. Inaddition, the soil is saturated withwater or rocks.The good visibility is essentialto guide on the wide valley thatfollows to the Mladineo path.Evaluate the possibility to continuethe tour or spend the night andcontinue the day after. ===Second segment==='''CAMPAMENTO-WULAIA''' This section begins inMILESTONE 6 from where youshould follow some hundred of metersuntil suddenly exit the forest. Postsmark the south, a climb allows toreach a plain where you shouldsurround a lagoon and then left it atthe left side (east). Soon, a secondlagoon at the right hand (west), whereMILESTONE 7 locates at the edgeon a small hillock on a MILESTONEof stone.Pay attention because at 150 mto the southeast from MILESTONE7, on an islet forming a perfectconical hillock a highlighted postarises which is noticed at a distance.It is a sign that enables to locateMILESTONE 7. The walker shouldcontinue (south direction) throughthe posts with the same marks thathave been followed until this point.After MILESTONE 7 follow theposts to the south before turning tothe right and then to the left. In 15minutes you will get to a stoneMILESTONE conformingMILESTONE 8. From here, the landguide steps to MILESTONE 11. It isa path through a wide valley lackingof high vegetation and full of smalllagoons, streams and beaverslagoons. From MILESTONE 8, anextended sight can be appreciatedto the south. If an imaginary line istraced in that direction threeprominent elements can be observed:1. At the left side (east), a solitarymount ending in a hillock, thelowest of the three hillocksconforming the peak: It isVrsalovic mount, which should besurrounded by the right.MILESTONE 9 locates at the footthereof.2. At the south, to the west end ofthe Vrsalovic mount, the horizoncloses with a line of undulatorypeaks, a mountain chain from eastto west. In the middle, Mladineopath is observed, MILESTONE 11locates there.3. In the lower half to the Mladineopath, a simple view with good light,a huge black and square rock isnoticed at 200 m to the right (west).There is MILESTONE 10, wheremarks take their habitual frequencyagain.With direction to the feet ofVrsalovic mount you will leaveMILESTONE 8 with direction to thesouth and you will be guided by theinstinct to find the best crossingsbetween rivulets or water bodies thatare all over the place. In the middleof the road, between MILESTONE8 and the feet of Vrsalovic mount, astone MILESTONE on the peak ofa small hillock shows the positionof MILESTONE 9. If you havefollowed the imaginary line, thenthis MILESTONE should be at theleft of the walker.Move forward between watersand rocky hillocks, you will reachto the surroundings of Vrsalovicmount, where there is a pretty largelagoon which should be surroundedby the right to find a three meterpost showing MILESTONE 10.MILESTONE 10 shows a pointto the west of the lagoon located atthe foot of Vrsalovic mount, fromhere the previously mentioned blackrock is clearly noticed. At a shortdistance to the right (west) there isa smaller rock on which you couldeven distinguish the white colorconforming the background of theMILESTONE mark. Take the climbstrongly inclined to reach 40 minuteslater to MILESTONE 11.MILESTONE 11 shows amiddle point on the climb of theMladineo path. Until movingdownwards to the other side of theMladineo path all marks areMILESTONES of stones. BetweenMILESTONES 11 and 12 you couldturn around and enjoy the beautifulsight above the Beagle and Ushuaiachannels. Cheer up from now toWulaia, the road is downwards.After MILESTONE 11, continueclimbing through stoneMILESTONES during 30 minutesfollowing a south direction untilMILESTONE 12 which shows theposition of the Mladineo path andthe end of the climb.A few meters after the peak ofthe path and MILESTONE 12, anabrupt rocky descent opens underwhich you could perfectlydistinguish the stone MILESTONEshowing the following MILESTONEat the beginning of the reappearanceof the vegetal layer.Before the descent enjoy thewonderful sight: to the south theTortuga mount (836 m.a.s.l.) and itstwo peaks in the form of smashedhillocks state the southwest cornerof the Navarino island; to thesouthwest, a solitary peak near thesea in King Scott mount (590m.a.s.l.), accessible through a paththat commences in Wulaia.Ponsonby bosom opens to the westsurrounded by the mountains ofthe Hoste island. Pacha andMascart islands highlight in thecenter. In the same axle, butinvisible from this point is Wulaiaand the end of the path.The next 3,3 kilometers of thesection to the last descent in theforest over Wulaia at the foot ofthe path a wide valley opens whichshould follow to the sea, namelyto the west, keeping the left side(south) of the valley.From MILESTONE 12 followthe marks with south directionbeing careful with the loose rocksof this abrupt descent. 