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The trail leaves the lake behind, sometimes passing though the forest and other times on the rocky wash left by the many rivers in the area. 45 minutes from the lake shore you arrive in the Refugio Valle Hermoso, 6 hours from the Administration. The refugio offers benches, a fire pit, and shelter from the elements and is a great place to pitch your tent. One could easily spend a day exploring the aptly named Valle Hermoso. Many glaciers are at half day's walk and the tranquility is unforgettable.
===Tramo dosDay Two===
'''Refugio Valle Hermoso to Puesto Limite'''
'''Duración: 4 or 5 horas'''
According to the map, Google Earth, and the view from the pass, it should be possible to arrive to another glacier and lake from Puesto Limite. This author could not find the trail however. It's possible Conservacion Patagonica will build a trail in the future.
===Tramo tresDay Three===
'''Puesto Limite - Stone House Campground'''
'''Duración: 7 or 8 hours'''
As of summer 2014, Stone House Campground is under construction. There are shelters from the wind and rain for cooking and a pit toilet. There is no charge. From here to the administration it is 35 kilometers on a public road. It would be a hard walk and hitching is recommended. There is not much traffic, but the workers in the Estancia are friendly and almost always stop for the occasional trekker. At the administration, you can camp in the completed West Winds Campground for 5.000 CLP per person, or continue on to the Carretera Austral. The nearest town is Cochrane, 18 kilometers away.
==Estimated Time==
Between 3 and 5 days. A fit, determined hiker could do it in 2 days, but I don't recommend it due to the splendor of the Upper Aviles. Due to the number of excellent campsites, a more relaxed group could take 4 or even 5 days.
==Permisos / Tarifas==