
GPT10 - Laguna El Barco

641 bytes añadidos, 12:05 29 ene 2023
Season section log
==Season section log==
* 25-27.01.2023/ Maks& Gabi, SOBO, RR
Really quick section. We started about 2 pm on 25.01 and finished about 2 pm on the 27.01.
Nice and easy with visible trail and no problems from the locals (all of them really nice). There is no water between 14 and 33km even after rain.
We stayed at Camping by Laguna el Barco and paid 8 000 for the both of us. The water in the shower is ice cold, but there are few ladies selling fresh, warm bread.
The public transport from the end of the section is the bus at 5.30 (Guallali) or bus point 5.45. We tried to hitchhike but with no luck. We camped in Guallali by the river (next to the church.