
GPT20 - Volcán Antillanca

811 bytes añadidos, 21:40 9 dic 2021
Recent Alerts and Suggestions
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
* 2021-Dec-02 / Alex Abramov / GPT20: Northbound.
We walked from Crater Raihuen (Ski Center Antillanca) to Anticura in one day. There was not much snow, but we faced the problem of bypassing the rocky gendarme on the ridge along the frozen snow slope. In running shoes, it looked unsafe given the steepness and length (over 300m) of the slope.
So we decided to go around the ridge along the north side (similar to the GPT20 variant D). It is a simple, fast (about 2 hours) and logical route, accessible in any weather and in any condition.
We found the trail between Pampa Frutilla and Antikura in ok condition: some easy bushwhacking and a dozen sections with fallen trees. It may feel harder with a heavy load.
No water between Ski Center Antillanca and almost finish! We did not go to Pampa Frutilla Lakes
* 01-Jan 20 / 02-Jan 20 // Linda // Hiking Southbound