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GPT33H (Torres de Avellano)

223 bytes eliminados, 01:57 25 feb 2024
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- For views I would prefer this NOBO. I suffered a new type of "look back" syndrom on most of the route. Plus, if you are walking the lake shore in the afternoon, the sun should be on your downhills and not your uphills (it was insanely hot when we did it and without a whisper of wind).
- Something feels wrong to express joy for the warm and fabulous weather we had. It should not have been ~25degrees and we should not have been able to sleep without a tent/warm clothes at camp63 and be too warm... -In the section notes for 24km24-45 I think what was meant was that from roughly km36-45,, "there are many small streams and camping spots", this indeed is indeed true. However, from between km 24-36 and option 3 (the carretral austral) to ~km36 there are NO longer many STREAMS to drink from, I remember only one slightly decent one and both sides of the road are fenced so if you want to camp or drink water from the main river then you must jump the fences (cow panels or barb) or ask a settler. Also, strange to say, there is very little shade and can get uncomfortably hot...
- Intersection 45 is not hard to miss anymore, it is marked with an orange ribbon around a tree and a large cairn on your left.
-Not a fan of the lakeside gate locking technique (remember how it looks before you open it;)
-I surprisingly really enjoyed the lake stretch, it seemed it is where Pantagonia meets the Mediterranean/Arizona. The trail is in good shape, just a few overgrown roses and thorny bushes here and there (regretted shorts only a little bit). If you are coming from the north and still have your sand gaiters, this will be a good time to reuse them :). No exposure, wish there was more wind the day we were there. I am usually the biggest hater of "PUDs"<--thanks for the new word- but these were not annoying because the ups and downs were large and not . These PUDs are just a few large hills rather than a bunch of mini steep micro hills like gpt22 or the valley bottoms in Argentina. WATER is at pretty much every "notch" in the hillside.
-Water at the bottom of the MR~117.5 and still water at the top 119.9 RR (easier to grab it a little higher up).

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