
GPT45 (Torres Del Paine)

1629 bytes añadidos, 23:32 7 mar 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
*Feb-25-2024 to March-2-2024 / 7 days / circuit O (OH3) / Matthieu
I won't expand on the parc. If you're a GPT lover you will suffer from the crowd and the luxury campsites, even on the O circuit. Everything is forbidden (cooking in the nature, bathing in lakes, going off the trail...), for obvious massive crowd reasons that I don't question. I think that they kinda keep the parc in good condition with there rules.
I did it with a group of friends so we got all reserved and programmed before, with very expensive cost, but you can easily do it legally and cheaper with a bit of preparation and talk to people in puerto natales. The internet sites of vertice and las torres, the 2 campsites companies, don't work well (or do they ?...), they say that cheap tent spots are full even if there are plenty free when you arrive... better call directly, advise given by a camp worker with whom i spoke about it).
There is no difficulties on the way, I did most of the parc with open summer shoes. Of course bad climate conditions can change the experience.
The only thing is the massive presence of mosquitos the 2 first days (camp seron and dickson, ruin your cooking time). I was so happy to have a net on my head, but my friends didnt and suffered from it ! Take your net or your repellant with you !
Apart from this, the mountain, the glaciar, the valleys, the torres, are all wonderful things to see.
Oh2 to connect with rio serrano and GPT46 seems amazing but i hitchhiked this part (See my post on GPT46). The road to rio serrano from the east park entrance is really beautiful also, with miradores and cascadas.
*Frank 03/01 to 06/01 2024 4 days RR & optional route SOBO