
GPT22 (Cochamo)

967 bytes añadidos, 19:40 7 ago 2023
Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns
==Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns==
====Shopping: Food====
====Shopping: Fuel====
====Shopping: Equipment====
====Services: Restaurants====
====Services: Laundry====
====Services: ATM and Money Exchange====
====Accommodation: Hostals and Hotels====
In Cochamo go down towards the lake. There is a church on the left & before you reach it there is a hospedaje on the right, good & cheap.
====Accommodation: Cabañas====
There is a good place to stay NOBO 500 metres before the junction where the road turns towards Laguna Las Rocas. Farmhouse on RHS of road has rooms & meals. Cheap, friendly & good
====Accommodation: Camping====
In Segundo Corral there are two campsites. The first one is just before the school, it just says Kuchen but you can camp there. Cheap, nice family & they do meals. There is a campsite after the school but the owner was drunk & looking for an argument.
Lots of campsites at Lago Totoral (on the road, not on RR)
It's possible to camp near the Argentinian border control.
==Resupply and Accommodation along the Route==