30 minutesof walking through the vegetationof diverse mosses is a stoneMILESTONE showingMILESTONE 13. The feet of theVrsalovic path on its south hillsideand a change of direction to the(southwest), where the descent ofthe valley begins until entering theforest.From MILESTONE 13, aseries of stone MILESTONES willguide your steps until crossing theriver. Then, although there are nomarks during half an hour, keepthe same direction between tinyareas of forest to the left (south)and the river which has just fordedat your right (north). Afterwards,high posts appear showing the roaduntil a descent, here a short forestsection crosses followed by thecrossing of the Matanza river. Ata few meters after fording the river,MILESTONE 14 indicates theentrance to a forest and thebeginning of the last section of thispath, which develops inside theforest and with a strong slopedownwards. Follow the marks fornot losing the track. One hour ofwalking and you will be at the exitof the forest. MILESTONE 15locates over a door gate forlivestock, 200 m through thepastureland having at sight the oldformer radio station from Wulaia. ==Alternative Extension=='''WULAIA-MONTE KING SCOTT'''<br> ===Route description===<br>As an extension of the PuertoNavarino Wulaia circuit, this briefsection transits through one of themost marvelous beauties from Tierradel Fuego awaking the curiosity ofwalkers who arrive to Navarino island.You will reach the peak of the KingScott mount, a well-knownMILESTONE of the trekking that isacceded in one day to enjoy the mostbeautiful panoramic views on thesouth of the Tierra del Fuegosarchipelago.Its length is 9.3 Km, 3.30 hourswith a difficult level qualified asmoderately difficult due to the climbto the peak from the southeast, beingan ascension easier than thevertiginous walls observed fromWulaia. The marking is equal than theone used in Puerto Navarino-Wulaia(a double red line on a rectangularwhite or red background) and thenumbering follows the correlativeorder.From the peak of the King Scottmount, you will have the opportunityto observe and discover, the geographybeyond the Murray channel. Thevision embraces an extension of 120Km from north to south and 90 Kmfrom west to east. The tour includesbeaches, beautiful coastal, interiorand height forests, large peat mossesand beavers habitat sectors. ===First Segment=== The tour begins at the formerradio station from Wulaia(MILESTONE 10). Then you willcross a pastureland where you willnotice a number of large areas ofshells used by the old Yámanasinhabitants as a shelter for wintertime. At the other end, a clear trackis distinguished that climbs the hillsideof a hillock. Follow this track andsurround the coast during 45 minutesuntil MILESTONE 11 located on atree at a few meters after a smallriver.The section betweenMILESTONE 11 and 12 (1.20 hoursof walking for 6 Km on an unevensurface of 340 m) allows to arrive toa higher plain surrounding the eastof King Scott mount. It is not aconstant slope, it appears in the formof steps. The climb towards thebeginning of the peak is strong, butshort: 160 m of unleveled surface in500 m (30 min. of walking). The last10 min. at the rocky part of the peakrequire precaution for the precipicethat opens at the west side (there isenough distance to keep far from theprecipice).MILESTONE 11 indicates achange of direction to the east andthe start of the ascension to the feetof King Scott mount. You will passthrough small forests of Coigües andLengas, which will later lead to MataNegra, Calafate, Chaura and someisolated species of Notros andfirewoods.Follow the marks that cross asector of forest which slowly becomesmore clear until leaving vastpasturelands where Bulrush andFrutilla del Diablo develop in the areasof highest humidity. After following ahillside through a well-marked track,enter the forest again and follow withattention the marks showing a soonchange of direction to the right (south),facing in certain sections very inclinedslopes. The alternation of forests andpeat mosses conclude in a woodedhillock which suddenly offers a clearsight of the large upper plain at theeast of the King Scott mount.MILESTONE 12 locates on a treeat the edge of the forest showing theexit and the start of the plain beforethe ascension of the mount. King Scottmount elevates to the right. Itsproximity is real, but a deep streamand a sector of lagoons, invisible fromthere, do not allow to reach it instraight line.The forest of the hillock beforeMILESTONE 12 offers a good placefor camping with a rivulet at 100 m.Immediately after MILESTONE 12follow the series of posts crossing thepeat, which turn to the left. Do notenter forest sectors.Pay attention to the posts showingthe road, especially in the middle ofthe section dominated by bulrushes.The start of the valley that justifiesthis long detour to the left is at