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GPT48 (Seno Otway)

945 bytes añadidos, 10:09 28 nov 2023
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
From 2023-11-17 to 2023-11-19 // 3 days // Hiking // NOBO // RR // Quentin Clavel
After leaving the crowdy Punta Arenas, it was a pleasure to go on smaller trails and be back on face to face with nature. You'll pass threw some areas In the backcountry with plenty of cattles and bulls. One of them was on the trail and was not affraid to see me, it changes compare to wild bulls I've seen at the really beginning of the journey in Yendegaia.
After going on in the pampa you'll see some big telexommunicarions antennas. The trail said you have to pass threw this area to continue on the gravel road further, but that's a military place and it's absolutely forbidden. (Jan has probably updated this on the document but) you have a trail who's turning around, and then you can continue on the gravel road.
On this road I've seen arieros leading a herd of bulls, and I met the boss of this place just few kilometers before the beach, on the Y
==Season 2022/23==

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