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GPT29H (Rio Cisnes)

439 bytes añadidos, 09:37 3 feb 2024
Season 2023/24
Surrounding are nice, nothing more to add except that I can't wait to find back the cute and remote tracks of Patagonia ! I even miss bush bashing... Imagine ! 😂
KM 18,35, Next to punte Torcaza, on the curve, big space for camp with nice scenery, flying fish everywhere, you can be seen from the road, but not a lot of people are passing threw. Few kind locals are fishing around, Carabineros passed by and said hello to me, so no troubles to stay there.
Arriving in La Tapera. I slept in hospedaje María, 15K CLP for a room, clean baños, good WiFi, nice people. Cabanas are possible too here.
Happy to find accomodation, options to resupply and a place with completos, sandwiches in this little town to resupply. (Having cash money is essential there !).

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