
GPT20 - Volcán Antillanca

223 bytes añadidos, 13:09 15 nov 2022
Recent Alerts and Suggestions
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
* 2022 Nov 03 FrankThe river at Las Gaviotas is high & not fordable. Crossing by boat only. Also there is a lot of snow on Volcano Casablanca & even on the traverse NOBO to Antillanca ski station there are big snowfields
* 2021-Dec-02 / Alex Abramov / GPT20: Northbound.
We walked from Crater Raihuen (Ski Center Antillanca) to Anticura in one day. There was not much snow, but we faced the problem of bypassing the rocky gendarme on the ridge along the frozen snow slope. In running shoes, it looked unsafe given the steepness and length (over 300m) of the slope.