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GPT01 (Cerro Purgatorio)

769 bytes añadidos, 21:03 1 nov 2024
Season 2024/25: Añadí contenido
==Season 2024/25==
2024-10-30 to 2024-11-01 / 2.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR -a- RR / Karin
The gate at the start of option a was closed when I arrived and did not look easily climbable. After a few minutes a car came and opened the gate. The driver didn't say anything to me so I went through the gate after him.
The pass was without snow, the water point indicated had all water.
The bridge [29.7/1389] is non existend (due to the winter?), but the rivers are easy to be crossed.
There were a lot of small and really annoying flies (I don't think they are tabanos, mainly because they are small, it is a dry area...). They were flying into the face and biting specially near the eyes. Putting a branch on the backpack did not help. I ended up covering my face to have some peace.
==Season 2023/24==

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