
Cerro el Roble (ruta vehicular) (english)

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{{Trekking Chile}}
{{Mountain Bike Chile}}
[[Imagen:Mapa ascenso Roble.jpg|thumb|300px|right|Map of the Route]]
This trek can be done year round, but the ideal time is May, when the Oak trees are red, orange, and yellow. The winter months are also good when the Andes are covered in snow, and there is a beautiful view to the Aconcagua and company. For those who chose to ascend by bike, you should be careful in those days that just after a front of bad weather, snow has fallen on the peak. During those days (4 or 5 days a year) it can be necessary to carry your bike on the final stretch.
{{Access to Acceso a CaleuEnglish}}
==Route Description==
[[Imagen:Perfi ascenso Roble.png|thumb|200px|right|Height Profile of the Route]]The route begins at the gate, where you must pay for the access. The path is clear to peak, since it is a vehicle road built for the construction and maintenance of the antennas at the peak. On a normal weekend (specially after a snowfall), you should find a few cars on the road. From the access gate, start west. The road ascends without stopping up to the peak. The first stretch is through the south edge of the hill. It then reaches the edge that divides the valleys of Caleu and Olmué. Towards the west you will have beautiful views[[Imagen:Ruta_al_roble.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Ascent stretch. June, 2006]] of the Ocoa palm grove and La Campana. Briefly after this first view of the valley of Olmué, a pedestrian fork appears to the path that leads to Ocoa. For the peak of El Roble, continue up the main vehicle road. You will then pass by a wooden fence to the left. Then the road penetrates the Oak forrest, and then begins a hard zig-zag. [[Imagen:Vista_la_campana.jpg|thumb|200px|right|View of La Campana to the West. June, 2006]] Little before the peak, you will be able to see some of the transmission towers. The peak is a relatively large plain, with installations for telecommunication services that take away from the feeling of being outdoors, but the view is nevertheless beautifully impressive.
===Estimated Time===
*'''Mountain Bike''': 2,5 hours from the gate.
{{Entrada al RobleEnglish}}
It is recommended to do the ascent stretch on the vehicle road when it has snowed in Santiago. It can be done in randonnée or rackets, low difficulty. [[Imagen:Roble_aconcagua.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Aconcagua and Mountain Range. August 11, 2007. Photo: Constanza Miranda]][[Imagen:Roble_camino.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Vehicle road with snow. August 11, 2007. Foto:[ Constanza Miranda] ]]
==Route and Waypoints on Google Earth==
*[[Media:Cerro_el_Roble.kmz|Ruta del Cerro El Roble]]. {{Descargar waypointsEnglish}}
[[categoría:Trekking en Chile]] ==External Links=====Weather==={{Tiempo atmosferico Cordillera Costa}}===Lodging=== [[categoría:Mountain Biking {{Trekkings Chile]]}}