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This trek is the Section 4 of the Greater Patagonian Trail


Red: Section 1, 3, 5, 7, 9: Regular Trekking Trail (No packraft required)
Magenta: Section 2, 4, 6, 8, 10: Regular Trekking Trail (No packraft required)
Blue: Section 11, 13, 15: Packraft Trail (Packraft recommended, if not avaialble use Alternative Trails)
Cyan: Section 12, 14, 16: Packraft Trail (Packraft recommended, if not avaialble use Alternative Trails)
Orange: Optional Side Trips i.e. climbs to summits of volcanos
Orange: Alternative Trails i.e. alternative trails around lakes if no packraft available

Mapa de la ruta

Logo Patagonia.png

Cuadro Resumen (editar)
Actividad Trekking
Ubicación Chile, Los Ángeles
Belleza Impresionante
Atractivos Vistas panorámicas, Bosque, Fuente Termal, Laguna, Río, Formación Geológica, Parque Nacional
Temperatura Termas Óptimas
Sendero Tramos sin sendero
Señalización Insuficiente
Infraestructura Camping, Inexistente
Distancia (k)
"km." can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 103.
Error en la expresión: no se reconoce la palabra «km».
Primer autor Jan Dudeck
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Perfil Greater Patagonian Trail - GPT4
  • Duration: 3 to 5 days
  • Distance: 57 km
  • Ascent: 1380 meters ↑
  • Descent: 1770 meters ↓

The fourth section of the Greater Patagonian Trail sets out on the base of volcano Antuco; a nearly perfect cone build with pitch black volcanic rocks and boulders. You can optionally climb this summit before continuing on the regular route. It’s a demanding long ascent over rather loose piles of sharp volcanic rocks that make the returning descent even more tiresome. But if the weather favours you, you get rewarded with an outlook that reaches north to the volcano Chillan and south to the volcano Copahue; a total distance that takes about 10 days to hike.

The regular trail takes the road to Argentine through vast fields of black volcanic ash in between the Laguna de Las Lajas and the volcano Antuco. On May 18, 2005 this road became the tragic scene of the worst peacetime military disaster in recent Chilean history. An overeager commander ordered about 400 poorly equipped conscripts to march this road despite a starting snow storm. 45 soldiers got disoriented and paralyze by the fierce snow storm and froze to death on the side of the road. Take it as an advise to always carry protective cloth and rather seek shelter if the weather turns against you. This trail is published for prudent hikers and not for wannabe heros.

After passing the ill-fated military post and the border control you need to leave the road before crossing into Argentina at the "Piedra del Indio" and turn south to enter the territory of the Pehuenche people. The "Piedra del Indio" or "Rock of the Indios" received its name because two "Indio" families where surprised by a similar fierce snow storm and were wiped out all together. A wide open valley leads you towards the first Araucaria trees that also mark the initial of the tribal land. Indigenous herdsman have set up their “Puestos” to look after their animals on the summer patches of grass. Centuries of disrespect, deceit and displacement by colonists have made this people withdrawn and sceptical compared to the settlers and “Puesteros” that you meet before. But if you approach them with respect and in a humble attitude you may get invited into their huts and listen to them speaking their native language Mapuche.

After crossing a saddle and descending into the Valley Queuco you finally reach the Pehuenche settlement Trapa Trapa. If you ask around and you are lucky you may stay for a night with one of the families.


Recommended Season


The isolation and the high passes make this a rather difficult but rewarding trail. Good orientational skill are required because hardly any signposts are placed and some parts of the trail are cross country.

Expected Duration

Recommended Season

Trekking Direction

Permits and Entrance Fees

Inhabitation and Tourism

Food Supply

Water Supply


The electronic map Topo Chile Deluxe from Garmin shows the contours precisely but some lakes and smaller river are incorrect displayed. Only few trail sections are integrated. Some of the “Alleys” of this electronic map are far off the true position or inexistent. You should use the Greater Patagonian Trail data files for navigation.


Access to Start

Return from Finish

Suggested Stages

Stage Days Stage End Point Stage End Waypoint Distance Ascent ↑ Descent ↓ Time
A 1 (Start to) El Boslon Refuge (GPT01-WP011) 20 km 1180 m 140 m 06:10
B 1 Laguna Mondaca Camp (GPT01-WP016) 16 km 1000 m 1210 m 05:20

Stage A: Start to El Bolson

If you leave in the morning in Radal you can reach in one day the camp and refuge El Bolson. Parque Ingles is a good place for a lunch break.

Stage B: El Boslon to Laguna Mondaca

From El Bolson you get in one day to the Laguna Mondaca. If you partition this stage differently be aware that there are no inviting camp sites between the Laguna las Ánimas and the Laguna Mondaca. This stage should not be attempted in bad weather.


Waypoint Name and Waypoint Code Comment
Start (GPT01-WP001) Start in Radal at final bus stop. Only in January and February some busses continue to Parque Ingles.
Shop (GPT01-WP002) Small shop with basic supplies in Radal. Good to get a beer and some extra goodies for the night but not to supply you for the trip.


Track Name Comment
GPT01-TR001-2 Take the public gravel road from Radal to Parque Ingles. Only few vehicles use this road but traffic increases in January and February.
GPT01-TR002-1 The track starts left at the entrance of Parque Ingles. The national park trail from Radal to El Bolson is well main-tained and clearly visible with some signposts and marks. After El Bolson the trail occasionally splits and peters out so try to follow the GPS trek when in doubt until reaching the 2560 m high pass. At the pass do not descent the well visible trail that keeps right but follow the GPS trek that descents directly towards the Laguna Mondaca. During the descent the trail is partially only vaguely visible.

Option 2: If you took the short way to the Route 115 and you still want to complete the entire trail than you need to walk 9 km on the paved Route 115. Not recommended!

Next Sections

Next Section Comment
Northern Section 3: Volcán Chillan
Southern Section 5: Laguna El Barco

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