theright.By getting closer to King Scottmount, there is an opening of a plainwith lagoons and a spreading forestparticularly damaged by beavers andforcing to zigzag between theseobstacles. You should identify themarks leading to edges of the forest(MILESTONE 13), which covers thelast slope towards the peak of theKing Scott mount.This MILESTONE 13 on the edgeof the forest indicates the start of thefinal ascension to the peak that ismoderately difficult and depends onsoil humidity. Enter the forest and Ietyou guide by a particularly densemarking through a very inclined slope.In the event the soil is saturatedwith water, most abrupt sections arevery slippery and could cause seriousrisks of fall.Upon exiting the forest followthe tracks of the guanacos in themiddle of rocks to the right. A stoneMILESTONE shows the highest partof the peak of the King Scott mount(MILESTONE 14). Wind gusts couldbe very violent here. You should coveryour personal items (cap, gloves, evencameras, etc.) King Scott mount is afortress protected almost all along itsperimeter by vertiginous precipicesor deep streams.If you have reached the peak ofthe King Scott mount¡Congratulations! Now, enjoy thesight:- To the north and downwards Wulaia(the former radio station is in themiddle of the pastureland).- Following the coast to the north ofWulaia, the narrow entrance ofPuerto Inútil.- To the north of Puerto Inútil, a smallpart of the Beagle channel and atthe northern coast Ushuaia. Thehills behind Ushuaia are Martialmounts. Olivia mount is sharp andthe most elevated at the right ofUshuaia (1476 masl)- To the left of Puerto Inútil, thehighlighted Button island and at theeast 14 de Julio bay.- Immediately to the left of the Buttonisland the Murray channel thatseparates Navarino (to the east)island with Hoste island (to the west)is clearly observed.- Dumas peninsula starts from theHoste island to the left of the Murraychannel. On its south top, the closestto the King Scott mount you couldsee with binoculars a house at a fewmeters from the sea: It is Tasuani, anold estancia currently abandoned.- At the west you will see the openingof the Ponsonby deep bosom whichseparates Dumas (at the north) andPasteur (at the south) peninsulas fromHoste island. In the middle and atthe beginning you will observe firstthe Pacha island and a bit more tothe right the Mascart island.- The long Milne Edwards islandlocates in front of the snowy peaks ofthe Pasteur peninsula.- The most distant line of land that isnoticed to the south and that hascontinuity with the Pasteur peninsulais the Hardy peninsula of the Hosteisland. Its location more to the southis called False Cape Horn.- Always to the south over the Navarinoisland the Tortuga mount highlightswith 836 m of height.- To the left, towards the horizon, youcould distinguish a thin line of landvery far behind: It is the north of thearchipelago of the Wollaston islands.Its last island to the south invisiblefrom here is the mythical Cape Horn.- To the left, returning to the Navarinoisland a mountain chain isdistinguished with north-south axle:They are the Codrington mounts.- Short far away you could observe thesharp chain of Dientes de Navarino,at the back of Puerto Williams.- Near Wulaia you could distinguishthe Mladineo path and the descentof the Lum-Wulaia path on Wulaia.The peak is totally exposed to thegusts that could be very violent; youshould take that for granted and takeall precautions.To return to Wulaia you shouldtake the same road. The start of thedescent is in the forest to MILESTONE13, try not to slide. From the peak ofthe King Scott mount to Wulaia consider2.45 hours of walking. ==Recommendations==<br>'''Basic:'''*Try to do a tour in companyand well informed.*Consider the duration ofsections so you are notcaught by night.*Take into consideration thechanging weather conditions.*Move only through the marketroad. Do not go far from track.*Do not leave wastes in thenature, bring it back with you.*Camp only in appropriateplaces and do not leavetraces. Avoid fires, if there is no otherchoice extinguish fire withabundant water.*Do not hunt or disturb theexisting native fauna.*Notify Carabineros of Chilewhen you leave and return.'''It is necessary to bring :'''*Thermal warm clothes andwindbreaker.*First aid kit.*Provisions for at least acouple of days for possiblecontingencies.*Map of the path and elementsfor orientation.*UV glasses and sun protectorcream.'''Information required:'''*Weather conditions for abetter planning of the tour.*Condition of roads and tracksconforming the road inCarabineros of PuertoWilliams, and also about theflow conditions of the mainwater courses crossing theroad. {{Topoguide|}}<br>==Route in Google EarthExpected time==<br>==Expected timeRoute in Google Earth==<br>
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