
GPT32 (Cerro Castillo)

1986 bytes añadidos, 03:14 7 sep 2023
Season 2019/20
==Season 2019/20==
*2020-March-6 / Ty & America / 4.5 Days SOBO RR. Start @ El Blanco
We started in El Blanco, opting to hike by Lago Montreal, which was pretty nice. No traffic though, so if you’re wanting a hitch the regular start in Villa freí may be a better option. Settlers in Lago Montreal are super friendly. There’s a bit of water there as you pass by the lake. We camped there. I recommend going further to the marked camp though because the next day is a big challenge. RH-CC-A@32-25.2+7.9 Is the Cruz of the section. After this all good. I do not recommend doing this unless you’re very comfortable on your feet and have a lightweight pack.
-stick to the treeline/marked path on this. The traversing is tough, but completely doable. 2-3 km in is the gully with the very difficult climb. Keep the the grassy patch, getting to the base of it was the most dangerous part for us. Very slippery rock. I had America drop her pack. High risk, but I was MUCH more comfortable.
-about a k after is the second dangerous area. This is a straight rock wall that spans all the way up& down the mountain. The only way through is to climb around. I checked below it and didn’t find a way through the trees. I took both Sanita & America’s packs through this section; as again, it’s very high risk..with an actual climbing move involved. Again, it’s important you’re very comfortable with your pack to get through these parts.
After these dangerous sections we were wiped out and camped in the valley before the pass. Lots of places to camp with good water. Be aware of slight rockfall risk. There’s an amazing place to camp with ideal conditions at the top of the pass.
Going on, all smooth, both marked camps on the way up the second pass are actually closed...there’s an open camp right between the two.
Amazing places to camp up by Laguna Castillo.
We snuck around the riverbed once we saw the blue tent at the bottom (where you might have to pay) and got by with no problems.
* 2020-Jan-18 and 19 / Regular Hiking Southbound / Martin Lizondo