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{{Rutas Patrimoniales english}}
|Atractivos=Bosque, Lago
|Duración=1 día y medio
|Dificultad Física=Algo Exigente
|Dificultad Técnica=Media
|Sendero=Siempre Claro
|Distancia=67 km (ida y vuelta)
|Desnivel=1158 metros
|Primer Autor=Rutas Patrimoniales
|Imágen Principal=Lago Palena, Rutas Patrimoniales 3.jpg
|ComentariosImagen=Lago Palena
|KMLZ=Lago Palena Wikiexlora (RP).kmz
|ComentariosMapa=Trekking Lago Palena
{{Trekking Chile}}
==General Description==
The Heritage Trail Patagonian Andes - Lake Palena, located in one of the most
and the surrounding mountains covered with placid deciduous forests made up
primarily of lenga trees (Nothofagus pumilio).
[[Archivo:Lago_Palena,_Rutas Patrimoniales 1.jpg|right]]
This trail covers 33 kilometers that can be traveled by horseback to gain access
to the Lago Palena National Nature Reserve, a little explored wildlife area that because