
GPT04 (Alto Huemul)

1755 bytes añadidos, 21:11 25 dic 2023
Season 2023/24: añadí contento
==Season 2023/24==
* 2023-Dec-19 to 2023-Dec-21 / 3 days / SOBO / RR + Variant A+D+I + traverse of Cerro Zapallo
Road hiked variant A to avoid route finding around gates in the early morning.
New Variant Cerro Capallo (2583m, marked):
I started from RR where variant G starts heading to one pass higher up on the ridge, crossed descending to the north ridge of Cerro Capallo, followed the main ridge to the summit and a bit beyond, then you can descend the SSE ridge to reach the cirque of the southern Laguna.
The variant is quite easy, loose boulder scree to cross was the most difficult. It is shorter and with probably less height meters than RR, and there was no snow on the ridge at all compared to some on RR and a lot on variant G. Snowfields on the descent to the laguna were only slightly inclined and could have been bypassed on easterly facing slope.
The Valley leading down to Queñes is very beautiful and there are many beautiful pools to bath in. When planning keep in mind several fordings and about 300 additional hm up (it was 400 hm with variant I) add substantial time.
Variant I adds some height meters but avoids 4 fordings I suppose
the MR on RR crosses fenced private property about 2 km before Los Queñes. After I entered three dogs came running up to me but only fiercely barked at me, luckily. You could follow the advice of Hannes & Luisa and bypass by the riverbed.
In Los Queñes the MR of RR was washed away by last winter’s flooding. Go down to the river bed and up again on the other side.
Busses to Coricó at 15:00 and 18:30 in front of primary school.
Camping spots :
km 30,2 near marked water (before the river to the right), km 42.7 (arriero camp, -34.91107 -70.72997, water and pool 20 hm down easy to reach)
*2023-Dec-15 to 2023-Dec-17 / 2.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / 04A-RR-04E-RR / Lilian