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GPT37P - Península La Florida

918 bytes añadidos, 00:43 19 ene 2023
Recent Alerts and Suggestions
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
* GPT37H: Peninsula La Florida. Full "8" route and side hikes (to Cerro Tres Frailes).
7-12.01.2023, 6 days, 179 km, Solo.
An excellent route ranked in my top five favorites in Chile. Very scenic, varied, secluded, a real gem. In general, there are no problems with water or camps.Not particularly difficult, but the route has at least two quite demanding fords and many sections with complicated navigation and annoying thorny bushes ( I always use my running shoes).
My choice of direction, clockwise, is due to trying challenging fords first.
I am somewhat skeptical about the length of the track by Jan, the discoverer of the area, I believe that the real classic “8” will be closer to 150 km
Crossing the Aro(s) River requires a lot of care, especially when passing alone. It can be extremely dangerous or impassable in the early season, I put some useful tips in the comment on the FB post
* 37P: Península La Florida/ 2022 March-06/ 3.5 days / Tobias Schorcht, Jonas Grünewald and Martin

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